It's for hipster soypeople
Kill yourself if you want one
Looks like a rollover accident waiting to happen.
How many poos does it weigh
i want one
>$18k for a non-street-legal 45mph top speed POS
Might as well buy a real jeep for that price.
>no fun allowed becuase I dont like it neck yourself for wanting one soy REEE
Im fucking tired of seing this in every fucking thread over and over agian, neck yourself broke ass nigga
It would be cool if they got rid of all the taticool junk and cleaned it up, made it look presentable
Might as well get a Samurai/Sidekick/Tracker, at least it'll go faster than 45mph
whats the specs? this would look pretty cool if it can also be good for ranch work
They should stick with what they’re good at.
post car
A fun alternative to side by sides
I tend to agree with this guy.
I think a lot of soys and women in LA will buy this.
They have the money and willingness to spend it on such a quirky vehicle.
You know its true.
>1/2th the size of a jeep
>still weighs as much as a fucking sedan
How the fuck is this 1000lbs heavier than an actual car?
who the fuck is Billy Herrington?
It's not street-legal. It's target audience is prob' hunters & ranchers.
Pig steel and chineseum
Foot in mouth. Just judged from the picture, poorly.
Recently deceased gay porn star. Source material for the gachimuchi meme.
Died in an aut/o/ accident on March 3.
idk what the gachimuchi meme is
i guess i'm not gay enough :(
Nah it's for people who would otherwise buy ridiculous custom golf carts
Stupid thing costs 15k why wouldn't you just buy a real Jeep and be done with it?
Shame about the top speed and how it's not road legal. Would have loved one as a run about for the city during weekdays and off road fun during the weekends
It more real of a Jeep than an actual Jeep
Think of it like this: A Chinese Jeep knockoff would weigh 2000 lbs and have a paper thin roll cage that folds when rolling. An Indian Jeep knockoff weighs 3000 lbs and has an almost solid roll cage that could handle 50 mph impacts without bending.
>engineered and built in Detroit
>get half doors and a roll cage for a 3k Samurai
>same thing as a Roxor but three times cheaper and road legal
It's almost like you're comparing a 15 year old used car to a new one
Damn, the Samurai looks cool as fuck with half doors.
>implying it will hit 50mph with 62 HP
>road legal
Kawasaki Mules and Polaris rangers are road legal in many parts of the world
Yeah literally why would you not do this. Can get a flawless one of those for half the price of this thing and it's infinitely more useful and practical.
Samurai a best
I got a truck that grosses 6000lbs that has 83hp and hits 60mph
>implying a 62 hp car can't hit 50 mph
The Trabant had 27 hp and could reach 60 mph on flat ground. People massively overrate the required horsepower nowadays. They think econosedans need 220 hp to do 80 mph on the highway.
This. 18k would get you a really nice and tricked out old CJ and would be 10x cooler.
He'll, you could probably find a pretty decent Toyota FJ for that kind of money.
Fuck that poo in loo pos.
Amerifats will be too fat to fit in it.
>not street legal