>Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>SoV Links
>Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>SoV Links
New story chapter when? I want to know what she is up to.
Reminder Lucina was not the most popular character in Japan
I want to defile Soren!
kill all tripfaggots
>year of our lord 1464 + 553
>being a lucinafag
Friendly reminder that Lyn won all over the world and Lucina with the support of GREATEST NIPPON!!! only achieved second place.
Can't wait for another thread full of shitposts and butthurt
this thread was made first sweeties
Post your shit taste.
Delete this right NOW!!!!!
It's Severa time!
So, who is best girl?
>inb4 "I-It's just one poll guys! N-Not like she'll win anything else or anything!"
Reposting because I was ignored in the storm of waifuwar autism
>playing Conquest
>buy Anna's DLC and check out the level immediately after Dragon's Gate opens
>all the enemies are level 1 Berserkers with S ranks in axes, and Anna herself is only a level 10 outlaw
When exactly am I supposed to do this? Also, when's a good time to do Before Awakening here?
this way anons
>Lucina placed first on the country who's known for having shit taste on characters of any series
Also she placed third.
Best quest for 5 orbs?
I dunno about Anna's but DON'T do Before Awakening too late, the ninjas get lunge shit and it becomes nigh impossible to do it with everyone alive
venomspic is awake, watch out for roy vs ike shitposts
This is the Princess of Zofia.
8-5 on lunatic, there is a healer without a weapon.
Cute! CUTE!
Yeah, I ran into that problem in Birthright since Chrom is apparently suicidal.
You're mentally ill.
Fuck off.
>first 5* is nino
Feels nice
A reminder to anyone with a persecution complex as to who started this autistic argument today
In response to someone putting Lyn in their personal list of best GBA main girls. Unless this was actually an Eirikafag, Sheedafag, or Corrinfag. Which would be the twist of the century
Princess of my dick.
you know i feel like CYL Ike is going to reinforce the fact that he is the strongest hero in fire emblem history and CYL roy is going to be absolute dogshit
Worshipping Elise's bubbly butt!
The *woldwide* efforts of fictional character haters backfired hilariously due to the fact that banners don't have 2 characters
This translation is honestly the most hilarious way things could have turned out. Imagine if you could measure the paranoia levels of people scrambling to find explanations for IS supposedly rigging things in Lucina's favor after seeing them admit something like that.
And imagine the sheer terror of the people who still, even now, don't understand that banners don't have 2 characters. Some even resorted to pretending that CYL isn't a banner as if it would make IS's decision to include the top 4 seem less blatantly obvious
Celica is a dumb rape baby
Well that's only fair since Ike placed first after all.
literally who? some random dude says "haha lyn beat lucina in japan" and you guys eat it all up?
it was confirmed months ago lucina won in japan
Why are bare shoulders so lewd?
Anyone remember that one time a Lucina picture got posted and it triggered a thread so bad the mods actually deleted it. That was like a month ago right
Raul is the cutest! I want to hold him in my arms and never let go! Keeping him safe and making sure he has no worries or troubles! Being there for him always! Holding his soft hand and giving him little kisses on his cheek!
He means everything to me! I couldn't go on without him! I love Raul!
I can feel the seething from here
>we will never escape lyn vs lucina shitposting
Fire Emblem GBA Calculation that puts all characters at Massively Hypersonic speeds.
It was confirmed by ambiguous wording by the very same translator who just confirmed lucina didn't win in Japan.
it was like 3 weeks ago i think
that was pretty funny though
How the fuck was this not obvious for anyone who carefully read the entire paragraph? For fuck's sake, English isn't even my first language and I could get that.
So... How is this season treating you /feg/?
Little less than that but yeah that happened.
Woah, take it easy there buddy, I can taste the salt from over here.
Bully this flat failure!
I want to find that thread; it was pretty funny
Good for you Drill. Now marry already and fuck off.
someone post valter builds
trying to make an identity out of mine
Kill yourself
trip back on spic
Because people were only quoting the second half of the sentence without the context of the first. Either because they're addled waifufags, or intentionally to shitpost
It's gonna get worse when the units come out. Even if their colors and weapons are different you know they'll be shitposting over who is or isn't good.
Also, i need help in Fire Emblem pages on this Power Scaling Wikia
And here is a discord.
Any Volunteers are welcome and will probably get instant Admin positions.
not an argument sweetie
>it was confirmed months ago lucina won in japan
That's literally what the screenshot you're replying to was about. That user asked the translator of the interview with the game devleopers to clarify if they meant that Lucina won Japan and the translator said no, Lyn won even in Japan. Just that Lucina was close in Japan. The original translation was kind of unclear about that.
It's gonna be another 10+ defences, just like the past 5 weeks.
not doing so good Larry-senpai, lunge Subaki isn't getting me any meme wins and i don't think Amelia would be any help unless i hid 3 blues behind her
I can grill my hot links and burgers from your seething
>still don't have her
kill me
>Lucina thread still up and empty
>New Lyn thread going strong
Best girl
Don't attach Teeta to your shitposts, faggot.
Which group of retards that I insulted were you part of that made you so defensive?
>merging your Legions
I got one defense today but I don't even care if it's just a pity (You), I just need the feathers.
Not a shitpost just because you have autism, faggot.
As long as ISIS keeps favoring Lucina over Lyn I don't really mind if she isn't as popular.
>Move is telegraphed for a million years before the bolt hits
>"Hey guys anyone who dodges this is MASSIVELY HYPERSONIC"
Learn 2 powerscale nerd
I like Hana
my waifu will protect me
How can Ike be the strongest when he lost to The Fonse and even had Veronica's magic helping him?
>anyone who calls me out on shitposting is just autistic
End yourself, and take the ones you're replying to over this stupid topic with you please.
me too
When a post like this strikes a nerve with the shitposters so bad, it doesn't exactly seem less likely to be true, you know
lucina vs lyn is like trump vs hillary
>samefagging your own post
>In response to someone putting Lyn in their personal list of best GBA main girls
>Revising history this blatantly
>All handheld FE main girls ranked
>Let's pretend that Lucina is the main girl just so we can shitpost her with Lyn xD
You faggost are an embarrassment
We already discussed that the other day!
I don't have that many resources for that many Legions
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.