/fog/ - Fallout General

Be a good, good neighbor Edition

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:
>Babbys first modding guide

>Fallout 4
>General Information, Mod Recommendations etc:

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first for hideous characters


Waifus are always hideous. That's why you show off other assets.

waifus are olev

tfw embrace the hideous

>Can't put shit on the first shelf or under, just snaps to the top

You've heard of the Bethesda Creation Club.
We all have, the quality, the Bethesbux™.
Foolishness about it being payed mods 2.0. A golden cage, buried beneath blood-red customer outrage...
A bright, shining monument luring honest modders to their doom.
The world's most obnoxious modders and shitposters were invited to Bethesda's offices.
An invitation was a sign of... exclusiveness
The creation club was supposed to symbolise a road to better "DLC" , not just for PC players...
But for all who could pay.
A chance for anyone to pay again.

Always hated how mindlessly aggressive they are in the wild, especially in NV where just because you happened to walk within a mile of their stupid hole in the ground, they mindlessly charge you until you're forced to drop them all, including little pups. Only thing feeling worse is killing coyote pups. That, and I didn't like in FO3 how you couldn't release the named caged mole rats in the Jury Street Metro Station where that one guy was inventing Wonder Meat.

That's a good captcha joke image. Not SKEEYUP level but good and relevant to /fog/.

How come 4's feral ghouls look like bags of shit with droopy ass skin and a somewhat swollen look, but the non-ferals are all skinless and have a sort of muscular appearance to them.

Do ghouls now re-grow their skin as they go feral or is this a retcon telling us ghouls no longer "go feral"?


Here's the whole Armory mod. That 2.9 shit is some primo, rare stuff I was lucky to grab before the site went down. It's for New Vegas and has a fucking retarded amount of shit. I'm planning to hand this off to VeteranAlpha on modpiracy ASAP.

Only problem is that it's got like 10 plugins.

>Do ghouls now re-grow their skin
They always regenerated around radiation.

The Marked Men from Lonesome Road for example were driven mad by the fact their upper most layers of skin were constantly being sandblasted by the winds of the Divide just for them to keep regenerating due to the radiation. A constant cycle of pain driving you mad.

Why non-ferals and ferals look different in game though is to make them easily discernible. Its nothing to do with lore, its just gameplay.

Ghouls in FO4 are shit and way too pretty to be treated like lepers. Get a bad nosejob and spend a week too long in a tanning salon and you'll look like the average FO4 ghoul; only thing they got somewhat creepy was the wierd eyes.

I finished cutting out the pistol belt and pouches and shit from MGS3's uniforms, but when I equip them in-game, it crashes. The thing shows up fine in blender, nifskope, and the geck, but in-game it just shits the bed.

Any tips?

I don't know much with FO4 or blender (just fiddling with Nifskope with NV nifs), but you could try loading up a vanilla or known-to-function-properly mod NIF that is close to what yours does, and then compare the two if some data or file layout is markedly different. Offhand I'd say usually either a nif isn't being saved or created in the proper format for the game, or maybe something in that NIF is missing a node or material or something the game expects it to have but doesn't. Take what I saw with a grain of salt though as this is the in-game results of my last big fiddling with nifskope.

Its the same reason ferals and non ferals looked different in Fallout 3 and NV.

It is done so that the player can more easily identify which one is which, and so they wont accidentally shoot ad non-feral.

Its just a gameplay thing.

And we are told part of the reason that the ghouls got kicked out of Diamond city is because one of them went feral one day and attacked some people, so ghouls still do go feral.


what if i told you, blender was fucking your nif's up

FO3/NV ghouls don't have drastically different textures between feral and non-feral, though, like what that user is implying with FO4. The main difference was that feral ghouls had their own skeleton while non-feral ghouls wore equipment and used the standard human skeleton.

While it hasn't broken mine as I don't have it, I do believe that.

>FO3/NV ghouls don't have drastically different textures between feral and non-feral, though
Yes they did.... are you retarded?

Feral ghouls had perfectly intact skin that was just stretched over their bones really taunt.

Non-ferals looked like burn victim with their skin flaking off.

They looked nothing alike in Fo3 and NV

>kid from the last of us

sale on steam right now lads



>buying fallout 4

>People think these fucks look like regular ghouls with no difference in texture


>ta bort
More like Abort, amirite lads?

Alright yeah the default non-feral ghoul has patchier skin than the feral but it isn't that drastic of a difference (forgot how downright shitty the default ghoul textures were though). So yeah the main visual difference with ferals in NV/FO3 was the skeleton (because ferals are creatures, not NPCs).


So where would you want to live on the East Coast post-war?

It bothers me that Bethesda put stab resistant vests in FO4 instead of Bulletproof vests.

Also, no police uniforms despite all the stations and precinct.

CommonWealth because a few mugs, a hot plate and some steel gets me turrets for defense and I can work towards a generator, set up a purifier and make a cozy little settlement.

Commonwealth is by far the safest and most comfortable place in any Fallout game ever.

Commonwealth so I can cheer on Cait in her boxing matches and be her biggest fan and have her autograph

>boxing matches

>what is animal friend?

Just shut the fuck up for once you absolute faggot

I feel like Bethesda's next Fallout game will likely take place in Ronto so they can cover the last corner of the "east coast triangle"

It's either going to be Ronto or the Broken Banks.

No way they would set those places up as being equal in terms of size/importance to the Capital Wasteland and Commonwealth unless they had plans to use them.

What the FUCK is ronto?
What is broken banks?

When were these places established in the game world? How have I never heard of them?

>When were these places established in the game world?
Fallout 3 and its DLC

>Citizens of The Pitt, workers of Downtown, traders of Uptown, and all fierce souls who do what must be done! I bring you good news! We stand at the dawn of a new golden age. Where others merely survive, we thrive! Our industry is the envy of the Commonwealth! Our safety is the envy of the Capital Wastes! Our might is the envy of Ronto! And while I have led your efforts, it has been by your own strength that you have earned all of the envy of the world. They envy the steel shaped by the workers in our mills, and they envy the strength of our traders and raiders who wield that steel for The Pitt. And most of all, they envy our victories in the struggle for freedom. Because, yes, freedom is what we all work towards. Freedom from fear, freedom from disease, freedom to live as once we did before we were shackled by atomic fire! And so, to celebrate this struggle, I ask my loyal workers: who among you is prepared to fight for your freedom? Who among you will risk your life in the crucible to create a new life of freedom in Uptown? Who will take this rare chance to thrive?

>Our industry is the envy of the Commonwealth! Our safety is the envy of the Capital Wastes! Our might is the envy of Ronto!

>Oh, here and there and everywhere. I've explored all up and down the coast, from the Commonwealth, to the Pitt, all the way down to Crater Banks.

>You should have seen her back in her heyday! Why, we traveled up and down the coast, from the Commonwealth to the Broken Banks.

The Commonwealth and the Broken/Crater Banks are the northern most, and southern most, major stops along the east coast trade lanes on both land and water travel.

Ronto is presumably the post-war version of Toronro in Canada

It's also interesting to note that Ashur compares The Pitt to Ronto and The commonwealth, and makes no mention of Philly or NYC, despite both of those cities being closer then The Commonwealth.

Oh shit, cheers lad. Very possible foreshadowing actually.

Bethesda loves foreshadowing.

They even foreshadowed the destruction of Morrowind back in Morrowind, as well as the spiritual revival that Morrowind would have as a result, which we only found out about in Dragonborn.

X6-88 doing his "hands up don't shoot" routine after learning about b̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ synth revolution.

If Nora and Nate are both white, how can the Institute make black synths out of their son's DNA?

This was a cute mission. Didn't care for the fetch nonsense but nice nonetheless.

They just cook them for longer

Nora got BLACKED
or X6-88 went to the plastic surgeon like Deacon does

ыeщз фылштп ыщ ьфтн йгyыeшщты

What is genetic engineering?

If they can use genetic engineering then they wouldn't need Shaun's DNA in the first place

Uhh no.

They needed shaun's DNA in order to get a non-radiation corrupted DNA strand in the first place.

Couldn't they just engineer away the damage caused by radiation then?

>Bethesda working on GoT open world RPG

No... because they have no samples of pure DNA to really know what pure DNA looks like at this point.

So a shitty, inferior, and miles more boring, Skyrim?

>So a shitty, inferior, and miles more boring, Skyrim?

don't be so harsh
it could be a shitty, inferior and miles more boring mount and blade

I don't know if its possible to be more boring then Mount and Blade

>first kotor2 now Mountain Blade
/fog/ please stop....

>never any reason to not go 10 int in FO games

how do i apply boob physics to the vanilla clothes?

>Vault-Tec: Among the Stars
>there are Vaults on other planets
Fallout Mars when?

>playing fallout 4 made me appreciate fallout 3's superior environment design
>go play 3
>playing 3 makes me appreciate New Vegas' superior writing and characters
>go play NV
>[you are here]
>every time I switch games I pick up on an old save and completely forget what I was doing and why I was carrying 12 assorted shotguns or something

Is this madness or hell

>playing fallout 4 made me appreciate fallout 3's superior environment design
What m8?

I like Fallout 3, but Fallout 3's environmental design is nowhere near Fallout 4's.

>doubting Cait when it comes to punching people

Not him but I liked how the subways were actually used and Rivet city is cool I guess

>try Immersive gameplay survival on PS4
>get killed by radroaches in Vault 111 in one hit
No thanks

Finally Elizabeth has been accepted into the ranks and I don't have to post her myself anymore.

Subways could get bland but they made a pretty good effort to keep most of the unique in some way, every one I'd gone through had some neat visual gimmick.

They also didn't fill literally every building with a sameness dungeon, so poking into a building could lead to an atmospheric looting session of an old shopfront or something rather than ducking into a donut shop and going through 100km of steel corridor to reach the loot box at the end.

I kind of hated most of the wasteland parts because of the theme park feel and the mutants in DC are a bit exhausting, but the city really felt dead and torn apart in a way that I was really craving. This one "Pennsylvania avenue" place got me rock hard with the looming buildings and empty streets and gothic statues and just fucking UNF

>They also didn't fill literally every building with a sameness dungeon
Ironic given that was one of the singular biggest complaints Fallout 3 got.

There's literally a basement with a terminal entry talking about how a guys family turned into ghouls and went feral in Croup manor's basement you dumb nigger

>They also didn't fill literally every building with a sameness dungeon
That was literally one of its biggest complaints that Bethesda acknowledged and said they were looking into hiring more dungeon designers because it was all 1 guy.

How hard would it be to replace feral ghouls in New Vegas with "normal" ghouls that still retained all their animations and movement style?

I think it would be a nice mod after reading the earlier ghoul comments.

Actually it was all one guy back in Oblivion.

Fallout 3 had a few more IIRC

Sweet Christmas FO3 is worse than I remember.

That was less foreshadowing and more the guy who wrote the prophecy for Morrpwind clampring for it to be fulfilled

10 INT or 5 luck for idiot savant?

What do you prefer, /fog/?

10 everyhing

What is the point of these posts?



>Fallout Tactics
>-1 level between perks, +1 special

Fallout 4

Who gives a shit a then, Bethesda doesnt include retardation in games they produce so you might as well have 1 INT.

Hey /fog/, I'd like some roleplaying advice.

I'm doing a Wild Card/Yes Man run of New Vegas, and I'm trying to shape the best Mojave possible. My character, whilst not a goody-two-shoes, is noble at heart. I won't bother explaining further since I'm not here to masturbate over my OC.

However I've run into an ethical problem. I've realized that I, as a player, want to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel. They're a huge threat to Vegas and they're a pest on the Mojave, and worst of all they're unwilling to change. They're practically a jumped up Tribe like the Khans. The problem is that I can't seem to justify to myself a reason my character would blow up the Brotherhood bunker, especially since he has done all their questlines. You see, I worked for the Brotherhood with Veronica as part of her personal quest in order to see if the Brotherhood could or would change their ways, and now I've discovered they can't and I'm part of them (an honourary knight or whatever.). I just can't see how my character would just kill all these people he's come to work for, especially what seems to be innocent people (and probably kids) in such a way.

I suppose I could justify it as a utilitarian decision, but the problem is that I've shown mercy to worse factions. I spared the Vault 19 Powder Gangers and got them to join the Khans, with the Khans themselves deciding not to join the Legion and fleeing the Mojave. Though I suppose I did wipe out the NCRCF Gangers and the Fiends....but it's not like I befriended and joined them. Plus, killing Veronica's family seems a little dark. However it seems equally out of characrer and unethical to leave them alive, and I have a feeling its going to be a bittersweet kind of sucky ending slide for them.

Any advice on how I can gel this with my character?

>BoS hi-tech buster swords
Well BoS is isolationist but all in all they do keep the status quo around. As far as theyre concerned theyre doing the same thing as Followers of Apocalypse but in dangerous tech wise.
Besides while they shake people for loot they dont raid or kill em like Raiders...and dont forget about Chicago chapter.

Your character will be the strongest force in New Vegas by the end so you could leave them alive out of respect but keep them on a short leash. If they ever overstep their bounds then they get put down.

It's not an immediate solution but you can just headcanon the shit out of it.

Yes, but surely they'll come for Vegas next? A shining city of pre-war technology staffed by an army of unique hyper advanced securitrons....

That and I imagine BoS harassment would heavily discourage trade along the I-15 and I-95...which I really don't want as an independent Vegas that's going to have to try and make it on it's own anyway.

But doesn't that defeat the point of Wild Card? Forgive me if I've got this wrong, but isn't the whole deal with this that every town rules itself and the Wasteland is totally wild, with the Courier just in charge of the Strip? It's not really an independent Mojave if I'm the government....

They will harass trade roads but for very specific tolls and keep them clear from real raiders in return,no?
Also Vegas has 1 Vault thats full of concrete and robots they ideologically dont use.

You don't need to be the government to defend your slice of the pie with your army of robuts.

But the point is that the Mojave isn't "my" slice of pie. Vegas belongs to the Courier (Whether that's just the Strip, or also Freeside etc), but nothing else. Isn't that what Wild Card is?

You talked about the BoS coming for Vegas, specifically for your robots. That's your slice of the pie.

How will mono-cycle meme robots handle broken terrain and hills.
What about attrition?

Well, user, the truth is that the Brotherhood are a morally grey spot in New Vegas and you'll have to deal with dissastifaction in some way or another. In this Wasteland, there is no perfect solution.

With what I can gather from your character and their narrative, the best thing to do is to leave them be. That's what Wild Card is kind of all about anyway, you're not gonna be able to clear off all the problems, but being free is worth it. Blood will be spilled, just as it was in the old world.

However, if you really want to kill them the best justification I would use would be that the whole time your character was working for them and trying to change their ways, it was in the knowledge that you were giving them a chance. You gave mercy to other tribes, and some took it like the Vault 19 boys and the Khans, others didn't like the NCRCF and the Fiends. You working for the Brotherhood and trying to change them WAS your mercy, and they chose not to take it. If you took Veronica to the Followers and they slaughtered them, that's a pretty good "tipping point" to solidify in your character's mind that they will never change and despite your indecision, must ultimately be stopped.

It'll probably be one of your characters darkest moments, but hey, you're a wild card right?

Stick protectron legs on them

Place Everywhere mod

In a "Canon" Courier playthrough of New Vegas, is it more fitting to change into the Courier Duster, or stick with the Armored Vault 21 Jumpsuit?

Asking for a friend.

BoS is trying to take away your advanced pre-war tech guns, thus they are socialists which makes it okay to shoot them on sight.