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I want to express my immense gratitude for having the honor to be Fernando's amigo!
Bust chart update when?
Post stuff from Paladins strike.
It's already updated
I want to _hug Maeve and tell her she's cute and smells nice
>get 3 dust quests
>zero gold
>one of them wants me to win 4 games in a party
>can't reroll any of them
What the fuck, HiRez?
What do you think she smells like?
>short and flat
When will they learn?
Tell me how to take .webms on mobile.
I know there are skins you can buy that give you 3% bonus damage.
Like trash and molded bread she needed to eat to survive.
Sounds like a perfect combo to me
Heaven and sometimes sweat
Stop this lie, she is not flat, pic related. She just has tiny tits
Delete this, scum.
Tbh I kinda expected it to be p2w since it's on mobile, I just hope they won't push this system on PC. And I'm even more scared knowing it's Hi-Rez who's developping Strike, which means p2w isn't out of their realm of possibilities.
She smells like the cum she has to drink in order to survive
>Playing Tyra
>55 eliminations
>15 deaths
>Routinely kill at least two to three of the enemy team before dying
>Team is Ash, Pip, Kinessa and Maeve
>Guess who didn't do their jobs right
>Kinessa went 5 kills, 13 deaths
>Maeve went 10 kills 18 deaths
>We lost 3-4
'you can hard carry a game, omg!'
Untrue in Overwatch, untrue here.
>Ash will never sit in your lap
>you will never sit in ash's lap
I think you can record gameplay with google play on android and ios has replaykit or something like that? Not sure though.
Are they really, a lot of the stuff on there doesn't really look in Hi Rez style.
But hopefully they'll remove the bonus on the skins (unless they can be bought with in game currency, while playing the game normally) that is just a bad idea.
There are always going to be games you just can't win. But at least in paladins you can get kills in the meantime without getting cucked by enemy healers and tank barriers.
This but with an h.
>tales of sub 2k vol 3
when's the hardcover release coming out
>Ash will never sit on your face
laph is pronounced the same
Cat toilet.
update when?
A what?
Old men cum.
Reminder to seek enlightment.
>carrying with shit viktor
Pick BK, Drogoz or M'koa.
You need to update this with , Ash is easily on par with Seris and Ying, might actually be as big as Cassie even by absolute standards.
Also, add Paladin Strike Skye and Evie if possible
a few weeks ago
How do we unfuck Maeve, lads? She's currently the weakest, most useless champion - in the worst role - in the game. Someone suggested they make her main attack continuous, consecutive hits instead of the needlessly awkward mechanic it is now. I wholly agree, I feel that he main attack is the main downside of playing Maeve. Someone else suggested the Pounce to have 2 casts, one if you hit someone, or the option to recast it if you miss once. In this way you at least have the option to reposition yourself if you fuck up, which you aren't allowed to in her current state (fuck up that is, she has almost no margin for error).
Keep the suggestions coming gentlemen.
I can't come up with anything better than that, I strongly agree on both those changes
Fuck off
Have 300 leftover crystals. What should I do with it? Worth buying enchanted keys for chests now that they're 20 crystals each?
Shove it up your ass
Give them to me
Save it for the next skin, duh.
That comes later, and so will I.
Maeve is the best, adult + flat + healthy thighs is the actual top tier.
Depends on if you want to grab a legendary, it's not a good deal unless you want to hunt down Red Seris or something.
all your changes + maeve being able to shoot during prowl.
in it's current state, prowl is a severely inferior version of both viktor and jenos' F when it comes to speed and uptime. giving her the ability to use her LMB during prowl, maybe even change it so pounce doesn't interrupt it either, would make maeve more flexible and viable, as well as making her unique in the whole "press F to gain a speed boost" aspect
I would enjoy playing Andro a lot more if his voice wasn't so annoying
they don't have the proportions and cuteness to pull off a DFC.
Depends what your end goal is, I'd only do it with a booster activated though since you lose out on a lot of items over a few rolls.
Flat is justice
lazy shits
For the Yingposter.
Windmill champ when?
They should use these for top plays
That is a really long animation
I hope Holt is buying tons of cocaine for the art division right now, because they have a LOT of catching up to do
>tfw your team managed to lose against Kinessa+Stryx
I think they could, now that their champion quota is met they can focus on the smaller things. And skins.
maybe grohk will finally get an epic skin
They make some good stuff. Most of champions animations are really cool. I really like the weapon feel of Stryx (hate the champion)
>mommy is a B
what trickery is this??
People keep hyping some Grokh rework from that tweet, when it's probably just a skin.
How long 'till the next patch? Ain't planning on playing 'less they adjust/fix some shit.
Are there any preview of upcoming buffs and/or nerfs?
Okay, but Nando mastery emote > strike Nando animation.
Now if only we could get some skins for Grohk.
Stryx is the first champion to have weapon animations that feel really polished.
out damamged the strix as pip
nando top play intros when
i want his wink back
Outside of people not picking a second support with him, isn't Grohk pretty good bruiser?
Yeah he's pretty good, but you need a team that can communicate.
I think Lian has bigger boobs than that, also Evie is probably just tricking us with push-up sorcery
Inara is almost as flat as a plot of land.
Yeah, Lian's are way bigger than any of those others, and Inara is probably down in B.
But she's a giant so her tits get upped by one category automatically
I don't think it works like that.
She's a C at best.
>not using default Fernando laugh emote
>not laughing with 2 different voices at once
Any requests from who to post from PalaStrike? Evie?
>not romancing damsels with your emote
>not just pressing VEL to laugh at your enemies instead
Trouble maker Evie
Ranger Cassie
Bomb King! And Nando of course.
>mfw that is not his top play intro in Paladins:
Champions of the Realm (Beta)™
Why does everyone suddenly look cool
Because China.
>that's the black gundam nando skin
what would you do?
Damn, that's neat.
>still waiting for my strike key
It kinda looks like God of War skin tbqh.
I hope y'all saving this, because I sure as hell am not.
Maybe because of the chest crystal and helmet plume, but that's about where the similarities end.
It's trash if he doesn't lift his helmet and winks.
Does Fernando never show his face in this? I didn't see him with an open helm yet
Kinda boring because it doesn't show Fernando's personality
Mine Build is OP
It'll probably take a few weeks, I'm curious to where this will go it looks kind of interesting for a mobile game. I'll be going to hirez expo so it'l be fun to see how hard they decide to push it.
Never seen the visor go up so far.