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>Hibana is getting a reserve ammo buff
Posted in last thread but I'll delete that
>Why would you use such a shitty weapon
Well the idea is that they are issued that weapon and, basically, have to use it. But that doesn't line up with the real world application, because a lot of these top tier units don't use the weapons the grunts do, but instead of everyone running around with HK416's, Ubisoft wants there to be unique weapons. So everyone gets something related to their country.
But then you run into problems if the Grunts don't also use really unique shit, so you start going "Oh god we need something kind of related to the country in some way" and start pulling from different groups in that country (Ie Brazil Military SMG is now somehow used by BOPE) and you end up in a panic trying to salvage whats left of your goal of making the units unique and represent the country.
This is why nobody really cared about Valks MPX - Navy Seals don't use the MPX, but it's a modern SMG they could reasonably use, and it looked in place in the game. It's fine.
But when you start giving a world renown, highly respected CTU a gun from the WW2 era because a Wikipedia page told you the Canadian Army still might technically have a few laying around even though they haven't been used in decades, and the Canadians never replaced it because SMG's in modern combat are stupid? It's pretty dumb.
There are a fuck ton of modern guns that CTU's "could" use, like the Kriss Vector, that would feel perfectly fine in the game. I think people who give a fuck about how their nation is represented would rather their country using dank ass shit vs "Why the fuck did they give them that?" Like GROM with the MSBS
>I think people who give a fuck about how their nation is represented would rather their country using dank ass shit
As a filthy Australian I'd much rather my country gets cool gadget and decent voice acting then anything. Personally I'm not much of a gun nut so I don't even know half of these things though.
The worst one I can see that's worthy of real complaint is Frost's. Quite simply because even as someone who doesn't know anything about guns I noticed right away that it's completely retarded and out of place.
>People still believe the Sterling is from WW2
it's not wrong to call it a WW2-era gun considering it was designed in 1944, and meant to help the war effort
>gun designed during the war, tested during the war, and fully intended to be deployed in that war
>not actually from that era
when will this meme die?
Yeah, but was mainly used from the 50s-80s
Coast Guard operators when?
>Actually used in the 80s
Guess the FAL is now a WW2 war gun since that's when it was designed
You probably think the AK47 isn't WW2 era technology either lol
>when a gun was used and popularized is actually when that gun was designed and engineered
We dumping operators?
Got a whole folder of non-standard operators, would be perfect for our special snowflake squad
I would piss myself if I ever saw that coming at me
>Everyone complains that they think the Sterling is out of place in Siege
>Used until the 80s
>No one cares about the MAC 11, FAL or even Tachanka's DP-28
Boat map when?
>not restarting after 60-90seconds
>somehow it's the games fault
>not the fact you're a retard
Gun stopped being used in the 80's for a reason. A number of Leafs also bitched about the FAL because that was also taken out of service a long time ago. FAL is still one of the most widely used guns in the world however.
You have to pick one, and only one - do you want a ton of varied, cool guns, or do you want authentic guns representing the CTU. They are trying to do both and it really doesn't work.
And on your DP-28 note
>Tachanka is specifically listed as an autistic fuck who loves to use classic weaponry
When you have an actual backstory to justify why something out of place is in the game, then it's fine. Nobody really bitches about Bandit's car batteries. We joke about it, and say it heavily contrasts a lot of the shit in the game, but the point is "It works." Sometimes the best solutions are the most simple ones.
This isn't /k/ faggots. Stop dumping random pictures that have nothing to do with the game.
Fuck you
Pictures about operators have nothing to do with a game about operators? I legitimately think everything I've posted would have been better than at least half of the DLC CTUs we have gotten
as a fucking leaf, I don't mind frost's gun. It may look a bit out of place but I think it looks cool and I love the was it handles in-game
He means we have a boat map, it's just run aground.
Can you explain how matchmaking works? I don't get the "restart every 60 seconds" thing.
Yacht is the boat map. Sure, it's not necessarily at sea, but it is a boat.
At least the Sterling was used during war
Take a look at the Spas 12 and D-50, those are pure Hollywood garbage that have never been actually used in active conflict
Why are people giving that shit a pass?
I meant working boat you twat.
Why is this game's matchmaking so fucked and 2 friends a bunch of pubs get matched with 5 clan players in voice?
It's just one of those things - I don't personally mind if you just want to give retarded guns to people, but to try and pass it off as something JTF2 actually uses because the Wikipedia page says so is absolutely retarded.
Nobody is mad Mira uses the Vector, cause the Vector is fun as all shit
I'm sorry, what is this "Yacht map" you guys are talking about?
haha epic reddit meme my friend xD
>This is why nobody really cared about Valks MPX
Too bad her other weapons are meme guns that no operator on earth would want to use
>doesn't have acog
lmao nerds
So smoke and echo are kind of similar in different ways. And if what was seen is true with the shotty buffs, Echo will be better.
They both have similar tool sets. Shotgun for opening sight lines and all around utility tool, and a machine pistol for main damage. Unless for echo, you decide to switch out the Shotgun for the acog mp5sd for better sight lines holds.
In bomb, both are good at anchors. Smoke has 3 canisters that last 10 seconds each. He can deny plants but has to be at least throwing distance to the bomb plants kind of limiting his area of work.
Echo can be "off site" and move his yokai drone to where ever it is needed. He is a fatty so as an anchor he can take more punishment than Smoke. But if his drone gets taken out, he is out of the denial game.
Which operator makes a good site anchor? I am leaning towards Smoke but people have said that Echo was also used in Pro Leage. OR was he also used WITH Smoke as another supplement? Like how people run Hibana but can additionally run Thermite with her also?
>half of thread is one retard dumping /k/ material
>r6g isn't dead guyz!
Oh yeah I forgot about everyone getting salty over the Desert Eagle
Remember when the rumors about Blackbeard were that he was named that because he carries a Desert Eagle, so it's a hand cannon like what a Pirate would use?
Good times
If it wasn't the games fault this wouldn't be happening in the first place dipshit. It's also a widespread issue, it doesn't only happen to select players. So yeah, it is the games fault.
>Heh, if I tell that guy to restart his cue and pretend Ubijew is completely innocent here I'll get another Goy-credit payment so I can buy that sick new kippah headgear for Ash.
and the SPAS, which might be even worse
The SPAS-12 saw limited police use until they realized it isn't that great, but yeah it doesn't at all fit for SEALS to use it. The fact that they gave the SEALS Desert fucking Eagles instead of a Mk.23 is unforgivable no matter how you look at it though.
>ignores the consecutive threads made over the past few days
It's so boring how the Spas-12 keeps worming its way into shooters just because of its pop culture popularity. At least the one we have in game doesn't have its stock folded
Also thank fuck it isn't pump action in Siege too
>At least the one we have in game doesn't have its stock folded
oh fuck, I forgot how many games pull that shit
they really dropped the ball hard on the SEALS
Second post of this, we get it, you think ur Kixstar cuz ur plat 2, we saw the first post, it's your own fucking fault for not restarting queue monkey.
im really tempted to try this do you guys think its worth risking a ban
Ubi banned almost everyone who did this
unironically the worst video video regarding r6s that i have ever seen
dont do it user
b-but i need the renown guys
why u so mean
Just grind lone wolf terrorist hunt classic
I can't decide whether it being select fire in Rogue Spear was retarded or awesome.
>thread made at 1:30 Eastern Atlantic time
>expecting it to be high-traffic
your mistake
>SPAS-12 in Half Life 2
>can fire two shots at once
Valve is so shit at guns
What if they removed the M1911 from the FBI and gave it to the SEALs
US navy still uses that relic right?
Deagle shouldnt be in the game
I just realized how Ubisoft could add retarded guns they want to add because of video games, but not have to attach them to new Operators
>Announce you are adding two new attackers and defenders as part of a "Bonus Training Event" or some shit
>New characters are basically just "good" recruits using good weapons w/ attachments and full gadgets
>Americans get to take the classic M16 on ATK and the Thompson SMG on Defense
>Russian Operator gets to meme it up with AK47 and Desert Eagle
>Attackers get the option between two normal gadgets, like Frags and Flashes, or Claymore and Breaching Charges, etc
>Defenders same deal, Nitro and Impact, Barb and Shields, etc etc
>Don't even really have to balance them all that much since they don't have any unique abilities, so if they are never picked no big deal
>tfw you stop firing because you're sure you already killed the enemy, but you didn't actually
Depends on game mode and personal taste. I use Echo most of the time because I hate how long it feels like it takes to deploy a Smoke when I need it right now, and enjoy having the little camera to use.
>easy fix for issue
>refuse to do that easy fix
>waaaaaa so broken waaaaaa
Fuck off crybaby faggot
Which new operator are you going to get non season pass bros?
At least with the HD pack in HL1 Gearbox tried to rectify it by making it sound like two shots rapid.
Which Valve subsequently ignored while making HL2, then referred to the magazine tube as a barrel in the tooltip. I have to wonder if they even gave it an ounce of thought where the shells were stored in the gun if not there.
Anyone got that 70's group picture with Vining where they all have black beanies and tactical turtlenecks?
I have 75k saved up so I'm buying all of them.
Okay I'm done now
How long to patch notes go up again? In rough hours would be best because I'm not in burgerland.
>not having 75k after Operation 6 Months of Nothing New
What did you spend it on????
Ela for sure. I wanted a fast trapper for long. Kapkan is too slow and Bandit's gadget is boring (but his guns are fucking great). Her Scorpion EVO looks like it's a beast, maybe bordeline broken
Apart from the revolver, every weapon in HL2 has a retarded concept and/or pitiful animations and sound
For a developer that focused on FPS games I can't wrap my head around how shitty their /k/nowledge is
>you flank from a window around the entire map, spot a rooftop attacker, and shoot twice with your pistol because primary shotty
Bunch of fucking alpha packs.
But since that I got 83k renown. I was only interested in that which new operator does /r6g/ love the most
last i checked ww2 ended in 1945... the ak47 was built... in 1947.. hence the name forty fucking seven.
Both Ela and Lesion are going to be amazing purchases. Ying may be useless, or at best, how flash grenades should have worked from the start.
Ela might see some play just because of being a 3 speed and having a good gun but she has a shit gadget.
Lesion and Ying are just bad.
>They just need to put a refresh on the cue after X minutes, just to be sure it registered properly
>Just a few fucking lines of code
>user starts tearing up at the prospect of someone telling Ubisoft to get off their asses, citing the player should be the one to fix this instead of the fucking game devs
You're pretty high up there for the most retarded people I've met here. They have a fucking job. They're developers. This should NOT be happening in the first place, get it through your head. Sure I can re-cue, but that doesn't fix the core of the problem you stupid little shit.
>Lesion is bad
>pressing 2 buttons is a hardship so I need to cry
Just stop kid, it's pathetic