>Trump bans all foreign cars
What will you be driving, Veeky Forums ?
>Trump bans all foreign cars
What will you be driving, Veeky Forums ?
driving my dick into trumps ass
Old Buick Park Avenue
Fiat Punto
just like I do now
A used ATS-V or an AWD Lincoln of some kind.
>Trump bans all foreign cars
>Ford and GM go bankrupt
>Toyota, Honda, Mazda and Nissan are fine
And that's the benefit of domestic production, kids.
My avalanche
I'll be driving anything with the SOUND OF FREEDOM.
Toyota camry with a gun in the passenger seat and trump on my hitlist, probably.
Trump is a fucking idiot though
he's going to place a trade restriction on Chinese steel and aluminum
Big trade imbalance!
not even shareblue. I regret voting for that fuckhead.
>"Yeah, I drive a McLaren"
>tfw gubment crushes muh bimmer
>might as well be /comfy/
I'll keep driving the same thing I drive now.
>inb4 "that's a German car"
>inb4 trump takes away firearms from "not mentally stable" people because muh chilluns
I don't, my paycheck grew under him.
fiero with a bodykit
>fuck the environment
>fuck global relations
>fuck bipartisanship
>fuck modern decency
>muh paycheck
Yeah those are my sentiments exactly. I'm all about #1.
>>Trump bans all foreign cars
>>Ford and GM go bankrupt
i don't get it. malibu, impala, treverse, silverado, camaro, enclave, verano, volt, bolt, sonic are built here. F150s, Taurus, Fusion, Mustang, Focus, Explorer, (upcoming ranger) are also built here, mazdas aren't.
a toyota because toyota builds their cars in america, unlike ford which are mostly made in mexico
in movies the world is always threatened by something malevolent or catastrophic, when in reality humanity will be snuffed out by their own arrogance, ignorance, and selfishness
I just continue driving my 5er
I don't care as long as I get paid.
Probably should've stayed isolationist during World War 2. assuming Japan hadn't attacked us or we just didn't piss them off enough with embargos to provoke them into attacking us we could've just ignored the whole planet blowing up around us and stayed in solitude.
>"Just picked up a Maserati"
Nip shills don't care about facts, a domestic brand beat them off a light in a clapped out pickup one time and they are eternally butt hurt.
Environmentalists in the US were largely going after small targets that mattered little on the global scale. But, he should have focused on undoing passenger car emissions requirements instead of EPA oversight.
Middle 2 are political posturing
Last one is also largely bullshit as modern decency seems to be based on denying reality and absolving people of any responsibility they might have as long as you shift the blame towards either:
a white male
a high-status indian or east asian male
a corporation
a government entity or employee
an abstract entity that only exists in conspiracy theories, despite the closest thing to it that actually exists not doing shit (ie: the jews, the patriarchy, white privilege, the rothschilds and their friends)
we weren't isolationist, we were bringing in a bunch of germans and selling tons of weapons to everyone
imagine if we kept doing that without cementing the idea of the US being the world police in global opinion and local culture
the US would actually rule the world instead of being that ugly fat kid who throws tantrums and destroys things, and then considers himself a winner for making everything worse even if he never got what he wanted
environmentalists are going after coal production (which is being phased out anyways on the corporate scale) and consumerism (to cut down on global transportation, main source of greenhouse gases)
>"Stacy sucked me up in my Benz last night, shit was so cash"
>my dream car is un-effected
feels good man.
And the environmentalists that do more than just hold signs just put carbon caps on industry
>yeah okay but we're still going to toss our leftover plastic wherever
>and emit a lot of sulfur and NOx
>that's fine bro, carbon emissions are literally all that matters
>airlines: what about us huh?
>airlines get a free pass because they're cool and convenient
>japan attacks US
>germany declares war on US
>WW2 is all US's fault
the only reason we're the 'global police' is because of the military industrial complex, we have to justify those billions and billions spent and give the richest people a safe haven from those nasty coups. we've been on this path since industrialization
I can understand that. It's not like we're coming back from what we started.
They're also moving Ram's production to the states. Kinda glad FCA is taking that route. Still, I'd never touch a Chrysler product with a 10ft. pole until they mature as a company, by that I mean focusing on how to make reliable cars and not how to make the fastest production muscle car.
The big three will have to a lightweight sportcar and a wrx clone since those cars are taxed to death in europe.
I'd still be driving my very reliable Toyota Tundra.
Almost 300k miles. At this point a new domestic POS would need a new engine replacement LMAO.
>we were bringing in a bunch of germans and selling tons of weapons to everyone
Holy shit, we were not only watching the world blow itself up but we were making money manufacturing goods for it. Fuck that sounds awesome. i wish we were doing that today, the US could be the world's weapon's factory and every time there's a proxy war between two major countries we'd just sell weapons to both and watch. i honestly wish some other country was the leading police super power, i wish the UK had somehow become the world's military super power police and we'd just supply them with weapons and they'd figure out how to solve whatever global shit is going down and we'd just spend all the money we make off them supporting our weapon's manufacturing industry on our people.
Well, we did cut off the oil. Roosevelt knew what he was doing.
>"My Mitsu will straight smoke your SN95 from a roll, bro"
this is a good point
imagine a small awd cuckbox with a turbo v8. uma delicia
>the japs are butchering civilians in china but we shouldnt say or do anything or else they may get upset
the liberal mind at work.
Not him but i agree, we shouldn't have said or done anything. China was like a woman being raped and beaten by some shady gangster with scary tattoos. do you say anything and potentially attract the attention of the scary gangster who then tries to beat you up or do you just not say anything and go about your business. its not like China was our ally in any way. i know that sounds awful as fuck but survival of the fittest right?
literally not our problem
and the democrats and republicans were a little different then than they were now.
for example the democrats were pants on head retarded last election. Usually it's the republicans that butcher it. But it's all the same thing really. "Conservatives" want small government, except when it comes to Social Security and military of course.
17 trillion USD unaccounted for, does that mean anything to you?
That is pretty retarded Japs/Germans are allowed to import their cars at no cost yet if Murrika sells cars over there, they're taxed like crazy. How can you even defend that?
Their market and not ours. Do you live in japan? How does it affect you?
These are built here so..
>pic related
if i were going AWD turbo jap-style sports car
aren*t, fuck.
selling oil to a nation that is killing civilians on purpose is morally wrong and the US has always tried (until veitnam) tried to be the moral compass for the world.
And buying oil from a country that does just that isn't?
Listen, im talking about then, not now. America lost its way in the 60s.
>unlike ford which are mostly made in mexico
Fords best seller, the F150, is made in Kansas City, MO and Dearborn, MI. Toyotas best seller, the Rav4, is made in Japan and Canada.
Daddy D doesn't know any better.
That's a weird looking Eagle Talon but good choice.
And it's true that then American pride was a real thing. They all believed they were gonna save the world and bring peace.
Like the 15 points, and the atlantic charter and other bullshit like that.
>the moral compass for the world.
Honestly, why would anyone want that title? all it does is allow people to exploit you by using your moral compass to cripple you from doing or making you do something that would probably be in your best interest not to do or do.
>Europe wanted to show morality by showing empathy for refugees during the Syrian crisis
>they can't just tell them to fuck off even if letting in hundreds of thousands of these people is a detriment to their own society
I would rather America be known for being selfish and non-empathetic who will help both sides of evil and good if we benefit from it right from the start rather than devote resources to having people count on you for being the good guy. the world would hate us but our own people would be happy.
>"Conservatives" want small government, except when it comes to Social Security and military of course.
They also refuse to give DC statehood. Real funny coming from the party of muh states rights.
Will we have to change the stars on the flag? that might trigger my autism.
well, it is a german car
Yeah but DC = black people.
who in their right mind would buy an american car in japan or europe? for what purpose?
There's no reason whatsoever for it to become a state.
Mustangs are popular, even outselling Porsche at one point
>anons face
>anons feels
My country doesn't make cars, so a bicicle, I guess.
Coupe DeVille
>heavily taxing american buyers to get back at the way europeans run their own countries.
lol, go get em tiger.
>Drumf bans foreign cars to save Murrikan jerbs
>kills millions of jobs in the process from foreign brands and suppliers manufacturing in the US
By foreign he means foreign made. he encourage automakers of all kinds to build plants here.
All the important foreign sellers already have plants in the US or at least North America. Only the fewest cars still get shipped across oceans.
how butthurt would europ be if trump bans the sale of all european brands?
>implying Murrika wouldn't become the butt joke of global car culture
last time we did this, we did it with motorcycles, and added a displacement limit
japs built bikes here, and they had better built, precision machined engines that made more horses per cubic inch and lasted longer despite it
the resulting shitshow almost killed harley davidson, who did pull themselves up by their bootstraps and regain some market presence, but still cemented japanese bikes as the default for anyone who actually rides.
the answer is pic related but i'd like to note that your way of thinking is pretty undercooked. making libruls/SJWs/europeans/POC/environmentalists mad is not a good compass looking for genuinely good solutions to difficult problems. apply yourself, kid.
Jokes on him, I don't have to buy an American vehicle if I can't afford a vehicle.
I've never even considered buying a european car
Mostly because you pay way more up front if it's not a shitbox, and then it becomes a shitbox a week later.
Why would they give DC statehood. It's the United States, and DC manages the states
dude nice
Why can't Yurocucks simply play fair and not tax American companies?
a countach bodykit
>oh, you wanted a 5er? too bad, here's a fusion
>Ford of Europe
That's an import car you traitor
well, we tried evening the playing field by taxing euro cars like they do to ours, but then euroland got buttblasted and started taxing our shit even more
>oh, you wanted a $50k car? too bad, here's a $20k car
buddy... you're not making any sense
>implying they already aren't
>oh, you wanted a quality car? too bad, here's trash
i see you're a bit slow
you're comparing a $50k luxobarge to a $20k econobox
america btfo
europ #1