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Fuck that idiot that can't make a thread
kill all tripfaggots
Is this the thread?
Good thread
Good Wrys OP
Fucking finally
It took you niggers what? 3 threads?
The stream is at 5am EU time right?
i mean they're probably doing it on purpose
I became obsessed with Marth at the time I've actually fapped a lot with his voice
rip eu boys
CYL Livestream
>Re-run GHB: Narcian and Ursula
>Joke about lack of Xander and Camus, confirm that they will return in October
>New Bound Battle: Vs Ephraim and Eirika
>New GHB Announced: Vs Lyon
>Arena Assault discussed, Sacred Coin functionality revealed (seal shop or 1-2* limited unit banner)
>Choose your Legends Banner announced, trailer released after the stream (with story chapter)
>Voting Gauntlet announced starring the CYL units vs. the originals (yes that means a 4 red banner), everyone will receive one copy of the winning unit (CYL version regardless of winner)
>Orb Distribution announced for CYL
>Final announcement: CYL Part 2 Poll, Lucina/Ike/Lyn/Roy excluded.
>feg is too retarded to make a decent thread
I just spent 60k feathers to 5*+1 my Priscilla and Palla and it feels good
CYL Banner Vs Askr Trio +Masked Marth/Lucina Voting Gauntlet. If you don't roll on the banner, you'd get stuck with using one of the other 4 units. And Masked Lucina will be up against Sharena.... again.. And if Sharena wins, she'll be up against CYL Lucina eventually. This would definitely cause people to roll.... for IV Askr Units! Let's go!
>CYL 2
>everyone picks tinyhands, hector, camilla, etc
>nobody picks Eubans
Check the bulletin board, it's 5:30 a.m
I want to be Alfonse's wife and have his children!
>CYL Part 2 Poll, Lucina/Ike/Lyn/Roy excluded.
Any like this but with Sugita?
I can only hope that this is the right thread.
Anyway, another daily Cloud incoming!
>PoR Ike excluded
>RD Ike wins in a landslide
Old men are the future
>possibility of vanguard ike as the next cyl outfit for him
>/feg/ best loli
Oh ho
>best units Lyn
>summon sword character instead
Good idea
that would be pretty amazing.
>there are people thinking we'll get Dragon Roy or Red Tome Roy
You're all fools. It's cav Roy with a DC sword. He rides a white horse. In the next banner, Lalum will be on it and there will be a BHB with CYL cav Roy and Lalum.
What's your build for her?
All the builds on the wiki and Heroes related sites keep her with Ruby sword, but I've been wondering how she'd do with Brave sword and flier buffs.
Only flier buff I have is goad fliers from a bunch of Pallas and since it stacks I can keep two or three fliers next to her when she needs the support.
Who is the greatest mastermind in all of FE?
>roll suck
>blade flier
>better banner
>axe mommy
>retarded guy nice dick
>CYL Part 2 Poll, Lucina/Ike/Lyn/Roy excluded.
>Reinhardt, Linde, Julia and Wrys in the top 10
>>Joke about lack of Xander and Camus, confirm that they will return in October
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the stream has never made meta-jokes, or even been particularly jokey. Bad prediction.
>Marth red unit better
There are "people" in this thread RIGHT NOW that doubted /Our Boy/
That man is so based. He voiced a lot of my crushes and quality husbandos in general.
We've had, what, two livestreams? There's no reason why they couldn't make a joke now.
>roll suck
>lyn user
>choose /feg/ best loli
>general worse
>stop free emblem
>build literally orbs
>blade flier
>brave innes
>ass cordelia stream
>amelia trying
>tana pick user
Okay, how the fuck do you beat 7&8, 9&10 and 11&13 chain challenge lunatic? It's kicking my fucking ass constantly.
>tfw just want delicious free orbs
Tana is my lifelong wife, who I love very much!
>previous thread had the fucked up OP again
>early thread had no links
>"proper" thread is even worse
>people still posting in the other thread
Why is /feg/ just the absolute worst
Also someone post the bingo card please.
Manfroy and
I'm okay with this. I wonder if Telliusfags could get their shit together and all vote for the more popular incarnation of their characer from the previous poll and maybe help them place higher.
How do I make him good, /feg?
What did she mean by this?
I used Rein, a dancer, Celica, and Julia with BoL and the BoL seal
Honestly magic is everything because you don't want to take hits and don't use Fury either
Reposition is also your friend
>Got his Dragon-god killed due to sheer incompetence
You don't
I'm probably going to keep her with ruby sword too but I've seen some brave sword builds floating around for her. If you have death blow and +atk for her it'd probably work out but I don't know, with her attack being kinda "just ok" and only goad fliers (I'm in the same boat) a brave build seems like more trouble than it's worth. I used her as 4* for a long time and ruby sword was always fine for me because on a flier team I never really needed her to do much other than check greens anyway so I'm good with leaving her with it for now.
Guys can't get pregnant
Is that -atk/+res? That's pretty much the worst case scenario for Soft Boy
Who is the most cuckable FE guy?
Who is the most cuckable FE girl?
Did they base Charlotte on this?
The fact that he managed to get that far is pretty impressive, though. He spent years (but not centuries) manipulating, kidnapping, and killing people.
Not even hard
When are we getting mirel? I need his DICK
The cuck meme stopped being funny months ago, and even at its height it wasn't that good
Post times people complained about absolutely nothing. His Effie is apparently +Atk/-Spd too.
How to pass the time until the stream?
20k feathers
Who gets them
+Res/-HP Nino
Maskedcina to +1 my 5 copy
+Atk/-Res Tharja
+Hp/-Def Lilina
+Res/-Def Jeorge
Play a different game, chat with your friends on discord, shitpost on feg
Go watch or play something
Isn't this a Smash player? What is it with Smash players and whaling?
>farm locals
>spend it all on FEH
He makes a pretty serviceable 1k feathers when you send him home.
>/feg/ sending tripfags to /fgoalter/
Don't mess with us you FEshitters. You think you're fucking funny but we have EX rank Noble Phantasms at the ready so stay in your lane
Stop using this thread, please. Use the other one with an ok OP. No, I don't to start thread wars, it's just stupid tht there are 2 threads up for no reason.
It doesn't change the fact that everything he does to revive the Lopto empire is quite impressive especially compared to the other villains of FE.
>Ve feel good as woman. Good dick for good man.
>the tripfags are leaving
its a fucking miracle
They aren't welcome back btw
You're lying. We did no such thing.
I just keep him on the bench looking cute.
I don't regret pulling him at all, even if it wasn't Ephraim like planned.
Do you think Awakening's default Robin was intentionally based on FE4 characters with Tordo blood?
BEST BOeY (for this thread too)
I like Hana
Masturbate. Edge the whole time. When the stream starts, give yourself a facial. Post pics on /feg/.
Well, to be fair, Seliph is perfect at looking cute, but I really like him and want to use him.
I don't know what's going on but if that's the case and you are stuck with them I'm incredibly sorry.
This is insult to Sumia character. I refuse such lies about Robin's wife!
Play FE1 solely so you can say you did
me too
Ursula if she already has Blarblade or you have a cav team > Zephiel if you have DC ready > Michalis if you need a green for a flying team or have little good greens > Tharja
Don't bother with the rest.
Michalis I guess
Why not give CC and vantage to a better unit?
We're doing our best to not acknowledge them, if they wander off seeking validation it's not our fault.