do these work?
Do these work?
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they work right up until the negro cuts through your steering wheel and removes it.
You just hacksaw off the section of steering wheel that's locked.
No racism here please.
Yes because of the visual deterrent. No one is going to try and steal one and sit there with a hack saw risk being seen sawing through it when they could just pick a car that doesn't have one to steal.
If a car thief really wants your car, they're gonna steal it regardless of any anti-theft devices that are on it.
However for lazy thieves that just act on pure opportunity it should help deter them from bothering.
Yes. Not because the thing itself works, but because a thief will move on to one of the many more cars that doesn't have an anti theft device.
In other words, it's essentially a scare crow. A plastic one that looks real would work as well as a metal one.
Found the basketball american
Edgy /pol/ kids can go back.
6% of the US population (black males) comit nearly 40% of car theft in the US.
nothing edgy about the truth
I demonstrated to my friend thay these doing work. I removed the horn button and removed the steering wheel. At that point i changed the ignition cylinder and put on a steering wheel i had laying around and drove his truck around the block
lying around
>sees fact he doesn't like
>duhhh me post funneh face
they might be easy to get around for someone with intent, but the whole point is as deterrence. A thief probably won't bother spending the extra effort and time stealing your car if there's one next to it without the lock they can take far more easily.
>how to find your car smashed into another car down the road with no thieves in sight and leaving you having to foot the bill for both in one simple step
The better option is the full steering wheel covers, much more secure
cars should require a pin number to start
As people have mentioned, merely being more secure than the shitbox next to you is the before defense. Most crimes are just opportunistic, no one is plotting to steal your shit unless you have a Lambo in the open for whatever reason.
shut the fuck up
Good job shutting that false narrative down.
Looks like whites are really owning the crime sport at the moment.
That doesn't justify using the word 'negro', that's just ignorant
That statement wasn’t even true.
They will use the extra leverage of the bar to help them break the steering lock, then cut it free.
They provide a deterrent to theft. They make the owner feel more relaxed. They don't do anything to stop the car being stolen.
If your car were worth stealing, criminals would either steal the keys of hijack it. You don’t have anything to worry about in all likelihood.
Doesn't really matter. I'm just saying we can all have a civil conversation without resorting to nonsense like that.
I know it will never happen, but it's nice to have hope
Manual transmission: Lock the clutch pedal, can't start the car
Auto transmission: Lock the brake pedal, can't shift out of park
It's a better approach in pretty much every way except maybe not being as apparent from outside the car.
>If your car were worth stealing, criminals would either steal the keys of hijack it.
Or they'd bring a tow truck/flatbed
Oh I definitely agree i hate any sort of discriminatory speech. I was just pointing out his bullshit
Fuck you, nigger cunt.
>false narrative
Whites make up 72% of the population. Blacks make up 12%. When you look at the murder stats you are 25 times more likely to be killed by a black male than any other demographic.
That's not going to prevent theft either.
i just got an old pickup and i'm worried about thieves because i park it in public
any tips for me? was thinking of getting a silent alarm and gps tracker
stfu negro
The only person you're hurting with these statements is yourself. Get yourself to a better place, find something that helps you deal with these feelings and just go forward. You'll feel a lot better
If we're scared of using a word surely that will stop racism
negro negro negro negro negro negro
Pull the fuel pump fuse everytime you park it
I can just imagine what kind of intellectual is sitting behind the keyboard typing that.
They add another step to the car theft process, so yes
killswitch to battery / starter earth
chuck it in a tricky to find place but somewhere you can just flick cause you know where it is
If its good enough for MLK jr, it's good enough for me.
They 'can' help, I mean ultimately if someone wants your car they'll figure out a way to steal it, either by carjacking, flatbed or various technical fuckery. So in a sense they help deter the casual thief, but pros aren't going to be slowed down by much
Luckily the majority of car thieves are opportunistic amateurs looking for a shitbox to strip or joyride so when they see a big, visual deterrent they'll move on to the next car.
However there is no 100% effective way to stop car thieves so it helps to have good insurance on top of your Club©®
it will stop the average nigger/shitskin that just "needs a car right now"
the eastern European crew? they might be annoyed getting it off in the shop later once they've stolen it by tow or flatbed.
How many blacks are randomly shooting up schools?
What kind of shitholes are you guys living in where you'd even consider buying one of these? Hell, people around here don't even LOCK their cars, let alone set them up with a giant bar and anti-brake shit.
The only people I know that use these are those people with the 3k civics that insist that the theives out there have some kind of "Civic master key"
Also does anyone remember the infomercial for these?
90s hondas are the most thieved upon cars in the world
don't ask me why
>Civic master key
I.E. the barrels on your 15 year old Civic are so worn out that you could start it with a teaspoon handle.
Funny related story, a few summers ago three of my buddies all had 90s 4Runners and figured out that their keys would all open and start each other's trucks so they spent the whole summer pranking each other by moving them around.
>don't ask me why
They're extremely easy to steal, and there is high demand for cheap parts due to their wide use by poor ghettards.
You can start them with a fucking screwdriver. Also, there's so many of them that actually finding one after being stolen is less likely than someone on /r9k/ getting a girlfriend.
Because they're so simple there's a million ways to steal them.
80s Toyotas were the same way.
Niggers can't afford the ammo for mass shootings, that's why we don't give them reparations.
Honda Accord is pretty consistently the most stolen vehicle in America year to year.
Per unit its the escalade
Can't you understand that you should, like, fuck off with that nigger bullshit?
Yeah, those were pretty hot in the early 2000s but they dropped off dramatically in the early 2010s.
The F-150 is pretty consistently in the top 10 because Ford doesn't really bother with theft deterrents on the bulk fleet models so they're easy to boost. Why just steal the tools when you can take the whole truck?
White are underrepresented and black are over represented in mass shooting and shooting in general.
One ALMOST did it on Thursday.
Walked out of the bathroom into the classroom with his AR ready to go to town.
But then he just walked back in and killed himself instead.
I suppose only whites have the ruthless, heartless, capacity to murder defenseless children in cold blood. Blacks are too pure to do so even if they tried.
Statistics aren't racist
If you have a problem with it, go try to fix the black community. Good luck.
There's an entire spanish race that disagrees with you, pavement ape
Probably saw that the local KFC was closing and got distracted
i haven't locked my car outside for the last 6 years and i live in a commieblock
It's amusing how easy it is to trigger white people
I just love threads laden with Wakandan intellectuals
Does anyone have a kill switch system on their car?
They pretty much do and people still steal them
Calling a black a negro is the same as calling a white a Caucasian you daft cunt.
Niggers do the majority of school shootings you just don't hear about it because the media doesn't make nigger gang violence national news
Yeah but calling a black anything is an insult to them because they know that black=inferior
big difference between gang violence which targets a specified individual and randomly walking into a school and killing every motherfucker in the room.
>using memes to favour an argument
Found the soyalt
Who's to say that school shooters aren't targeting specific people? You know how many innocent bystanders are killed by niggers spraying into a crowd at someone.
Yeah, you should refer to them as People of Color. Not some word from the 18th century like negro or colored people. No, it's People of Color (or kings and queens obviously).
Too busy shooting up each other and random people for the change in their pocket. They also lack prior planning abilities so doing something that requires preparation is a no-go.
>Kangs and Qwans
Stop tryna to make us use yo raycis ass spellin yt
Or just black
>basketball american gang shoots at another basketball american gang member near a school
> 3 school children shot
just another day in chiraq
All jokes aside we know blacks are fucked up but what is causing solidly middle class suburban white kids to snap like this? They attend good schools, live in safe neighborhoods and have both parents in their lives.
Why are they still going off like this and what is going on with white suburban american culture?
As it's my fault that negros are problematic
More than 90% of these shooters are confirmed to have been on some form of ssri. Little Timmy acts out in school or has some normal teen puberty feelings and he gets sent to Dr. Goldstein for some prozac then he shoots up the school and Sen. Feinstein wants to take your guns and Prof. Shekelberg blames it all on whitey just being evil.
There's a reason this stuff didn't really happen the last couple of decades and it's gonna keep happening more frequently until we do something about the drugs and the (((doctors))) prescribing them.
*until the last couple of decades
>t. melanin enriched individual