>Defiler 5m
Good OP, appreciated.
hmm... what to do...
run for president!
heavily suggest sitting around for about a day until SSL
i went outside and pulled up some weeds... didn't see anyone luckily
love me some starcraft streams
felt good to be out of the house i guess
keep it up
garden work can be so rewarding
speaking of pruning...
we are not the weeds >_
i grew up in /scv/ janny
we're human beings
scv lives matter
what custom games are we playing in brood war?
Survive in mars is the only thing i've found thats worth playing. bunker d is cool too
i beat that campaign mission
what happened
Why do carriers have orbital bombardment weapons?
because they are super advanced ? i feel like the intercepters could even be things that would go and attack a planet
to holocaust
i hate the janitor so much
i like this old gook
where would you take her for a date
my bedroom
only time i ever took a girl out on a date was when i was like 11 years old... playing sim girl on newgrounds
and that's why he's single :/
was meant
are you unironically thinking that a gook celeb would go on a date to some fancy food place instead of taking a dick? she did that for past 14 years right before fucking CEOs, why would she want to "date" you without getting payed lmao
what is love?
is love possible?
of course
i love gooks
love is the only thing
gay people are getting married folks
im not gay
bitchass gay nigga
gay means happy
listen up you fucking retard
if you are going to ban me at least do it for my countless blog posts in every thread, not for my actual on topic starcraft posts
wow that guy is mad haha
mad means straight
reminder the prophet peace be upon him said men marrying men was a sign of the end of times
yo dawg im gay dawg i suck dick dawg
Engineering at your disposal.
no it doesnt
Postmortem Game. Postmortem Thread.
we're stuck here...
and where would we go if we weren't?
>scroll to 500 mmr
>still people with over 100 games played
we are all better than someone friends
me on the left
you'd think people would quit once they hit triple digit mmr.
any texas scvers? did the hurricane flood your house
Anyone wanna play some bw with me? I don't have remastered yet but I want to game. I'm a total newbie. Located in EU.
Also is there a /v/ Veeky Forums channel?
Why? You can only go up from there user.
no. you can still go lower. plus you have to lose a ton of games and win very little to go from 1500 to 999. i'd find it very discouraging.
the good old times