Best Frame in the game coming through edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.5.0)
/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one:
/wfg/ - Warframe General
reminder that your waiframe is probably shit
Loki is best starter fuck you
>Kill Kela sortie
>Acid Shells [new] and pistol riven
>Got a credit booster from sorties 3 days ago that ended today
>Got another credit booster today
What the actual fuck DE?
>exterminate fissure
>easily get 10 reactant before even killing 30% of the enemies
>interception fissure
>literally impossible to get 10 reactant if you don't wait a while before capping
warframe is shit
who the fuck thought it was a good idea to give nova prime THREE madurai polarities
So you can put T.fortitude, Blind rage and Intensify all at once, since Warframe requires you to be calm, calculating and meticulous when facing enemies who compensate for their low numbers by being expert tacticians.
Please play the game as it was intended to be played. Slow.
Also, what the fuck happened to captcha??
Well, two madurai polarities I can get behind but 3 is definitely overkill
post potatoes
What's the word on focus rework anyway? Are they going to make the current focus system your sacrifice for the umbra quest or something? Like, something is going to happen during the quest that affects your transference and boom, focus 3.0 or whatever version it is.
nah the sacrifice will be teshin or something gay
This ??? guy with a red-black edgy avatar keeps sending me spam mail about consequences
How do I tell him he's a pussy and to fuck off and to advertize his viruses elsewhere?
So what is the new cool place to get lots of exp for mastery fodder?
Use "/w [DE]Steve Fuck off you jew" in the region chat to permanently make him go away.
It's too late, you'll now be forced to sit in missions for upwards of a minute because nobody brought any decent weapons.
same as always since they killed off Draco.
Hieracon and Hydron
Should've sold it while it was veiled...
What is this? Always see it in Maroo's Bazaar. Someone told me a while back that it was a bug left over from a Titania but it's ALWAYS in the relay.
The new cool place is the old one
Hydron. Defense in a small tileset = fast rounds + less chance of retards wandering out of Tenno Affinity range
Also. Any interest?
Sadly hydron is full of tryhard children.
how do i make my weapon do lots of damage?
sometimes dudes here post things with damage numbers over a thousand
Some people are saying that acolyte event might be coming back. Is this true?
It's been a while since the last one so it's widely speculated.
I choose to believe.
t-this is bait? right?
Upgrade your mods, don't use shit ones (isn't Lasting Sting a + status duration mod? Ditch it), replace normal mods with their Primed counterparts if they exist, use the memest mods like maiming strike + any +cc on slide +dmg +range on a riven, congrats you now have the same build as the other shitters, in two days you'll kill yourself because you won't be having fun slide-attacking everything for millions of dmg.
no, im sorry.
im just bad
Just continue to play the game and get more/other mods along the way.
>dual skana
I know that feel all too well, user. The fuckin thing has shit stats, it has no augment, its stances are shit and it has no fuckin kintsugi or nocturne skin even because fuck it. It's like the philosopher's stone of shit
>15 min selling trash
>get 200p
what's your excuse for being poor?
Show trades.
>Get pretty good Ether Daggers Riven
>Sold my Ether Daggers like 99% of players not knowing you can't get them again
You merely have to wait until Dual Prisma Skana arrives along with an appropriate syndicate augment.
wait what
Perhaps support can restore it if you contact them?
The only place you can Ether Daggers is from the Junction that awards them. There's no blueprint to craft another. If you didn't get them level 30 before you sold them I've read you can contact support and ask to be gifted them.
didn't screenshot :^(
blood rush and primed mods
someone will probably give you them because everyone has 50 copies of them
Got a Detron riven from today's sortie. Gonna have to reroll, but pretty happy since it's one of my favorite sidearms.
Whatchu get, anons?
Prisma Orthos when
my 3rd fucking madurai lens
but they cost like 20 plat, why would someone simply give them away?
Max your mods and get rid of lasting sting forever, don't even look at it.
Also build a crit-based weapon if you want stupid high damage numbers. The weapons lsiting in the OP will tell you what's good for what.
it's called being nice user
also what the fuck do you do with 20 plat
Another sculpture.
Do people buy unrevealed riven mods for plat? I have one to complete exterminate alone undetected and it's too hard for me.
buying literally any rare from any non-vaulted relic
>repeating pallas because still dont have cat statues
Pallas has an exclusive kuria or something?
Literally just use Loki
I am using Loki, I don't have enough energy to maintain permastealth and I can't pick up energy orbs without getting caught. I can usually kill about 15 before I run out of enemies.
supposedly best spot for the tile that has 13-2 and 13-3 but i've been at it for almost 30 runs and haven't seen it yet.
Use Loki to farm ivara. Then mod ivara for maximum efficiency and equip a bow.
>what is zenurik
>what is energy siphon
Corpus - Endstage capitalism
Grineer - Endstage socialism
Get some energy restores or use Zenurik, shade might help too.
If you have trouble with energy, use energy restores. Also build your Loki for duration and efficiency only, you should be able to get to 30s invisibility with a cost of 20 or so. Really easy then, use the syndicate mod that silences your shots while invisible for better enemy management, take it slow (if you see you have only 7s of invisibility left and the nearest enemy is 100m away, hide and recast it, no need to fuck up because the radar can be shit at times and tell you that the nearest enemy is 60m away while there's another 30m), also use energy siphon.
>maiming strike costs >700 plat
i doubt ill ever be able to afford that
>max your mods
i would if i could, sadly im almost always out of endo
I already got one, sorry user.
the endstage of socialism is anarchy
Who is going to be vaulted after trinity?
I got a Legendary Core from today's Sortie.
Sell or use on PPP?
Sell you nigger
doing a really shit job
thats what
alright ive read the thing about weapons in the op and even though i feel bad for asking this i feel i have to.
what is the best melee weapon for crits?
i dont want /wfg/ to bully me for picking the wrong one
Hirudo is pretty good because it has lifesteal on crit. Otherwise just pick what you like.
you will be able to afford it, but the question will always be do you give a shit? 700p is a good amount of plat that can buy you a lot more useful stuff than a gimmick mod.
Maiming strike isn't even that good. It gets you red crits but most of the time a solidly built condition overload weapon will work just as well.
For anyone interested I just ran the numbers on Lua spy, Vault and Nightmare runs (Rotation B and C) and found that the expected average return per run is very similar to about 6-7 plat per run.
Rotation B and C nightmare runs have a 22.56% chance to yield a 24p mod (B) or a 18p mod (C).
Of the 24 Vault mods, 7 have a value above 10p.
Rotation A on lua spy has the highest return with 3.5p. Rotation B has alsmost no return with the exception of the mod crushing ruin which sells for 17p (1.29% dropchance).
Rotation C yields rime rounds and scattering inferno with 7,37% dropchance for either, with a value of 15p for either.
I might look at cache runs or other spys. I'm not fond of cache runs because time spent doing is way too high in most cases.
In addition, you could prob just get a crit chance on slide riven for whatever melee for a lot cheaper than maiming.
Can you trade at the bazzar after you're out of trades? Some guy is trying to tell me he can.
>sold broken war because I wanted to buy an extra credit booster before baro left
>get war bp today while doing lua missions trying to find octavia room
>learn that broken war is a pre-requisite for the war
>broken war is a seperate bp which also has to have items dropped from sentients
Why the actual fuck?
I feel like everyone should know not to sell quest items by now.
I wish Amesha was a frame.
does someone here maybe sell vicious frost and virulent scourge? cant find anyone in the tradechat
Did they improve ANYTHING?
>there are people who don't have a stratos emblem
It's easier to get rare prime parts now with refinement.
earth has really pretty tilesets now
that tank fps
user, do you genuinely have brain damage?
jesus there hasn't been a tactical alert like 8 months right?
Razorback event when. I'm low on orokang cells
does' knell's buff carry over to Mesa's ult like the dual toxocyst buff?
>farmed for the last piece for Ash Prime back when he was press 4 to win to farm Rathuum to farm Kela for mods
>had absolutely no idea you could FT her for a quick kill
>spent several hours with Volt Prime evading rockets and shooting glowing plates instead
is this better or did i make it worse?
id like to get condition overload in there somehow but i dont have the plat
There there user.
Acolytes might be coming back sometime soon so you should be able to farm it then
contact support you dumbfuck
is the synoid gammacor still good?
I can't fucking wait for 008 to come out
Do you think they held hands during the trip?