/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general

post you're toon edition


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fuck off pandas

Sylvanas' ice cold pussy

I prefer pussies hot, just legal, and wet.

What's more prestigious and cool, class-intended T3 or CM gear??

This was at launch when I had to play on a toaster. I might resub for Argus.



Your current mythic tier.

fuck off

What's the main difference between ass and sub rogue this patch?

CM gear, every person who knows how to make gold has T3

fuck off

Sub turns you into an edgy naruto character
Ass is poisons

Sub is effective and fun

>T6 recolor

The art team really let us all down this patch. Fucking lazy bastards.

is there anything better than Panda butts?


Panda faggots OUT

Don't matter if it's good or not, casuals get mad and jelly when they see it


so.... this..... is the power..... of "fucking kung fu panda" autism

R8 my pand?



10/10 panda

I miss her...


fuck off

Farm AQ20.


Fuck off

>Literally posts 30 seconds apart because he can't post the same thing twice in a row

So.... this.... is the power.... of the "fuck off" poster....


Fuck off fag

fuck off

Fuck off

Reminder if you're one of those fags that unsub and resub constantly with new content patches you're the one contributing to the decline of this game.

R8 my demon hunter on a scale of 1 to Purple

But if they removed panda then how would you find me in game and make new friends and go on avendturs?

Explain that terrible opinion

i cant help it if blizzard designs content that is only fun for a month

8.5/10 first dh I've seen in ages that isn't decked out in full green


You look like you could be the boss of a dungeon where a demon hunter went crazy or something. And I mean that in a good way, but I'm not wording it well /10



You're not using Cursed Vision of Sargeras so that alone makes it 10/10

link to full image?

fuck off

fuck off

Guys I miss Rae's cute Draenei Ass, does anyone have any pics of her saved?

fuck off

fuck off

Should I bite the bullet and make a pando \wowg\

Guys I miss Samefag's Ass, does anyone have any pics of her saved?

>yuros wake up
>thread gets worse

>sub year round
>blizz has tons of money to hire new staff and make new content and come up with new ideas and put them into action
>only sub for a few months a year
>blizz has less money
It's pretty self explanatory. Blizz wants people to enjoy their game, but if people won't have any faith in it it won't happen.

Yeah dude, it's fun.

Nigger it's 2AM

Is this what a WoW isekai hero looks like?

Yes, they're the best race.
now wait until you start race changing or abandoning your non panda characters

fuck off


fuck off

fuck off

Hey guys what do you think of my pand?

fuck off


fuck off

fuck off

Brown human girls a best! Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!

who is doing these posts

fuck off

would you do a worgen on her human form?

Really excited about the new dungeon
>New dungeon will be live 3 weeks from now
Oh well ... maybe the new raid is cool! Am already bored of Tomb.
>New raid will come "later in the year"
Oh ....

So who is excited about 7.3?

no only in doggo form

Always remember!

rate this pand

>when she turns back into worgen form when she climaxes

>form matters
I love my werewolf because she's a beautiful soul, and not at all because I want to fuck a dog

>world full of different sexy races
>jacks off to human

There is nothing hotter then a Blood Elf

so do anyone here play a worgen or is everyone here a panda

>using a transmog
>not wearing his full set mythic raid gear proudly

my main is a worgen and all my alts are pands

Farm the trash in the first two rooms. They can all drop transmog gear, and recipes that sell for up to 200k each.

Post your face when all the degenerates that use tmorph are getting banned on tuesday.

6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

Report and move on.

just a bunch of degenerate pandas

There's just one panda faggot here
Probably some aussie

Give me a DPS raiding class with fun utility RIGHT NOW /wowg/ NOW

I'm getting fucked in the ass with my ele shaman.

This is true.

I think most worgen players have been scared away by the sheer amount of panda posting as of late.

Just took this screenshot at Moon Guard. Lots of sluts there

t. panda shitposter
Kill yourself

Better report 99% of the thread then

Imagine that there's people in this thread right now that didn't post during MoP

fuck off

>I like having one-third of my thread consist of two-word shitposts