League of Legends General - /lolg/

Emperor edition


>/ourguy/ riddler playing with qt

what a time to be alive

>its not a waifu thread

speak for yourself.

How do you fix glp?

It's only bought on 1 champs and only on others if they take too long building roa

and everybody else

xth for Syndra

How do I deal with this piece of shit


reminder that loloo rules this place

because im trying to be better every single day

I wanna cuddle fug Jinx

removing protobelt



>hey remember Thornmail?
>what if we gave it reflect damage, an AS slow, AND grievous wounds

This item is a fucking bad joke.


Best couple ever!


It does fuck all damage now and now it feels even worse if people just ignore you because you can't apply GW.
Remove the AS slow and let it trigger the damage to targets you auto.


the damage on thornmail is almost 0 now though

>guys fighter rework coming mid-season
>oh nvm but have bramble vest now

I'm still mad they replaced the fighter rework with tanks.

>tfw you've heard Gragas so fucking much from e-sports you get really annoyed at the sight of this champion

>Cho's AP Ratios

Reference for the user who asked

Increase damage (or slow) on this one, lower on protobelt

RoA - Best stat stick
MLG-900 - Best damage and slow
Protonbelt - Dash

What happened to thread tracker

lulufag broke it and then killed half life

Let's celebrate by bullying Lulu.

I don't see anything wrong with it

>supports fall into a super strict dichotomy of highly unique playmakers (basically all supports from Thresh onwards) and old school supports who use point and click buffs, shields and heals on their allies
>the former are designed from the ground up for a MOBA while the latter are basically ripped straight from a PvE Trinity MMO's healer archetype and no longer fit the game's overarching design philosophy
>still no enchanter update for Sona/Soraka/Janna/Nami

100 AP. Make the slow not decay or last longer than half a fucking second.

While its in a gutted state, Rylais + Rocketbelt is still better than GLP since Protobelt can slow AND give you a dash

>Tell lane I'm ganking after i get red
>they push the first wave

I fucking hate this game

really? I get
>something wrong with Veeky Forums
content_type=text/html; charset=UTF-8

>Be me, humble Trynd player in B1
>Play mostly norms cuz ranked stresses me out
>Playing high silver, mid gold, and even plat players recently
>Doing decently well so decide to fire up ranked try to get into Silver
>Pick Trynd, enemy top picks kennen
>dumpster him into the dirt, take both his towers, roam mid, take towers
>take both their inhibs splitting
>end game 16/4/12 or something
>none of this matters because my team has no General map awareness and craven janna fed their kog into oblivion

YUP, no more ranked for awhile again, I can't take this shit

G2 drafts are super trash

bet against them at worlds

Protobelt's dash is fucking shit it's used for damage and in conjunction with Rylai's for a long range slow. If you want protobelt to be the dash item you have to make it's dash actually valuable as a dash alone.

>playing trynd
>16 kills
Thats why you lost lol

Works fine on my machine :^)

>play nunu
>get least damage to champions
>no graph for psychological damage to players

That would be part of it yes

>Bronze V

I'm getting a Veeky Forums pass once I'm back from vacation you plebs this board will feel my porcelain hardon

>bronze v
There's something else you forgot to blank out their mate

>1 hour queue for normals
yeah, i dont like fun

>1 rotation of abilities does 2234 damage plus 1113 true damage

>1113 true damage

im not ashamed of being bronze anymore
it doesn't matter

Whats up SavageZebra. Why do you keep blocking your name out?

Took almost every tower on the map, both inhibs, and still managed to get 16 kills.
Don't think that was the problem

W-Why are we posting so much monkaS recently?
D-Does this I mean have to too?

>its a "savagezebra still doesn't know how to censor" episode

16 kills aren't enough

You get out of his lane bro!

If True damage was removed this game would improve 1000%

t. tankbabby

what the fuck did i not censor

Fresh 30 here, so I always hear going into ranked immediately is a bad idea so what should I do to ease into it? Play around with Flex, do norms, what should I do before I do ranked?

Then why block out the names

i thought it was common courtesy

Flex is a good idea since no one cares about it and you can play with up to 4 premades iirc.

I just played dota 2

just play ranked

>b-b-b-b-but what if I end up in bronze
then you get better and get gold

People do it because they're embarrased of their rank
No other reason to do it

You posted a few games and op.gg recently, and not many bronze Vs running around here blogposting. It's obvious it's you. Also, what the fuck is wrong with op.gg

how much of you is russian now?

what do you guys think about the concept of a female mole yordle? with a tiny hat with a lantern stuck in it
one of her abilities will be she will have greatly increased vision in a cone in front of her
her ult could be she bathes an enemy champion in gold, making him invulnerable to enemy damage but turning allied unitis against him


Imagine being a competitive player where it's your literal job to deal with cancer all fuckin day.

The rank at the top. You're the only Bronze V who posts here

ignite doing true damage is fine, smite doing true damage is pretty damn needed considering the dragon/baron have resistances.
Fiora and Vayne having true damage is fucking stupid.
I'd say Vel'koz is fine, so is Garen's villain mechanic.
Cho is a bit of a mess, it never should have had scaling added to it but because it gives him stacks when it kills he needs to know exactly how much damage it'll do.

I'd rather deal with those than another Orianna, Gragas, Maokai game and boring the fuck out of the casters.

Huni is a hero with how many target bans/meme picks he brings.


Yea apparently. Beyond tilted right now

me too

Well I'm not sure about the rest of what you said but a mole based character would be cool although we already have rek'sai. I love rek'sai's design but people would maybe find it repetitive to her's.

Nami is a great healslut

The only fun thing about doter is ability draft and apparently is dead and broken

This is terrible advice, you get better playing against good people and not people in bronze.
Play normals and flex, if you have a friend that's decent play with them as often as possible. Try to learn something every game

>Get main role
>Someone dodges
>Q pops up few seconds after
>Get support

FUCK this game, I'm never playing that slut role again, 3 lp is a fair price.

This is fucking embarrassing

Vayne having true damage is a core part of her kit though. She's the quintessential tank buster. Having % HP true damage ensures that once she hits critical mass she can take out anything that has stacked armor.

nami is a great slut in general


I want this G2 dominance nightmare to end

head into ranked immediately.
i never understood why people say you should never play ranked immediately.

i played ranked as soon as i hit 30 and placed s4 and got to s1 before season ended a month later. as long as you play to not lose (and working with your team as opportunity arises), rather than to make LCS BIG PLAYS (that you'll surely fail at), you'll be ok.

This is your Evelynn rework for tonight

rek sai is a vermir thing
i'm thinking more in the lines of a mole that is a miner

something in these lines

I been hardstuck P1 for a few weeks and now I'm spamming Janna/Lulu, expect to be diamond before the day is up.

>This is terrible advice
no it's not, you get better by honing up your mechanics and learning macro, not through some magical skill-osmosis through better players in your game

Yieee boi
I still have not much faith on building ardent since her heal is situational as fuck

is this scalie?
i'm fine with scalie

She's Salazzle

100% female

It is 9 minutes into the game and this is the scoreboard. What do you do?

Why feesh haf booby

wanna duo with this guy?

Rek'sai is a lady!

what transition? transition from living to dead?

wait for soraka ardens and win

I love Camille