Hopefully they won't change anything. It should be graphical and engine improvements ONLY.
This would be nice, but Mac Walters is a fucking hack with his head up his ass.
>Oh ppl dint like my ending that I wrote by myself.
>Get the interns to make a slideshow so i can passive-aggresively mock the players for caring about a game theyve been following closely for nearly half a decade
Honestly, the last act of 3 needs to be rewritten. It should've been one long crawl to the Crucible, where all of your decisions influenced how far you got, with how many casualty and set backs you experience(low ems means you get fucking obliterated before or just before reaching the Crucible, thus letting the Reapers win, higher EMS lets you get there, but with setbacks and causalities, even higher ems lets you get there gloriously and with astounding success.) It's like the suicide mission, but instead of assigning squadmates to certain tasks, you telling the Alliance to help the Geth by bombing a horde of Husks, and so on.
Then, you activate the Crucible, and it totally fucking annihilates Harbinger. I mean full on "entire goddamn thing gets vaporized while it explodes". But, because video game, Harbinger uses the last of its energy to create an avatar in which to kill Shepard, once and for all(could be that he possess TIM, just like Saren and Sovereign. Pottery, and all that).
So, you fight a tiered battle with Harbinger, and after he's destroyed, you destroy the rest of the Reapers. But, since the Crucible is fucking gun-fu'ing Reapers by the dozen per minute, they all converge on the Crucible. Then, the Crucible computer alerts shepard that the Executioner program is now fully activated or something(just roll with it), so he and his squadmates evacuate the Crucible in bad ass style. Normandy picks them up, Crucible releases a wave that obliterates all the Reapers in the galaxy(using the Mass Relays).
Fuck, I shouldve been berought on to write.