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- Added a toggle for the special attack tooltips, and also the prayer tooltips
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First for fuck me daddy!

that pic is great! good job

Pete's Meat

I don't think a 19 year old has a valid claim to having god genes and such because he hasn't encountered RSI. You're 19 for Christ's sake, of course injuries aren't common.

do people really think that fag a flyer is a chick

Does Karamja have unusual customs then?

best ways to train ranged at 81 range?

that may be one of the other wiki girls not our a flyer, at least I'm pretty sure. i've seen this pic before

If anybody wants to buy fcapes pm "Laid Back"

chinning in mm2 tunnels
nmz with blowpipe or msb with amethyst arrows

>Just wanna kill green drags
>Faggots keep trying to kill me
>They can't even it do it right and end up wasting both of our times
Fucking cunts

This is a straight mans thread, gays keep moving

we only lust after 2D women

You're in luck, I am a 2d woman.

please be mygf

Why are all runes so piss easy to get as drops except cosmics.


back off she's mine

But I already am.

he's cheating on you

them them at the mage arena you dingus

I was concerned because I hadn't received any PMs recently... so that's why.
Okay, I understand.

There's a spawn in the deep wildy if you're feeling ballsy, it's how I enchanted my magic amulet on my F2P HCIM in RS3 way back, when I was too weak for moss giants.

Will I be able to do skotizo with 75 attack 80 strength, 82 ranged? I have arclight.



Yeah you'll be good, use arclight.




brehs, I'm going back to insomnia 61 tomorrow, want me to get you anything back?



So is it just impossible to do abyss RC at around 100 combat? No matter what time of day I try training within half an hour some fuck exactly my level shows up and schools me

Is this not a problem at like level 60 or max or whatever?

the only time it's worth to kill green drags is if you have wildy elite diary, but if you have high enough stats for that there are probably a lot of better moneymakers for you

>abyss rcing


Here are my stats, what would you suggest?

Is that anime as generic as it looks?

get 99 rc

That sounds suicidal, but I'll try it

I think it's pretty nice.
I wanted it to be Gunslinger Girl's spiritual successor, but was not granted that.
It's episodic, which is a turn off for a lot of people.
If you don't watch anime you probably won't like it since it's the little girls being spies and beating up grown men.
Assuming you watch that kind of anime I think it's pretty good.
The stories are relatively simplistic, nice happy endings usually, but there's usually a bit of sadness/suffering/drama to go along with it.
Some people might call it forced/melodrama, but it's just a matter of perspective.
I'm enjoying it quite a bit, but you'll have to watch some episodes to decide for yourself.

Great ending song, though.

You will make money passively just through leveling in: Runecrafting, Hunter, Cooking, Fletching, Agility and Slayer. You can also do blast furnace steel bars for something like 600-700k per hour

if you level up all these skills to the max needed level for elite diary (leveling them beyond that is useless, but can be fun) then you should have more than enough money for max slayer + zulrah gear. Then you just slay your life away and do all the boss tasks for shekels

The thing is that you don't really need money early game. Where you're at I would just get as many quests out of the way and work towards barrows gloves.

stretch your legs

Ive been doing Slayer for the last week, but taking a break because the targets I've been getting have been shit and I've been thinking about Hunting and RC, but on a alt account so I can train on my main. Only problem is my alt isnt a member and if I bought a bond, I would be broke on my main

>ironman casket

It's shit.

what does this mean? I haven't talked to this person in months


Does the trimmed glory work for the clue emotes that requires a glory?

You're my inspiration

They want to erp

most likely not, they're really bad on allowing alternate versions like that

every thread until you like it



You might want a crossbow switch for Jad, you kind of need it at 1 def I think.


maple short bow you fucking moron

probably trying to do some gay shit or scam you, like all discord faggots

Who the hell would train with a maple short bow at lvl 81?

Is there a better option prior to 77?

tfw 2017scapers don't know basic rs2 terms

how much gp/hr is chinning vs blowpipe vs amethyst arrows? how much xp/hr?

actual retard

a lot
a lot

I fucking hate ranged, why should I remember a weapon I'll never use?

t. triggered underage r/2007scape poster

2m an hour on chins probably for 350kxp/hr
nmz training shouldnt cost anything b/c you buy herb boxes

why are there so many fucking people online

Whip / void melee

for AFK NMZ?

ur mom

too many normies
death of the game is starting now, the updates suck and are not needed current noobs will stop playing in about 2 years. nerds are getting sick

dharok ez

zmi, astrals

I only have 72 HP. still the case?
71 attack 76 str

I like it. There, now by your own rules you won't post it again.

papa mia a cute

>he still brute forces light boxes


no one wants to install your dolphin porn client user, stop trying

>tfw see this design and immediately taste Cool Blue flavor Gatorade

I do fcapes cheap pm me "Laid Back"

No you don't, cbow just slows you down

>he doesn't like to worship dolphin feet

Game will die when mobile is released.

Match me

I assumed it was your first time, crossbow is useful in that case. Hell, all the firecape service guys on Sythe require it.
Why even post if you've done many of them?

Because I want to buy claws and hopefully some people see this and buy capes from me

not instantly

are you inbreds professional cocksuckers or something?
more players = more traffic = more revenue = more staff = better weekly updates
why would you want an mmo to have less players??? this game is already one of the smallest mmos in terms of online player count ffs

all ging btw

>he still thinks frequent updates are good
oh you sweet summer child

Doings and listenin's.


mobile isn't going to do anything at all for the game yall are retarded

it might increase publicity and raise awareness that the game exists, but no one is seriously going to play RS mobile exclusively

I can see the mobile project getting abandoned a year after its release

ignore gingbino falseflagging to make it seem like more players will kill the game. it'll only kill how HE likes to play the game (autist who talks to no one irl and ig and abuses game mechanics to achieve le higher ehp)

more normie players= jagex caters to them and continues to release even more shit updates

we might as well not even have polls after that happens because they will vote yes on EVERYTHING

>we might as well not even have polls after that happens
Good. I'd be fine with that as long as they stopped taking all their updates from reddit.

>voting yes on everything is bad
toplol, i vote yes to everything cunt cry more

pls stop

my favorite meme is when i go up the stairs at barrows and still lose prayer when i reach the surface

and now i got a skeleton champion scroll what a meme

I saw that on Reddit, too!

>3 weeks of AFK NMZ before I can start slaying
Nice game OSRetards