>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Other urls found in this thread:
Lucina: (Gierskogul)
>In Norse mythology, Skögul (Old Norse "shaker" or possibly "high-towering") and Geirskögul (Old Norse "spear-skögul") are valkyries who alternately appear as separate or individual figures. Both valkyries appear in Heimskringla where they seem to be the same being, and are otherwise listed separately in the valkyrie lists in the Poetic Edda poems Völuspá and Grímnismál
Roy: (Durandal)
>Durendal or Durandal (most likely from the French dur, meaning "hard" and "long lasting", as in "to endure") is the renowned sword of Roland, the legendary paladin of Charlemagne in the body of literature Matter of France.
Ike: (Urvan)
>Urvan, a concept of the soul in Zoroastrianism
Lyn: (Mulagir)
possibly rewritten from "Murgleys",
>is the sword of Ganelon, a traitorous French (Frankish) count and nemesis to the titular hero of the epic La chanson de Roland (The Song of Roland).
>is an Arabic word meaning emigrant. In English, this term and its derivatives have been applied to a number of groups and individuals:
this is the last time I'll post this, don't worry
>Lucina: Brave Princess (Lance Infantry)
>Weapon: Geirskogul (Mt 16) - Grants Def+3. Grants allies with sword, lance, axe, bow, or dagger within 2 spaces
Atk/Spd+3 during combat
>C Passive: Drive Spd 2 - Grant allies within 2 spaces Spd+3 during combat.
>LV40 Stats: Unknown.
>Notes: Used Aether. Other Passive unknown.
>Roy: Brave Lion (Sword Cavalry)
>Weapon: Blazing Durandal (Mt 16) - Grants Atk+3. If unit's Atk > foe's, unit gains Special cooldown charge +1.
(If using other similar skill, only highest value applied.)
>Special: Galeforce - If this unit initiates an attack, it can take another action after combat. (Once per turn
>LV40 Stats: HP 38 Atk 32 Spd 34 Def 26 Res 24 (154 BST)
>Notes: Had Desperation 3 and an A Passive that grants Spd +4 Def +4 (Darting Blow + Armored Blow).
>Lyn: Brave Lady (Bow Cavalry)
>Weapon: Mulagir (Mt 14) - Effective against fliers. Grants Spd +3. If foe is magic user, foe's bonuses (from
skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) are nullified during combat
>B Passive: Sacae's Blessing - If foe has sword, lance, or axe, foe cannot counterattack. (Skill cannot be
>LV40 Stats: HP 35 Atk 33 Spd 35 Def 18 Res 28 (149 BST)
>Notes: Had Draconic Aura, Swift Sparrow 2, and an unidentifiable C Passive that works like a AoE debuff a la Dark
Breath+ or Clarisse's Bow+ (affects Atk).
>Ike: Brave Mercenary (Axe Infantry)
>Weapon: Urvan (Mt 16) - Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit receives consecutive attacks,
damage from second attack onward reduced by 80%.
>B Passive: Beorc's Blessing - Effective against flying and cavalry units. Foe's bonuses (from skills like
Fortify, Rally, etc.) are nullified during combat. (Skill cannot be inherited.)
>[Mistranslation? Maybe "If foe is a flying or cavalry unit, foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.
are nullified during combat. (Skill cannot be inherited.)"]
>LV40 Stats: Unknown.
>Notes: Used Aether. Other Passive unknown.
raudrwolf+ sophia will save FEH
you have no excuse for not building a horse meme team
>each gauntlet banner is going to be 3 reds and 1 green
What are the chances they just skip these banners? Nobody in their right mind is going to roll them outside of their free roll.
I though lucina always wins
what happenned /b/ros
I don't really care, I just want Ike to win the gauntlet so we can stop the waifu menace
>g-guys trust me Lyn has inflated fake stats!!!
Roy has normal BST in same trailer
>b-but muh Lucina and Bridelia
Lyn literally has more BST than Bridelia on
Enjoy your second place normie BST LucinaFAGS
Let's change fate user!
Roy wearing his dad's clothes is cute! CUTEEE!!!
The state of Cordeilia fags right now
First the get curb-stomped by Tana
Now they are obliterated with lyn
Post yfw
Reminder Lyn has 145 BST. Ignore dumb waifufags pretending sshe's good and has more.
Why are there so many Cordelia bullying fics ;_;
Reminder that you can make a Roy's Family Cav team when CYL arrives.
>I have to wait till spring to get bunny lucina
Everyone in this banner is great
Why did you vandalized the links?
>better unit.
>better art.
>better voice.
Xander literally BTFO.
>took a nap while waiting for CYL stream to start since I had a headache
>wake up, look at the video
>the entirety of CYL Lyn
...holy shit, first horse archer with broken skills!?
Your poor grasp of English is a perfect fit for your retarded comment.
Is 3 summer xanders with infantry pulse on standby for making an all ike aether spam meme-team a valid excuse?
Dori is a-dori-ble!
And we need her for flying teams to ever have a chance again!
Why are you so autistic?
>Lucina (Normal)
>Lucina (Bun)
>Marth (Lucina
>Lucina (Powercreep)
lucina was a mistake
>banner where Hector's the only green focus
c'mon, it will print money
I still love my Femui and am still going to use her!
I am not going to enjoy vemonroy and all these roy fans who came out off the wood works shitposting for the entirety of next month
Is the CYL banner limited though?
>Make a team of 4 Lucinas
>they all goad each other for +9 Atk/Spd without even counting any potential C skill you can add
Reminder that Goad Lucinas is real now.
>Hector Focus
That alone is reason enough to attempt
Fug. I really want these units.
What's the difference between Durandal and Blazing Durandal?
I could ask the same? why you keep doing that
>SoV Links
Spring and Summer Roy when?
huff huff!
The stats aren't real you stupid fuck.
I feel bad for any other bow cav that they released because they will always have the shadow of Lyn over them
>there are actually people who vandalize OP links
I literally do not get it. I can understand pretty much any other type of shitposting, but what the fuck do you get out of this?
I'm gonna make 4 +10 lucinas!!!!!!!!!
the banner itself is but from the looks of it the heroes will be added to the 5* pool from now on based on the wording
Too disgustingly flat
Call me when they make a busty Lucina with great thighs instead of this trash
right here
I'll allow it
>tfw have photo proof that I always liked the CYL winners and their games
>minus Lucina
Fuck bandwaggaining faggots.
So assuming the gauntlet is initially set up as
the best way to vote would be Camilla -> Tharja -> Ike right? I do think Ike could lose to Lyn/Lucina but I'm not entirely sure on that. Camilla and Tharja are guaranteed to lose in rounds 1 and 2 though.
Why is Roy so cute?
Honestly, it shouldn't be, at least not for new players. Getting a free CYL hero should be permanent for new accounts.
No idea. I have seen fics where Cordelia does genuinely move on from Chrom to Robin just to get cucked away from him too.
And the authors claim they don't hate her even though its pretty damn clear they do.
Sp the heroes are permanent and not gonna disappear like the seasonal units?
Explain this to me fags if Lyn stats are fake why does Roy have normal stats?
Is Knight Lucina for CYL here a nod to how Sumia can reclass to Knight in general?
Axe Ike, Bow(and a Horse!) Lyn and Paladin Roy is self-explanatory.
Help /feg/, I cant even begin to choose which CYL do I want first, they all seem OP
durandal grants death blow 2 but thats it
durandal+ grants death blow 1.5 and a Heavy Blade passive
durandal outputs more raw damage initially but its no question that durandal+ gives you more damage overall in the form of special triggers
>w-we won't get a free hero from CYL
>we do
>t-the stats are fake
>(they wont be)
what will be next
Thank you, but seems like nobody cares about OP shitposting:
It's because the Great Lord class can use Spears
>Knight Lucina
It's Great Lord Lucina retard
Because Lyn isn't allowed to have better stats than my wai- I-I mean Lucina.
Chrom would be the best in the first round. He couldn't even beat Ephraim.
Lancina is the only one of those I ever wanted and she turned out pretty great, but I desperately need to get that free Cav Lyn after fucking up and missing Bride Lyn. Hell, I'm going to roll for all of these other ones probably since they all seem pretty cool.
Stop posting here, this thread is vandalized. Use
yeah that's how it's looking
i believe they were referred to as "new heroes" instead of "special heroes" or whatever it was.
you have the lion's share of fanfic besides lucina, don't complain and be grateful
>regular bow cavs got powercreeped before they even got introduced
I'm impressed
Le epic trolling prank, get to say "u mad bro" when people call them out, (You)s. The usual shit.
Both are inaccurate.
>implying trailers have ever been legit in stats.
That's not a knight, that's Great Lord, her promotion. It used spears and swords.
no we dont samefag not shut the fuck up
how horny does lilina get when she sees this?
does she dress up as hector too?
show an example where they haven't
whats vandalized? everything is the same shit in both thread
Why does it fucking matter? It's just a fucking letter, autist.
>better person
>better lover
>better hair
No one can stand up to my precious Roy.
thread wars are pointless, whoever gets an OP up at 750 posts is where people migrate to unless the person that made the thread is very obviously disliked and people want to migrate to other threads just to spite them
accept that you got vandalized and get over it, its just after a stream with crazy units announced, its gonna be turbulent as fuck.
>tfw if Lilina had won she'd be an armor
I only ever come here to save Awakening and Fates art. Someone post art of anything.
Yeah, but more than half of them are either terrible, or blatantly copy ideas and scenarios of earlier good fics.
I suppose that also applies to most of the Lucina fics too, but still.
SoV links.
this was unique though they showed l40 stats in control of the player
the screens with special in combat animation are always low level
Stop posting here, this thread is vandalized. Use
>somehow Camilla ends up winning the gauntlet
How would /feg/ handle this outcome?
>have no good archers
>suddenly free Cav Lyn
Oh baby, im gonna blow my load trying to get Ike to feed my hector too afterwards. I haven't used hector in forever outside of PvE and even there i've barely used him.
why do they keep making the best units dumb dumb girls?
all the male mages (except reinhardt) are garbage tanks, and all the girls are oneshotters.
but its basically the exact same picture
Damn, I guess thats my fault
Wait, I got a question though, this free hero of your choice...are they also IV affected?
I'd roll for a version of Lilina like that.
They're literally the same picture you fuck.
Tharja is gonna stomp her.
as much as I like her she have no chance vs Ike, Hector, Roy, Lyn and Lucina.
Post the proper links here then, so people can make a note of it in case the other thread gets deleted.
So should i roll for Lyn or Ike? Which color hell is the worst hell for SI?
Lucina will win. Trust me, I work for IS.
Mark my words, the Bow Knights that'll later come after will be compared to Lyn and then deemed, "inferior".
>Roy's family
>Zephiel lost to this 14 year old boy
I like camilla but Lyn need a to cement her place... As #2 behind Ike.