Star Guardians edition
Star Guardians edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
Someone sit in my lap while we play league of legends together
Vlad is love Vlad is life Bloodlord update where and when
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Posting the cutest star guardian!
You keep volunteering but you won't do it. Don't be a tease.
>no Magneto champion
Uhhh... guys?
yordles yordles yordles
I love Star Guardian Lux so much
xth for Syndra
Lamb's butt!
>no xavier champions
>Tristana Meta
I don't think I could have reinstalled at a more of bad time.
I'm sorry user. We are too far apart, all I can do is let my feelings travel through this board to find your heart. Reality is cruel.
Riot killed Death.
Goddamn yordles are the stupidest thing about this game.
>Bet on Mayweather v Pacquiao fight
>on Mayweather
>Win about £4000
>Bet on Mayweather v McGregor fight because I thought the same thing would've happened
>Mayweather wins because ? ??
>but instead
>Mayweather beat the shit out of him
fucking NICE I'm up £10k
How would you know?
Lamb butt?
>Yordles are in Meta
>Yordles have never been out of meta
>There's always been a Yordle in every meta that's been a problem
Just maybe
If Riot removed Yordles from the game....
This game wouldn't fucking suck.
>betting against Mayweather
Why would anyone do this?
Im really running out of Lesbian songs so I think this'll be my last post for the night.
how about you sit on mine
But how would I get my power fantasy by giving every heal-slut a reality check by planting them firmly in the wall while my adc draws the very life force from them.
>unbelievably sexy
>insanely handsome
>body of a god
>poised and refined
>amazing fashion sense
>chiseled face with the best stash
>charismatic, confident, and stylish
>cunning and witty, and confident
>sex with draven is always interesting
>does it all
>excellent noxian genes, highly virile
I fear that Riot will never be able to outdo primetime draven
That would be WAY too gay
>regular ranked game is being searing for like 2 minutes
>promos game for more than 4
>your temamates dont even have masteries on their champs
nice work rito
It's not gay if the boy is cute
I'm a manly masculine man, I'm the one who gets lap sits from cute boys here.
I unironically believe Renekton is the best top laner right now.
How do I get my CS up? I get about 60-70 by 10 mins which I can imporve but after laning it's hard. Adc takes my cs, can't really leave team to take side lanes or they'll fight without me and clearing jungle camps with Ahri is really slow even with items.
>honor 5
play sion instead.
so how the fuck do honor flairs work? it shows up if i got honored in the previous game?
>it shows up if i got honored in the previous game?
you cant get it multiple games in a row, so assuming you get an honor every game you would only have the flair every other game
also once you hit 4 and 5 it takes 2 honors for your flair to appear for some dumb reason
I can basically proc stoneborn pact with each ability, I can use my ultimate to remove a certain amount of fuckers from a team fight or save people. I can use my w to prevent dashers to get near my adc, I can use my e for a pretty long stun, and the q deals some nice max health percent damage of theirs. And the early game is pretty noice.
chances are your cs count is lower because you focus on it so much that you neglect aspects of the game, like jungler ganks, causing you to die or recall early, losing cs in the process
the rule is to never overfocus on something specifically
Is Poppy "genki" type?
I got to gold should I stop now or go further down into hell?
>stupid midget
>horrible mana problems
>dumb and airheaded
>tons of skins but they all suck
>retarded ult that gets interrupted 99% of the time if its not snap-casted
>retarded ult that constantly saves enemies in teamfights by helping them dodge crucial skillshots
>really stupid
>stupid W that is useless because all the dashes you really need to stop are unstoppable now
>can get super fed but can't carry games because she has horrible ratios on every spell
>is the best at absolutely nothing. can't peel like tahm, initiate like jarvan, or tank/cc like maokai.
is there a champion that is more deserving of being left in the trash?
No. Poppy is tough girl type.
Garen and Azir
Rate my champ pool
I still can't get over how awful this is.
If you can get gold 5 you can get plat 5
just give a little extra effort and end the season with a plat border instead of a gold one
Where's Zed and Vayne?
she is trash type
both champions are worth saving. poppy needs to be taken to the dumpster and deleted for what she is (trash)
kindred is for breeding
she is the "in an alright spot in the meta but there are better champs for the job" type
No. Just let them be in the trash. Might as well include Karma, Ezreal, and Rengar.
>mid dies twice in 6 minutes
>nobody says anything
>he just goes afk
haha yeah fun community
post and r8
I'm sure as hell done, new goals for next season. Jungle is my best role and I really dislike it right now so I'd rather practice sololanes in normals.
Tell me about Sion, why he have knife in his head?
If i pull it out will he die?
The furry's a slut.
>promos are not rigged guys i swear!!!1
what if ravenous hydra active had a 1.3 ad ratio
would it be viable then
I'm not a furry but I would fuck this
What does this mean
you deserve it for playing lulu
get fucked
do literally anything and then you can complain
Wish there was a better way to show mine.
1 lvl 7
4 lvl 6
26 lvl 5
I would have more to 6 but I don't have that much blue essence.
That you're a furry
yes tottally my fault
What about Janna makes a team tilt proof? Since I started spamming her in ranked my team mates have been the most calm and collected people. I get a toxic player on my team literally once every 5 or 6 games give or take. What did riot mean by this?
Knowing that your support cant fuck up his strongest spell and can megabuff his team with ardent censer is a really comforting thing. Makes the game feel easier to keep from snowballing out of control.
you have patrician taste
>Play taric top against irelia
>fucking beat her ass
>he thinks he has any right to complain when playing an autopilot healslut support like soraka,lulu or janna
neck yourself my man
Because she is the most passive disengaging support in the game with items that keep making her powerful despite being boring as fuck to play. It really takes a lot of effort to lose wit her.
Someone rate/give me a champion to take to level 7 next (got panth 7 tonight)
Im a really greedy player, i split push and kill people over and over and over again and let my team fend for themselves, while i shove towers and inhibitors,
I wanna learn how to expand my game style and think more team based,
adc best role
3/5 needs more adc
1/5 degenerate player
How far can I get playing viktor I'm gold 2 right now
its as much your fault as it is mine at least my excuse is every match the junglers did nothing but feed my enemy laners, and not being a worthless faggot going 0/0/0
>playing lulu into leona
I hope she shield bashed your skull open you purple midget.
katerina is so fucking broken holy shit
well, there is a Viktor OTP in challenger right now so theoretically you can get as far as challenger
If wanting to fuck this doesn't make me a pedo, wanting to fuck Kindred doesn't make me a furry
Scientific fact
The key to beating Lulu in lane is simple. Play as agressively you can and push her in the turret, ward river and hope you don't get camped. Bonus points if you deny coins.
how do people make these
There is a better way,
Champion mastery website
>pic related
pretty sure lulu is bad rn, my dude. yeah she can build censer but there's literally no reason to play her over any of the other censer supports who use it better.
Quantity over Quality
But yordles are furry user, even if females have less fur on them, they still have it.
like what?
Fill this in. Add as many as you want to each category
List of champions that are unbalanced (too strong)
List of champions that are unbalanced (too weak)
List of champions that are balanced
List of champions that cannot be balanced without an overhaul to something
how do i play mage mids into assassins and not feed?
I highly disagree with you
play safe and harass you retarded scrub