PC Beta early access on the 28th, open access on the 29th, ends on the 31st. Same content as the console beta, except Control is on a new map and some mechanics balancing has occurred.
>>>NEWSRESET INFOCLANSThe Leviathan Raid Gdoc sign ups
PC Beta early access on the 28th, open access on the 29th, ends on the 31st. Same content as the console beta, except Control is on a new map and some mechanics balancing has occurred.
>>>NEWSRESET INFOCLANSThe Leviathan Raid Gdoc sign ups
The PS4 and Xbox clan links are broken, my bad I fucked up
PS4: bungie.net
Can someone post the xbox one?
Im here early to fuck up the thread.
fuck off retard
Haha man thats so cool! Thats why I always love coming back here haha so radical haha! Never change dude and dudettes(male) hahaha! Live it up!
>so radical
fuck off thom
PS4 clan should be named "F.o.R."
Tell Bob and it will end up in the strawpoll he his holding in 2 days to decide the name of the clan
What does that even stand for?
fuck off retard
Got em’
Storywise, he suffers an exaggerated personality from being trapped in the Vex network on Nessus
Never touched Destiny and pre-ordered Destiny 2. I actually like to know the lore of my games.
Does this pretty well sum up everything that has happened including the expansions?
i don't know, i'm not watching that shit.
Byf is a faggot, it's much much much better to just read the lore yourself than get it from some fag youtuber.
Just one more week lads...
Are you ready?
What the fuck does it say in the middle of the Sentinel Titan page?
>an hour and a half
hory sheet, but byf is usually pretty through about his lore vids.
"punk ulept"
glad to be of service.
5/6 for normal KF
Who doesn't want to do a pointless raid in a dead game for no good reason?
hmu senpai
>1 week until alpha team returns
its like waiting for christmas
excitement when it comes round but then you have your entire family fighting while you eat your christmas ham and you wish it never happened, but you enjoy it anyway
>no good reason
Hey, I can actually do the jumping part of Daughters on normal!
Do you think Zippy has changed at all? You think he will post here?
Do you think Don has changed at all? You think he will post here?
Do you think Noobish has changed at all? You think he will post here?
Do you think Stuart has changed at all? You think he will post here?
"point(s) to make up" or something
Do you think Thunder has changed at all? You think he will post here?
Do you think Enji has changed at all? You think he will post here?
Do you think Jack has changed at all? You think he will post here?
fuck off
>Raid sign ups are up
So how does this work? And are PS4 players only able to sign up? What about Xboners?
if you can't beat 'em, join em.
Do you think Pandox has changed at all? You think he will post here?
Do you think Pandox has changed at... wait now still a faggot and a loser.
Do you think Dane has changed at all? Do you think he will post here?
>8 (You)s
Xboners will need to message don asking them for edit rights since last time things didn’t go so smoothly leaving it open to edit
What about them?
All six can message eachother
they haven't been seen for aeons, you been away since year 1 or something?
Looks like we're getting back into the groove of things
All we need are the tripfags themselves to return and we're in full flow
very funny you petty little sonypony, very funny.
Someone from Xbox will most likely get edit rights and handle the Xbox side of the GDOC(Most likely Stray)
They’re sealed within the Alpha Sarcophaguses, waiting to be awakened by The Three Originals, Zippy the Titled, Don the Drunken, and Enji the Furry.
>posting my OC
feels good
watch this be bugged at release
This sounds like it could be a huge annoyance
You must stop me yourself
whats wrong with him?
Who cares? It's an alpha team run clan anyway if Bob is at the helm
Don't you mean aipha team?
They got cucked out of their clan name by some literal who's, they're not alpha team they're aipha team
Actual real autism in someone who doesn't try to learn how to actually improve their social skills/attitude
Calm your tits. We'd rather have him in the clan so he can stop crying than trying to spread his fake clan (which was made purely to spite us) and catching newcomers that have no idea what they're getting into.
Ima need some proof on this, aipha team could be ruined after this if this is true
Wow, did he really do that?
Holy shit.
thanks for the facebook meme
He's retarded Alpha Team has no i in the name.
Shit, I'm sorry. I misread the pic. All I saw was Dragon and assumed it said Dragoneye, not Dragonheart. Gomenosai
This, I thought we were talking about dragoneye too
I don't care anymore now that we're not
I'm still gonna have my most powerful gear on so...
What time exactly is it going to start
The game is going to be released 9pm California time
forgot image
So.... its weird that bungie teleported the last city twice now, right?
On the map it was shown to be in the location of Puerto Princesa, (Ignore the nepal theory bcuz muh mountains retardation)
During gameplay you can see russia from your window, and things like the twilight gap are right by the city which are clearly still in cosmodrome russia.
But then cabal show up, wreck your shit, kick your down into the city, and you crawl over to the European deadzone which is apparently so close that a chunk of the traveler landed on it when in the skirmish with the traveler.
Never actually seeing the traveler from either of these locations.
On top of that we've seen the traveler, between cutscenes, so close to the city that it was touching tops of the buildings, far enough that it was essentially in the exosphere, and everywhere in between.
Not to mention that it's gone from an orb not visible from outter space due to cloud cover to one large enough to cover quarter the continent of america, back down to tiny again.
yet another reason to play on PC. Being away from Dragonheart and Ponyfucker.
Nah its artystic decision
aka make it look cool think later
New to Destiny, will I enjoy D2 if I like looter shooter like Borderlands and Warframe?
why dont you check it yourself
how would we know
yes you would you spoonfed faggot
Fucking finally.
I can't tell you how many times I cucked myself by accident by forgetting to equip the right ghost or something.
Back in my day we didn't have Welfare Guardians ;/
How could it be an annoyance you retard? It means decrypted items give you defense/attack equal to or higher than your highest possible, rather than equal to or higher than your currently equipped light level.
The enjoyment of loot is universal and never changes. The industry weeps tears of joy over having found their golden egg duck and will try to keep it alive for as long as possible.
If you enjoy Borderlands and Halo then you'll probably fit right in. I'd say that BL enemies are considerably more aggressive than Destiny ones, but then you don't have as many health restoration methods as in BL.
no faget
fixed shit in D2
>Replying to himself.
thanks for the raid, lads
i might be up for WOTM heroic tomorrow but it's late as hell tonight
Wait do i still need to play D1 to join the D2 xbone clan?
Having a light level 400 character in D1 is mandatory. Yes.
The only prerequisite is to deepthroat Virus
get PS4, you stupid faget
I meant more like actively play D1
I got a 400 hunter and 400 Titan
No problem man, and yeah me and Chib are up for that. Message me whenever you want to.
>Doesn't have all 3 classes at 400.
I'm afraid we don't have room for people like you.
I never liked running warlocks so i left it at 397