It's a prank bro

>it's a prank bro

Other urls found in this thread:

Betcha he drives 15 under and lights you up for passing in the right lane.


Thanks, I wouldn't have known without being a redditor.

If you did get a ticket from this shit (especially if he is traveling well under the limit in the left lane) just lawyer up and claim entrapment

I was wondering how this would work. In the reddit comments the OP claims the police car pulled someone over that sped past.

Good thing I live in Florida where everyone (especially cops) drive 15 over

>Thinking anyone uses SUV as cabs.



entrapment is where they set up a condition which aides you in committing a crime. speeding is the fault of the driver alone if the police is camouflaged or not makes no difference.

>finally a taxi that will stop for a black man
Top kek

That's not what entrapment is. Not even close. How the fuck do you think that could be entrapment?

Over 50% is visibly a police car, so entrapment doesn't count here realize that the police drive unmarked police cars all the time and it isn't "entrapment" when they pull you over, right? Why are you making up this "over 50%" bullshit? Entrapment isn't just "they didn't let me know they were a cop before I committed the crime in front of them." I have no idea where people get this stupid idea.

>You're not a cop are you?
>You have to tell me if you're a cop otherwise it's entrapment.
>That's the law.

Entrapment is where the police set up a condition in which someone is more likely to commit a crime they wouldn't have otherwise committed. Using this car and baiting/encouraging people to speed past them in order to hand out a fine that they would not have gotten otherwise is a textbook case of entrapment.

The reason that unmarked/radar traps cars are allowed and not considered entrapment is because they DO NOT set up an environment that alters your normal behavior, they just catch you in the act.

if the car was stopped then it would not be entrapment. It would have to be baiting

your oversimplifying the argument so you can sperg.

if the cop witnesses a crime (undercover or not) then it has nothing to do with entrapment. but if, say. an undercover cop hands you a weapon when your clearly angry and you kill someone then that is entrapment as the crime would not have been committed without the aid of the undercover officers influence.

>getting out of paying a ticket

You do know every city is on a brink of bankruptcy right

How does a taxi make one more likely to commit a crime than a regular car?

My presumption here
was that they would be mobile and intentionally taking up behavior that would cause someone to attempt to overtake them, which they (obviously) wouldn't have done had the officer not been there and intentionally provoking traffic users.

I then stated here
That if the officer was stationary (and I will add, driving within the rules of the road and to the proper speed limit) it would not be entrapment as the officer would only serve as an observer of the perpetrator behaving poorly.

good thing the judiciary is separate from the municipal governments


from behind it would look similar to a van cab to someone that was not as well versed in vehicle models

Shut up ya cuck

>calls me cuck
>yet he would pay arbitrary and unfair tickets that were illegally levied against him without a fight

>le quota maschine
Man, american police are absolute pieces of shit.

Ah yes, I forgot about the 51% rule

Fucking seriously.
You have to be doing like 90+ to be stopped by Highway Patrol on 95.

Quotas are a meme. Cops wouldn't want to waste their time with warnings

warnings count towards the quota. they are not a revenue quota but a ticket volume quota that is meant to show that the cop is doing something and not just sitting in his car eating doughnuts for 12 hours.

and they do exist.

How will he ever recover?

Fellas it's not a cop, it's a meme we have going here in Houston that if you drink and drive or whatever then the cop is like a taxi because it takes you to jail or something like that

In that case a cop hiding behind a billboard on the side of the road is entrapment

Finally a cab that will stop for a black man

You'd be fucked because nobody or anything forced you to go over the speed LIMIT.
Even the lawyer would be like "What the fuck do you want me to do this with? You were obviously speeding over the limit..."

I aint falling for it...

One, Taxi's are dead. Uber/Lyft killed them.

Two, I know a Polaxi when I see one. (hence the lightbars up top and the spotter light on the driver side)

We have then where I live even newer explorers
There called "livery cars"

no it wouldn't, see

incorrect. see the definition of entrapment and my argument here
also if your lawyer is unwilling to defend you to the fullest, get a new one.

Is this shit even legal?

I'd laugh my ass of getting a ticked from a cop who drives this

Seems like R*ddit is stepping up their game lol

Traffic cops should be shot on sight. They're nothing more than armed robbers.