/meg/ - Mass Effect General

more raptors edition
>MEG's updated Pastebin:

>Femtur Pastebin:

>MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com

>All previous Collages that we know of:

>Andromeda is dropped:
previous thread (Cross-thread)

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gigi-chan best waifu

Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually Asari Military Command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet. So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.


This is just lazy

Why are the Asari so shit?
>genetically engineered to be fantastic biotic combatants that can create an army anywhere with sentient life
>given Prothean technology and first to discover Citadel, massive science advantage over the other council races
>lifetime of over 1000 years, long enough to master all forms of hand to hand combat and marksmanship

>suck ass at combat and don't share their Prothean tech, even in the face of the Reapers
The Justicar Code should compel them to kill Asari high command.

but mai waifu xDDDD

Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure.

You can't even avoid it though. No spoiler as a sort of protection against it.

>No spoiler as a sort of protection against it.
But we've all read it before

but the point is to open it, like in game

You open the new thread and it's right there, the smart bastard.

I'm sorry anons, it's just that Good. You opened this thread. This isn't actually Mass Effect General. They're busy tending to what's left of their franchise. So you survived our fight with Anthem. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire fanbase is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of /meg/ needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with Page 10.

People usually don't read blocks of words

Damn. That whole thing was like a kick to the teeth

Previous thread is actually

I wonder what EDI's big robo boobs feel like.

>Replaying Mass Effect 3
>Liara: "Its a device of unquantifiable power, yet after all of our research, we still don't know what it is"
>Hack it: "We've got salaraians, Turians, Asari, Geth, Quarians * Rachni working on it, but we still don't know what it really is, or what it does?"
>Jacob: "Things massive! there are some of the smartest people in the galaxy spending day and night trying to figure out what it is"
>Mfw it's a giant battery

New thread, new what are you doing to stay comfy /meg/?

Nah, at least a portion of its functions are within the crucible itself. Hence why certain options become unavailable to you if it's damaged, i.e. your EMS is low.

people kept talking about dag being dead so much in the last thread, i felt like replaying Origins. so that's what im doing

Morrigan is best DA girl

>>Mfw it's a giant battery
Wait, it is?

Before your time, newfriend
/meg/ has been on life support almost as much as it hasn't been. Ask our nazi friend. He frequently had to save it from page 10 when America was asleep.

I've never seen 'DA characters as ME characters' pictures before. Are there more?

damn that guy must've been gone for a while cause i been here for over a year.

yeah i got a couple of those, and vise versa too.

i think this is Merrill

while looking for some i found this


That's weird. Being a random Alliance soldier makes no sense for Merrill.



But the crucible is damaged no matter your EMS points. When telling you about the red ending; Star child tells you the crucible is damaged and so can't target the reapers directly.


Does anyone think they'll remaster the OT?

If so, what do you think they'll change?

>Does anyone think they'll remaster the OT?
Maybe in 5 years.

>If so, what do you think they'll change?
Those bioware homos will take away boobs and ass.

>If so, what do you think they'll change?
Hopefully 3's atrocious ending.

Maybe they'll do it to reset from the MEA reset and return to the Milky way.

Hopefully they won't change anything. It should be graphical and engine improvements ONLY.

This would be nice, but Mac Walters is a fucking hack with his head up his ass.

>Oh ppl dint like my ending that I wrote by myself.
>Get the interns to make a slideshow so i can passive-aggresively mock the players for caring about a game theyve been following closely for nearly half a decade

Honestly, the last act of 3 needs to be rewritten. It should've been one long crawl to the Crucible, where all of your decisions influenced how far you got, with how many casualty and set backs you experience(low ems means you get fucking obliterated before or just before reaching the Crucible, thus letting the Reapers win, higher EMS lets you get there, but with setbacks and causalities, even higher ems lets you get there gloriously and with astounding success.) It's like the suicide mission, but instead of assigning squadmates to certain tasks, you telling the Alliance to help the Geth by bombing a horde of Husks, and so on.

Then, you activate the Crucible, and it totally fucking annihilates Harbinger. I mean full on "entire goddamn thing gets vaporized while it explodes". But, because video game, Harbinger uses the last of its energy to create an avatar in which to kill Shepard, once and for all(could be that he possess TIM, just like Saren and Sovereign. Pottery, and all that).

So, you fight a tiered battle with Harbinger, and after he's destroyed, you destroy the rest of the Reapers. But, since the Crucible is fucking gun-fu'ing Reapers by the dozen per minute, they all converge on the Crucible. Then, the Crucible computer alerts shepard that the Executioner program is now fully activated or something(just roll with it), so he and his squadmates evacuate the Crucible in bad ass style. Normandy picks them up, Crucible releases a wave that obliterates all the Reapers in the galaxy(using the Mass Relays).

Fuck, I shouldve been berought on to write.

I may be a shitty person for saying it, but I'd buy a remake simply for 3's multiplayer again. Something about both 3 and Andromeda's multiplayer just clicked with me and I could never stop playing, they were just too fun.

>Fuck, I shouldve been berought on to write.
We don't live in the best timeline. Actually it's arguably one of the worst ones, but at least it's not that one.

Would ME have been better if they included more spatial anomalies and flat-out weird random MOTW type shit?

>Fuck, I shouldve been berought on to write.
I'm sure every Mass Effect fan has thought that at some point

I'll admit my idea is kind of dumb, but I came up with it in about ten minutes and it's better than the Star Brat.

How would you guys rewrite it?

Late night Jack post!


This is the sexual fantasy Jack was talking about with Liara


here's my fanfic if any of you rad lads want to laugh at it

I thought your idea was better than what we got user.

Well it wasn't terrible, keep at it.

I liked it more than what we got too, I'm just saying we've all thought we could do better than the writers.

Was episode 3 ever made or did he quit?

It also should've included a victory celebration scene and a medal scene, in vein of A New Hope


Yeah, everyone thinks they can do everything until they do it. Story telling is actually kind of hard, even if you know what you're doing. The majority of it is thinking and brainstorming.

hit a brick wall because i don't know what i want to do after feros. don't want to go straight to noveria and end it really quickly, but i also don't want to do every side quest in a formulaic manner and drag it on for ages

it's evolved into this 15 minute long autism fest that may or may not ever be released. there have been some stills and stuff and updates on his tumblr but that's all

>that may or may not ever be released
fuck. What a waste of time.

I was honestly okay with the ending. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. Extended cut actually made it worse imo.

>synthetics and organics can never coexist!
>the Quarians and Geth put behind centuries of animosity and hate, and are now living peacefully

>this completely new and extremely tenuous truce that most players didn't even achieve is totally on the same level as millions, possibly billions of years of evidence to the contrary

>The Star Child's very existence contradicting everything we know about the Reapers

>"We are each a nation"
>"Except that we are all controlled by a big bad who takes time to talk to you and gives you color-coded choices that mean nothing"

Also, Geths and Quarians will forever live in harmony! They will also get romantic with each other!

>romancing Geth

ten thousand lovers(in one unit)


>They will also get romantic with each other!
I'd pay to see Quarian bitches get used and abused by the entire geth consensus

I'd pay to use and abuse a Quarian!

holy fuck so im not the only one who remembers TNT

>"We are each a nation"
I don't know why so many people hold that up as a reliable piece of information(or for that matter why they think it's well written). For all the talk of Reapers being lying scumbags and just manipulating/indoctrinating you, they seem perfectly happy to take that cringey pompous speech at 100% face value.

The Reapers work together toward a common goal that hasn't deviated in millions of years. At the very least, they'd have to have some sort of "consensus" like the Geth. If there's anything wrong with the Star Child, it's the fact that it conveniently manifests in a concrete form that Shepard can directly interact with, not the fact that it conceptually exists at all. But then, if it really were some abstract notion floating somewhere in Platonic space, it'd be difficult-to-impossible to resolve the plot.

The very concept of the Reapers was flawed from the beginning. Given those initial limitations, I feel the way things turned out wasn't that bad.

>I don't know why so many people hold that up as a reliable piece of information

Because Legion confirms it as true, and explains that individual Reapers DO function like the Consensus.

Also that being true and the Starkid don't conflict, he's not a puppetmaster conductors that personally gives the Reapers orders. He even explains how it works. He's the why Reapers do things, the Reapers are in charge of the how.

> millions, possibly billions of years of evidence to the contrary
That's the stupidest thing about the star child's explanation.
In all that time, in all the thousands of thousands of cycles the reapers have seen.
Not ONE species has ever created synthetics, and NOT tried to destroy them?

>Not for religious reasons?
>Not for logical reasons?
>Not for economic reasons?

If you roll a pair of dice enough times eventually you'll get snake eyes. And the Geth would have been peaceful residents of the galaxy if the Reapers hadn't shown up, or the Quarians act like fucking idiots.


I like your idea of the EMS points governing how far you got to the citadel. I would have liked to have seen allies like the rachni, or the elcor in the last charge.

part 1

Your squad should have come up the Citadel with you (if you had high enough EMS) and followed you to Anderson. The Illusive man; now high on Reaper spores or some shit, takes control of all of you.

After explaining what he's doing, he forces you to draw your gun and shoot Anderson.

Then forces you to choose which team mate to kill. (Most effective if one was your waifu). After being forced to shoot one of your friends, you convince him that his plan is doomed to fail and to kill himself.

Your shot friend gives their parting goodbyes.

You then activate the Citadel with the living friend and sit by Anderson. Friend is trying to contact evac but to no success.

Anderson gives final speech and dies.

You and friend sit together and wait for the end (more romantic if waifu)

Hack it calls to say it's not working. So you and the remaining friend try everything to activate it. A platform rises out from under you and takes you to the crucible.

Harbinger is waiting for you there in avatar form.

He says he has halted the crucible firing and that they should accept their fate. You must then convince harbinger to fire the crucible, killing all reapers, or fight him in a boss battle (need to make it hard as balls)

He explains that the Reapers harvest advanced organics and synthetics to There literally is NO way to write the reapers well. I've tried, every explanation for their existence is either contradictory to what they do, or nonsensical and idiotic. perhaps it's best if they remain mysterious

So you fight harbinger or convince him to relinquish control. He will then ask that you do not destroy the reapers as they contain the collective knowledge of every cycle since the galaxies inception.

Part 2

Here you get the three choices as before, but now, if you have a high enough EMS score. They won't kill you.

Control: Create an exact AI copy of yourself to harbinger, becoming him.
Synthesis: Ask your companion to chop your hand off. And now green glowy shit this time, that was fucking ridiculous.
Destroy: fire the unaltered beam and wipe out the Reapers.

Crucible fires, everyone gets out, and you & friend take shelter in Citadel. You're rescued a couple of days later.

Mourn Anderson, go to council and be praised as king shit of fuck mountain, with every woman and /cuteboy/ from here to Tuchanka lining up to suck your cyborg dick.


Then free roam around destroyed galaxy + earth

Maybe not exactly all this, but something that lets the player get away with a 100% best ending with as much choice as possible

there shouldn't have been any choice with the ending. you just destroy them. survive if your ems is high enough, or remove ems entirely

then spend more time working on the post ending stuff

They should've set precedent for control ending in ME2. All those worthless Cerberus missions should've let us come across datapad or what have you informing us the TIM was interested in control as son as he learned about the Reapers

Ah yes, that's what people are looking for in the series Mass Effect. No choices.

I really think we should've been able to play after firing the Crucible to give us some actual closure. Honestly, the slideshow was shit and has always felt like more of an insult than an actual fix to the original ending. I wanted more than to just look at fucking pictures.

I think it would've been neat if we had some sort of "Farewell" mission similar to a Loyalty mission for each squadmate, where we help them one last time, get them sent home and established, or whatever, just so we can see how the war effected everyone. Maybe even attend the funerals of those we lost. And then finally, after you say your goodbyes to everyone, there's a quick cutscene with you and your waifu/Garrus/whatever relaxing on a far off beach, clink glasses, music comes in, and then credits.

It's cliche as fuck but I still think it would've given at least a little bit of satisfying closure.

you made choices through the entire series that are meaningless. having another meaningless choice at the end is stupid. instead, you can do better ending slides that actually make some of the choices you made feel somewhat meaningful

Morrigan looks so much better here it's not even funny, damn.

They should update the combat in ME1 & ME2 to match ME3, change the lighting and color palette in ME2 & ME3 to closer match ME1, and change the ending of ME3 to be less retarded.

I was one of the people keeping it alive though and I'm still here, so don't talk to me or my wife's daughters ever again!

The only feasible way to keep the Reapers from becoming stupid is to avoid giving them clear motives or origins. Keep them alien and unknowable.

What if Reaper's whole character is just a disguise? People only know him as this edgy guy dressed in black, and only a few characters actually know who he really is. If he wants to go undercover he can just put on some normal clothes and be a nobody, even with pale skin.

Same with McCree. Nobody knows him as anything as a cowboyaboo, but he's a highly wanted criminal on the run. If he wants to go into a town for supplies all sneaky beaky like, all he has to do is put on some khakis and a t-shirt and shave and he'd look like a completely different person since nobody has seen him outside of his outfit.

Maybe that's why all of Blackwatch and Talon look ridiculous.

/meg/ is better than /dag/, my sweet anons.

/dag/ has worst husbandos



Gross! Remove IMMEDIATELY!




/dag/ fuck off


>playing Renegade Shep and fell in love with Crusader
>read the bio and find out it was used on Torfan

Also I'm going to scoop out your eyes and feed them to pyjack.

Uhm..! That is objectively wrong, user!

This is why I have a problem with people who complain about the ending, because when it gets down to it the vast majority hate it not because it's poorly written or has plot holes, but because they don't like that it's a downer ending. And don't get me wrong, it does have issues, but those issues were inevitable ever since they decided it was a bright idea to make the main antagonists galaxy-destroying eldritch abominations in a choice-driven story.

There was no way anything you did could possibly have any meaningful effect on the ending aside from locking you out of it if you didn't have enough resources(and somehow I don't think that would've been any more popular with the fans). Either the Reapers are stopped somehow, or they're not. That's it. If you ever bought into that "sixteen endings" nonsense you're a moron and deserved what you got.

As for wanting a happy ending, I suppose that's your prerogative, but I was honestly pleasantly surprised by the way they handled it. I was fully expecting something like the suicide mission from ME2, or the various fan endings that inevitably boil down to "and everyone lived happily ever after(especially my waifu), The End." I don't understand how, in a world where literally every story is about Big Damn Heroes eating millenia-old demigods for breakfast, and people clamor for something different for a change, they flip their shit when they get something different for a change.

One thing that bothers me in particular is how much people ranted about the mass relays being destroyed in the original ending. I was PRAYING for this to happen ever since it was revealed that the Reapers, not the Protheans, built them, but I never thought Bioware would have the balls to do it. People are quick to decry the Control and Synthesis endings as "letting the Reapers win," but conveniently ignore that the very foundations of galactic society are actually part of the Reapers' grand design.

Another post I saw listed the fact that the majority of the galactic military was stranded in Sol as a "plot hole." It was so inconceivable to them that everyone just died that they considered it a plot hole. This was another thing that came as a pleasant surprise to me. So many stories talk a big game about how fearsome their villains are, but in the end, they never really manage to do any real damage. What happened to all the people applauding Sovereign's spiel on Virmire? How is it any more "faithful" or "better" to make the Reapers ineffectual strawmen that keel over in the face of a little can-do attitude and elbow grease?

In the end it has nothing to do with integrity or good writing, and everything to do with denied wish-fulfillment. People just want to be the hero and get the girl, and damn everything else. But that makes them look like a petulant, entitled children, so they make up excuses and paint the authors as incompetent, or dastardly schemers, or somehow both.

Yes I realize it's pointless to post this and I'm probably going to be ignored or called a troll, but I typed it all up already so fuck you I'm doing it.

Mac pls.

Look, user. You've got a good point about people being upset about not getting the happily-ever-after ending because it went with a darker turn, but can you really blame them when the prior two games set up the precedent of actually being the Big Damn Hero? There's nothing wrong with doom and gloom endings, but when the narrative of your two previous games gives people the option to get the happily-ever-after ending they want only for the final game in the trilogy to pull the rug out from underneath them and say, "Nope. Sorry. There's no real winners today, no matter what you did. Enjoy the light show." It's pretty easy to see why people would get upset.
There's nothing wrong with happy endings, and there's nothing wrong with soul-crushing endings Spec Ops: The Line, for example but honestly it kind of does fall on the writers for building the world one way, and then expecting people to like the opposite. That's all I'm trying to say.

tumblr please leave

>paige nain
membah da 500 trillians


>Spent literally months of his life killing an already dead DA general
>Realizes how empty his life is
>Uses shitty forced memes that already did not belong in /dag/ in other generals now because he can't cope

When will the Liarafag get a job?

His job was "killing" dag. Now he has no purpose.


This is a cancerous Leliana/elves/nugs spammer and baiter. Avoid giving replies from now on, looks like it wants to start doing the same attentionwhoring shit here as well as in /wtc/
Report and ignore.
