League of legends general /lolg/
First for EU > NA
>cass every game
and they wonder why viewership is down. when you have the same carry in the most focused on lane every game, people tune out.
How does he do it, lolgen?
Why the literal fuck is Pantheon's spear not a skill shot?
cass is far more entertaining than fucking caitlyn and orianna
Star Guardian Syndra is a cute! Post cute Star Guardians!
What the fuck are Dig doing
xth for Syndra
Not gonna even bother watching another 3-0
Riot can't use the same scrit in even series on the same week holy shit
post her panties
Best boy
Best girl
Best star guardians
Best couple
Point and click kill your opponent
Orianna is cancer but the potential for entertainment of shockwaves is much higher than fucking cassiopeia
shitpicking nunu
>TSM have literally never not made NA LCS finals
defend this lolbabs
get out
yes she is
What are some recent examples of Nunu not ending up being a dead pick in proplay?
>Cass more entertaining than orianna
Getting wombo combos with your ult is hyper than an ap adc
id rather post tight star guardians
G2 vs TSM from MSI.
Fucking ridiculous record desu
bjergsen is good enough to be a mid tier LCK mid, hard not to shitstomp NA when you have somebody that good
Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
and g2 won
riot proceeded to immediately hotfix nunu on live the next day
>people think the bias is made up
rate my cass roleplay!!!
>they slowly try to run
this isnt spam
>Implying Syndra isn't tight
TSM are the Floyd Mayweather of LoL
right down to paying officials to cheat their way through
I want to share a steamy tent in the desert night with Taliyah!
fuck off
but is she tighter than Soraka?
careful you'll trigger syndrafag
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
why RoA first item on twisted fate?
i know roa needs to be first item if it's going to be bought at all, but why is it bought for tf? shouldn't lich bane be a rush, sheen first back?
>Playing normals to try out Shen
>Team goes Galio mid, Naut jungel, Blitz Thresh bot lane
why are EU casters so much better than NA casters?
Would anyone like to join my Poppy club? We are growing fast and already have a tag. NA
>a whole line of skins that cater to zettai ryouiki
>TSM is so hated that people delude themselves into believing that there's some sort of script in place just so they can cope
This is why TSM is unironically the best NA org
RoA is awful on almost every champion in the game.
The dude is a pussy anyways, who cares?
>Defending your waifu
>Gets triggered
I don't get it
I'd guess so.
he has fairly low range and not gap closers
wtf kiwi??
Would you give Jatt a friendly handy?
>you will never make syndra shake after orgasm while she lets out small moans
>posting lewd shit
do not need any of that, fuck off
less than you are for sure
>NA semifinals
>8 out of 10 players are chinks
>the other 2 are danish
>one of the teams is ONLY chinks
>americucks still think they're better than EU
Good. She's best for (You) after all.
But make her viable again dammit, I like encountering a greater variety of champions.
Xth for
Rengar revert when
this delusion lmao
bjerg wouldn't even be good enough for a kr challenger team
Jinx is cuddly and cute
>not going on-hit shen
All I want is his old Q. That shit was top 5 most satisfying abilities in the game and his new q feels like it has no impact
Here's your (You) syndrafag. Dont spend it all in one place.
>enemy has a vayne
mid tier is about fair for bjerg, theres a big gap between the top teams and the rest in Korea
t. I actually watch LCK
>ok there janna
You seem to not believe Janna can poke.
It's not for every matchup, but it's something that can be done while your ADC farms, if you've got vision set up and are mindful of positioning.
It doesn't net me as much gold as coin, so the only support I use spellthief's on now is Lulu. Sometimes. Of course, sometimes slowing is better than speeding up.
I know. All games have the easier characters and the harder characters.
It's interesting to reflect on how hesitant I was to play her, having been accustomed to playing Blitz or Leona when I was first brought into the game.
Healers, never mind shielders, always seemed a little too passive. Then I tried them. And Rakan, well, he gets to be all-in and then back out to shield you too, it's great.
when the silver adcbab balance team gets fired
read: never ever
not bad tits for an old hag like u
Don't bully Syndraanon.
I'm sure syndra is incredibly tight, but Soraka's tiny frame means she probably wins that one
You sound like the delusional one user.
because it makes you more beefy. Allows you to take some punishment and shit out more stuns because you're not dead. You also don't have to jew so hard with red/gold cards because of a bigger mana pool
Catalyst is also super good for rough lanes. Some high elo gooks go GLP instead of RoA
that's my line, you can have your (You) back, just be careful with it.
this one too
So that they won't make it even stronger to compensate for it being a skillshot so that good panths won't shit on most toplaners even more.
He needs a rework though.
You're not supposed to post on Veeky Forums if you're 14.
Come back in 4 years kiddo.
>eu caster sends nudes to underage girls
>eu caster leaves to cast china where no one will watch him because hes that bad
>accents so thick you don't even know if they're speaking english half the time
>kings of europe meme
>baby faker meme
>rekkles is a good player meme
Yea ok
>recently decided i'm done playing mages and regular ol tanks in support as my main role
>been playing since release back in winter 2009
>decide to bring back some good ol season 1 shit
>bruiser supports, jarvaning that shit up
>wrecking kids left and right
i missed it
Bjerg holds his own versus KR midlaners at international tournaments, at least during lane
>le i was S1
No you wern't
>a wee bit more tiny means she's tighter
If anything it's because of how much more she uses her legs, yeah? I'm sure Syndra likes to float even untransformed (if possible) when she can get away with it.
eu casters are all manlets lmao
>manlet defense squad out in full force
every time i watch eu lcs, the casters are sperging out with some rick and morty meme
that and ferocity revert, 1+1%AD, 3+3%AD "satisfying rewards" gone, a W that's not fucking counterintuitive to the whole ferocity system (old W was fine), no E cast time, and an ult where Rengar stops fucking masturbating telling everybody where he is
he's better than mickey and mickey was the definition of a mid tier midlaner in LCK
you probably don't even watch the LCK and just think "all gooks = gods"
What the fuck are you talking about
don't bad mouth my esports husbando
go rewatch an eu lcs vod and listen to how autistc the casters are
Last time I tried on-hit Shen was before his rework
What's the build and masteries for new on-hit Shen?
>get's benched for a rookie
>mid tier
>EU casters when you have medic and virgindius
Yeah ok sven. Aren't you breaking curfew by getting internet into your cuckshed?
That makes sense. But Syndra is more likely to actually want to train her pelvic floor muscle, Soraka is far too pure for that.
>Syndra will never leglock you in midair
What are some example of a good and bad currently existing point and click(PaC) abilities? I recall before people defending and persecuting PaC abilities so I want to know PaC done right and wrong.
t. tsm fanbabbies
if anything she is going to shove a bunch of spheres down your throat and leave you there.
>accents so thick you don't even know if they're speaking english half the time
t, mentally retarded
>tfw no one ever honors the top laner
mate I just hard as jinx 0 honors
didnt even flame
Well the only EU casters I enjoy are Drakos, Deficio and sometimes Quickshit
No one on the EU broadcasting is as bad as the yelling aussie manlet in NA LCS though
Redpill me on Zyra, I got her dragon skin from a box. If I go mid and supp secondary do I grt cucked and end up playing support all the time?
>play top
>the only time people even remember you exist is when you're flaming bot for going 0/10
>No one honours the retard on the team
Thanks Captain
grasp of the undying
aspd runes
bork titanic, maybe wit's end
it's shit tho
>vi ult
>panth execute
>veigar ult
>lulu poly
tahm kench devour
jarvan ult
syndra R
janna e
League is shit, lets be honest
I don't understand how you can have this much autism syndrafag. You should be more like Jinxfag.
because I actually care for my wife, now fuck off like the moron you are.
>things are shit
thanks for the eye opening insight
uselesse role