Fighting Games General /fgg/
how tall is menat, bros?
>artificial difficulty
What is this goober gear??
She is 1/500 of a flying pyramid not sure how to convert in cumskin.
Who did it better?
>another dumb post from brick
>1 hour of tutorial later
>edgeguards performed: 0/3
This gay furry keeps doing the attack where he becomes a comet and I can't hit him and even when i do he doesn't get knocked out and he can just do it again
Is Darkseid fun in Inj2?
Is that even a question? Mick fucking Gordon, of course.
why are you playing this thrash instead of practicing for ceotaku
are you trying to embarrass us?!
Ed's theme is pretty cool but the KI OST is one of the best OST from a fighting game over the past 10 years.
why should I care about what max thinks?
>are you trying to embarrass us?!
I mean, you already do a decent job at embarasshing yourselves.
you know /fgg/ was originally made by fans of max, right? He's always been our guy
He's an important community leader and content creator in the FGC.
This is just sad.
I know, how can one cute eqyptian lady BTFO 43, 202 kappa posters
The funny thing is that even r/kappa likes her.
wtf i have jungle fever now
Hey, she had to find work somewhere; nobody plays SG anymore.
where's the blogpost already?
desert fever
Has anyone determined if 18 is a good character or not? I've seen more coverage of 16 than anything.
is brick really playing fucking smash bros instead of practicing for ceotaku
smash is taking over the fgc
melty is irrelevant
Based on her skull-shape she is high IQ.
I doubt if anyone knows who will be good or not yet. 18 could potentially have some good oki and pressure situations and it seems like 17 can be called defensively and act as a pseudo combo breaker if you get hit, but it's hard to say how effective her tools are.
I told you guys to support MCVI now look at wht you've done.
FGC is just a side tournament at smash events now, thanks a lot fags
Jive already has a sandnigger both him and WEnat are forced pandering.
How desperate for content do you have to be to rip off an A- third-party game?
Leave dadrog out of this.
Anyone have this R. Mika oiled skin mod?
All the links I could find are dead.
i love crying brick
egyptians are arabs, not negroids
she looks like she fell in a bowl of vaseline
genetically they're both
t. rashit spammer
>dash dance
Which also had mixing of races between southern Africans. By now, it doesn't even matter with as much race mixing that goes on, so why do these discussions even happen anymore? It doesn't matter.
Also, I wanna know if Menat is a protégé of Rose, should male more than a few people happy.
Kinda nervous about ceotaku lads
What if I drown
imagine caring this much about the "nationality" of fake videogame characters
literally nobody but Veeky Forums turds cares
That's what makes it sexy
This, I'm too intelligent to care and just enjoy forced black supremacist pandering characters in my capcuck fighter v because it's 2017.
>Both types of genomic material showed that ancient Egyptians shared little DNA with modern sub-Saharan Africans. ... The mixing of ancient Egyptians and Africans from further south means that modern Egyptians can trace 8% more of their ancestry to sub-Saharan Africans than can the mummies from Abusir el-Meleq.
niggers btfo
Then swim back up like the majestic dolphin you are
What with the shock? It's not even a nude mod
>thinking niggers and capcucks care about evidence
You sweet summer child.
Not bad BTW (By the way).
I just said she looks like she fell in a bowl of vaseline
why do niggers try to cling so much to the egypt? do they really think >we WUZ pyramid builders n shiet?
>new character comes out
>it's a brown woman
How about no?
I don't remember anyone stating menat is ancient egyptian.
>play guile
>notice the frustration of opponent just by how they play
wow so this is the power of playing lame
>game series about "World Warriors" from around the world
>has always had a huge variety of types of people of many different nationalities
>is only just now "pandering" in 2017 when you learned what that word means
you're literally a retard
>black supremacist pandering
>an eqyptian character who does cute cat poses
/pol/tards are mentally ill
They literally teach them that in school
you guys are so retarded that post was most obviously satirical
>Packz is a retard
now i know why I never liekd him
where can i buy chun-li's alt costume
>i'm just pretending to be a /pol/tard
it's tasteless and disgusting
they? who is they?
also yuronigs and actual africans I've spoken didn't give a shit about egypt. it seems to be an american phenomenon
you already topped a bunch of games last time. have some confidence.
is ceotaku more stacked than than summer jam? blazblue has about the same amount of entrants but unist seems to have a lot more.
>I'm just pretending to be autistic and not understand satire and sarcasm
nice oddness post
Share little doesn't mean share none. It's never been a question of "blacks ruled the world, blah blah" it's been more a thing of "we're still pretty much related somewhere down the line, so can we fuck off with this idea that we're not at all related?"
It's like ironically akin to the elitism that goes on when people seperate fighting games and call certain ones "anime fighting games". It's all fighting games, and have had all the same tropes you see on anime because, and this might shock you, most if not all of them come from Japan.
It's kinda funny how nerd culture cannibalizes itself so.
>it's just satire bro lemme reference some tripfag to emphasise that :)
why ISN'T it a nude mod you dumbass
wtf lmao
>i'm just pretending to sperg out about race 24/7
this is why they call you low IQ
basket ball americans are about as related to egyptians as "white" amerimutts are related to europeans
whites are "pretty much related somewhere down the line" with the chinese but you will never see them try to steal eachother's achievements
only niggers do that because they have no achievements of their own so they try to steal other people's
no shit faggot. you seem to be the one not understanding.
>haha I'm so not baited by this post I'm gonna write out two 200 word greentext posts
>s-so what if they're not 100% black, even if they 5% black they are black l-lol
>w-we aren't trying hog glories of unrelated civilizations, honest!
>tfw to intelligent too care about a fictional character's ethnicity
pajeets also have direct black ancestry, I don't see nigs trying to claim em
> wide roster of characters that could be easily adapted into your faltering installment to bolster interest
> make a 3rd party knock-off character
>haha i was just pretending to be retarded LMAO xD
What, exactly, are they stealing? And just so you know, just because a white guy made something nice, it is not an "achievment" for all white people.
It is. Also a bunch of the strong WC scene is coming out for both games, and I'm unsure of how I will compare to them.
>haha i was just pretending to not be retarded LMAO xD
You need to go to bed sweetie. You have school in the morning.
Their history and collective pride for their ancestors?
Being black merely means your ancestors survived the baby cannibalism lottery and murdered others to steal their food.
why are janitors so fucking useless
>look at menat
>get erection
>can't fap because I'm at work
wat do
just move /pol/ to r/the_donald and it would solve so much