Ghostcrawler wants to delete lulu from teh game entirely edition
Ghostcrawler wants to delete lulu from teh game entirely edition
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i wish i was a girl :(
Xth for Frost Mage man.
I miss WoW.
Deathknights were where it was at. Lichking best expansion
Who the fuck earned their Anzu the Ravenlord like me
Leagues biggest bust and best waifu !
What if you just take dick until you feel like a girl?
I wonder which one is tightest
>a corpse
>toned female Batman
>a hobo
>a slut
>an ice queen
Gee boss, I dunno.
oh, neat; do you have more?
add this one
Someone has a Gnar one
Riven and Irelia would be pretty toned as well.
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
Happy Gnat.
Does soloing the fellow on a daily basis for nearly a year during Wrath count?
Gee, I had almost forgotten about the swift flight quest.
are tournament sites like battle of glory legit or not? I've seen multiple people recommend them.
>determined to climb back up from 0 LP
>befriend and duo with a Leona who helps me win 3 of 5 matches
It's a start.
I want to look exactly like Xayah.
Best guy!!!!
Best husband!!!
Best adc!!!
say something cool lolg!!!
>Does soloing the fellow on a daily basis for nearly a year during Wrath count?
Anzu best WoW birb
I want to cum inside that bird
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I think twitch and kog'maw need nerfs way before tristana does
Especially kog'maw
What would be the purpose of that?
To be cute.
Marksmen arent OP
the meta just heavily favor them due to the overtuning of Support and Tank itemization
I wish I had a girlfriend
the best thing about knowing that you exist is the knowledge that you will never, ever have children.
Why would you need to look like Xayah for that? You're a guy.
I want to AGGRESSIVELY cum inside that bird (on a dangerous day).
Kog and Twitch aren't ridiculously safe like Trist
Guy's aren't cute.
They can be. Maybe you just need to try harder.
stop talking about anivia
How quickly do you think the tight bird pussy would make you cum
>not wanting to fuck anivia
anivia is pure
>Not wanting a cock
>Not wanting balls
Found the Silver.
there you go, i got the feeding part ready, now I need to win a game at least to feel justified
How are those mutually exclusive user?
>Wanting a cock
>Wanting balls
I bet you don't even play LoL go back to
>i will never have children
Jinx is cuddly and cute
me too user
what champion do you play when you're feeling down
preferably something that doesn't require a lot of thought process
Singed and Nunu. Always cheers me up.
Same but probably not in the same way you play them
Need to find a way to force myself to grind, I just want to hit G5 so I can fuck off and do something else.
>no affliction warlock champion
Want me to be your pretend gf?
>Jinx in a miniskirt
user if you didn't have a cock or balls some boy would happily boost you to G5.
malzahar is literally an affliction warlock
what more do you want
You can lose your balls user. I know a guy with only 1.
>get camped hard
>end up 4/10
>end game
>our adc and support blame me for the loss
>they're 0/5 and 0/6 respectively
>"wow this team"
I'll fuck you all
Are you guys watching SKTwinsanywaylol this year?
Whata a short message I can send in chat that simultaneously pisses people off when they see it and is passive agressive (not toxic by Riot standards)
"gg team"
>what more do you want
Q: Reap Souls
W: Unstable Affliction
E: Drain Soul
R: Phantom Singularity
Yeah usually happens during injury.
Hasn't hampered my sex drive an iota though.
Yes. right now
Don't be a tease
always question mark
Passive aggressive pinging.
Twitch/Tristana nerfs when?
next best adc thatll pop up after theyre nerfed nerfs when?
Ping death timers.
iktf user
I want to sniff Miss Fortunes feet!
aggro pinging death timers through TAB button (Dekar does this a lot) or "?".
If you are support jsut steal CS and make the absent minded push lane and watch them spazz out
I want to die !
gooksports are on
I want to be Miss Fortune!
I want to meet up with Miss Fortune after talking on an anonymous image board and rail her silly!
I want to BREED Miss Fortune!
I want to be LeBlanc's sex toy
I want to be LeBlanc
Good news, i got a reply to the question of "how much fluid can a female yordle's vag hold" from riot support
Anyone want to see the response? I havent opened the email yet
man they just dont want to play along anymore
I want to be inside leblanc while tied down to a bed
i hope he gets fucking fired
Can you imagine having to be paid to read stupid shit like this
should i add a reply?
i feel like i can keep this going if enough autism backs it
that or i start a new one
if i had to be paid to read shit like this id love to play along with it
jesus christ they answered it
R E M I N D E R that the Star Guardians are canon virgins and fucking them would make them lose their magical girl powers.
What the fuck were Riot thinking with Kindred?
They give a champion the lowest base stats theyve ever given a champion, because of exponential growth through her passive.
Then they remove her passive and nerf her....
What were they thinking!?
>all these zettai ryouiki skins
Feels goodman
i mean yeah they "answer" but its nothing like the shyvana being fertile one
I want to look EXACTLY like Ashe
>implying cumming inside the star guardians doesn't make their powers stronger
team with kat wins
Hol up are we posting League girls we wish we looked like?
Here again to remind you that it is 26 days until Worlds.
>Longzhu (1st KR seed)
>SKT (2nd KR seed)
>RNG/EDG (Finals decides 1st and 2nd CN seed)
>TSM/Immortals (Finals decides 1st and 2nd NA seeds)
>Misfits/G2 (Finals decides 1st and 2nd EU seed)
>Flash Wolves (1st TW seed)
>AHQ (2nd TW seed)
>GIGABYTE Marines (1st GPL/Vietnam seed)
>Young Generation (2nd GPL/Vietnam seed)
>Fenerbahce (Turkey seed)
>KLG (LAS/Chile seed)
>Lyon (LAN/Mexico seed)
Those are the teams qualified so far.
Would you guys also like a list for teams that have to go through Gauntlet runs?