/svg/ - Shadowverse General

This is literally the most autistic general on Veeky Forums.

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Post cute things.

who /intellectual/ here?

play forest

Fair and balanced.

Luna is for headpats.


What do I filter to hide all the autism about shadow?

luna is for upvotes

Pretty cute picture, my friend! I love Luna as well! An upvote well deserved :)

>he is still mad about Shadow
Pipe it down. You still have 1 month for this 3 crafts meta.

You didn't know?
Corpse into Necrothighs is the most broken combo in the game. I mean it kill ANY 2 followers for only 6pp. Amazing. Rune should have more removal.

Stop posting.

Go to reddit and downvote them, shadownigger.


Try Luna.


Seek help, I'm not even kidding.

Nerfs are being announced literally tomorrow.

cute pic! ^

edit: thanks for the gold

>kills any 2 followers for 6 is broken
Is it as broken as Death Sentence + Hallowed Dogma and/or Themis?

Vampy = Discord
Luna = Reddit
Eris = ?
Rowen = ?
Erika = ?
Arisa = ?
Isabelle = ?


Erika = /svg/

Yeah, dragon is getting nerfed.


Rowen = blacked.com

No, because none of those leave a cute 3/3 to distract your opponent while he faps to her thighs.

>an ugly, stupid dike is supposed to represent us
fuck off



But I can't survive till turn 6 versus unga blood for that combo, what do?

Shadowniggers are trying to defend this:

Eris is /pol/

Erika, Arisa and Isabelle. Those three are /svg/.

But Orthrus is not reddit, no matter how many lunapedos shitpost about this cute doggo

Have you considered the fact that there are also moderates who find extremists like you retarded for completely overblowing the problem when the only problem card is Balanced Man? Mid Shadow is without a doubt Tier 1, but you are retarded for insisting Mid Shadow is tier 0.

Is it possible to make it through two threads today?


>s-shadow management is hard
>plays multiple soulsquashers and more than 3 eachtar
>j-just ignore the board bro

That's just evil.

Eris = /christian/

Erika = Man realm

>the only problem card is Balanced Man
>when Demon Eater of insane value exists
>when Soulsquasher of "4 shadows is a lot :^)" exists
>when Khawy of "just trade your entire board bro" exists

Midrange Shadow runs Khawy? Since when?


I started playing Shadowverse recently. I have been grinding out ranked mode with just one deck, a ramp dragoncraft deck, which has been fun, and is getting me good results, but I want to change things up, but I don't know which deck I should try next. I think I want to play Isabelle, just because she is such a waifu (so much plot). Which flavour of Runecraft is the best?

P.S. I don't want to make Neutral Rune because I, at one point, had two "Wizardess of Oz" from boosters, but I vialed them to build my dragoncraft deck, and I am too salty to spend blood on something I previously vialed. Thanks /svg/ sorry for the shitpost!

>70% of the thread is filtered
Great general.

I'm more concerned about the amount of insane removal Dragon has and how any other class is supposed to compete with that.
If it weren't for Styx he would've lost.

>70% of the thread is downvoted

>removal isn't allowed in removalverse
So Haven is allowed Cudgel, Tribunal, Themis, Dark Jeanne, Tea Time, Ancient Lion Spirit because?
Blood is allowed Hungering Horde, BKB, Sabreur, Emeralda, Revelation because?

>showing how much of a thinskinned faggot you are
great post

>not wanting to watch a bunch of autists fight makes me a "thinskinned faggot"

Aggro, d-shift, aegis
Nerf dragon?


Thats what happens when the namefag decides to spend the entire weekend baiting and derailing the general.

>deflection because cannot answer
Every time.

>Thane is 7PP do nothing guys!

God forbid that they actually nerf Eachtar into Oblivion, they will just run Thane. It is the same shit.

It literally is a do nothing though. If they have board or storm he does fuck all.

>go to thread that attracts mostly autist while being on fucking Veeky Forums
>wow why is everyone shitposting and being genuinely autistic
just go fucking back from where you came

>requires an evo and 4pp
>is random and not targeted and 4pp
>needs 6pp and wipes your entire board
>wipes your board, only deals 2 damage and can actually lose you the game if your opponents followers survive
>4pp and requires and evo while not gaining evo stats
>3 damage ping that's only good against token decks
>requires opponent to have 3 defense or less, also 4pp
>only 2 damage and can heal you out of vengenace, also 5pp
>requires vengeance for storm and also 7pp, unironically complaining about 7pp destroy a card
>destroys your own board, requires vengeance to not be 8pp
Meanwhile Soulsquasher:
>only 2pp
>only requires 4 shadows which is a pittance
>doesn't even need to evo to do this
>gains full evo stats
defend this shadownigger

Thane is stupid, but I'd rather deal with Thane than Eachtar all day. At least I can pressure them turn 6-7 and they can't do anything about it by dropping Thane.

He wasn't only talking about removals. Shadow can literally do anything. They can remove anything big, can draw very well, and gain tempo with just 4 shadows in crucial turns. No way is there a class that has the powerlevel that shadow has right now.

all i can do is downvote you

>finishes the game with 2 cards left
>dragon player has 17 cards left

>drop Thane
>Sacrifice it with soul conversion or demon eater or just evo-trade
>2 damage to your face and he has a free poor-man's Khawy on the board

It is pretty strong. The reason you see less of him is because it is contesting Eachtar's 7PP slot.

Haven, that's why SW had to be nerfed despite only having a 7% playrate :^)

>b-but muh haven

like clockwork

Apparently the only thing shadow can't do is make you shut the fuck up about it.
I'll take a nerf if it silences you forever.

Hey, I can overblow soulsquasher to sound useless too.
>do nothing when opponent can answer your board without evolving ala BKB, Sabreur, Tribunal
>cannot hit ambushed targets unlike Themis, Tribunal and other removals
>unless you imply shadow has infinite shadows and they can play ptp on-curve turn 4 and tyrant turn 6, 4 shadows is still a lot when you want to Death's breath later and kektar later

>complains about people complaining about Shadow
>immediately after admits to being a shadownigger

>you can't talk about a class with removal when talking about removal
>selective hearing

He can't defend it. Actually the previous thread provided more than enough data that shadow is way too powerful right now but he didn't address any of it. All he does was moving goalpost and saying stuff like "Dae nurf Yurios yet?", "trigger by shadow in 2017".

Seriously all negromansa should be put into ovens.

>completely missing my point
Removals don't instantly win games and make your health totals to zero instantly.

>destroys an evolved enemy follower for only 4 shadows
>do nothing
>4 shadows
>a lot

Made me chuckle.

>Reddit spacing
>Hates shadow
Yup, I expected as much.

>samefagging this hard
Play PTP on curve Turn 4 that actually procs, or play a 13/13 Deathly Tyrant on 6 without Midnight Haunt, then tell me shadows are infinite.

>way too powerful
>not even tier 0
Even Dshift beats current version of midshadow. So much for a do everything deck.

But Shadow has so much early removal that they can easily stall the game to turn 6/7 and fuck you with DB and then balanced man, that if is they can't just finish you off with Cerb + Howl

>removes a potential threat an leaves a body behind
>do nothing hurr durr
Yeah BKB does nothing too buff him

I would take a Eachtar nerf into unplayable status, Demon eater become 5PP 3/4, soulsquasher needs 8 shadows for her necromancy, I still want all shadowniggers fuck off from here and go back to plebbit and discord.

I'm not that even that guy.
My offer still stands though. Remove Hectar, or lolisquisher or whatever new thing you found to complain about today and you never post here again, deal?

why do shadownigger even pretends that getting shadow for necromancy effect is hard these days? hell most shadow deck even runs tyrant as one off now thanks to their ridiculous shadow generation

Tell me the last time Soulsquasher deleted a Bahamut, I'll wait.

>reductio ad absurdium
literally not an argument

>2 CBloods in a row
Is this a new meme or something? It runs blood moon and stuff, not that I'm complaining about free wins though.

>versus 10pp

>using yourredditfallacy.com
Attempting to look smart. Remember the 15 other logical fallacies you commited? I'm sure you're too retarded to notice.

But it can remove ANYTHING for 2pp r-right? Apparently it can't.

But soulsquasher deletes anything! That's literally a fact you told /svg/!

I've seen a few lists in tournaments. It seems to be RoB style full on Control Brick, that loses to itself half the time.

>tu quoque
If your opponent evoed Baha because it killed something like an attendant then yeah Soulsquasher will delet it

It literally can tho

Fellow /svg/, let us all take a break from the toxicity.

boring and shallow faggots, the ultimate and everlasting dindu, exclusively dedicated to deflecting, momposting and crying
>meme contributions
none, even their ingame memes are weak
well deserving of the number 1 spot
dindus since DE when they were the epitome and incarnation of cancer, at their time they were just another version of shadowfags minus the constant bitching
>meme contributions
the chemo meme is pretty strong, good at shitposting, solid
shadownigs 2: electric boogaloo
lowkey all around, minus points for discord
>meme contributions
yuriusposting and discord come to mind, solid memeing all around, very balanced
aside from being the current fotm cancer they are pretty alright, fun
even at their prime with daria they were never obnoxious dindus, currently stays lowkey aside from the occasional subhuman dshitter, minus points for that
>meme contributions
jebposting is pretty good, kinda lacking still, fun
solid and well rounded, a portion of them are big time subhumans but i'd go as far as saying they're mostly self aware
not much to say, rightfully bitches from time to time
>meme contributions
pretty weak aside from some image macros
boring, not bad though
dead, mostly post about how dead they are
>meme contributions
thinking's man craft shitstorms and deadposting are pretty good, solid meme powerlevel
dead, fun
need i say more? responsible for the best memes this game has, a meme itself, never bitches despite his long lasting shitty position, embracing the meme tier
>meme contribution
ascended tier, rowenposting is the highest and purest form of memeing
thanks for existing
you are welcome to input feedback for this now official ranking

So you just want to shitpost?
Nothing will change then I guess.

But she can't delete anything. Want me to provide examples of followers Soulsquasher cannot delete?

Kill yourself


>actually embracing any form of shitposting
You must seek help.