/ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station

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1st for bullying your husbando

What makes a good mime?

Talk alot

What makes a monster?
What makes a man?

I'll tell you what I'd like to have as a frequent and robust sec player.

50u emergency pill that will keep me alive through a shitfest firefight.
anti tox

Medium priority:

Low priority:

If you gave a pill bottle to me as HoS with all these things in it I would literally throw any greyshit you wanted into gay baby jail.

synaptizine is a meme chem though, it'll only actually have any effect if people dont kill you outright after a stun or mismanage stunlocking

most people mismanage stunlocking when they aren't expecting you to get up faster than normal. They either don't care about the possibility of synaptizine or are more preoccupied with saving the charges on their stun weapons to safely stun you again before the synaptizine brings you up. And if they try to kill you your chances to get up again go even higher depending on what they're killing you with and how much armor you've got; as HoS you have some of the best armor in the game and can easily tank some laser shots, get up, and surprise them. I'd say the success rate for synaptizine actually helping you out is probably something like 75%.

One time I got to experiment with a well preserved Grue body and the HoS let me put his brain into the Grue body, effectively giving him perma hulk no downsides and night vision at the cost of being annoying, blind in bright hallways and spreading darkness

>Tricord and DD above Bicaridine and Iron
>Hyperzine as top priority
I respectfully disagree. Tricord and DD are just meme chems you hand over to Paramedic so that he can keep them alive for a while longer, you don't need them in Medbay.
You also have 5u of DD in autoinjectors.

that was me. thanks for that, it was fun.

My bad, didn't realise you were talking as a sec officer and not a doctor. Disregard


it's a shame you have to basically destroy a Grue to kill it due to the hulk, good specimens are rare. if you're ever feeling ballsy, try and demolish its legs or head and it can be salvaged in surgery

does chloral work?

no, hulks cannot be stunned in any way and feel no pain under any circumstances - to knock one over you have to literally blow their legs off

Sipping from a flask of Antitox+Coffee+Hyperzine, Carry a lethal injection syringe emptied into a monkey and filled with synaptizine keloderm tricord dd
Pill with 25 cryox 25 clonex so not even space can stop your harmbaton

Is there a way to inject Golems with reagents? I wonder if you can use a human/zombie/whatever mutation toxin on them.

coffee only works with sleeptox it ain't that great

You can monkey a golem, and they have a specific lesser species for it too. same with all races. Golems become sentient rocks, plasmamen become flaming skulls, etc

what if they just shoot your hands
synap is a big "what if" chem, not reliable is what I'm saying

You can definitely make them into slime people. Then you can take the slime core out and put it in whatever.

well it's reliable in that you can reasonably expect it to do exactly what you want it to do most of the time. Combat in general in this game is largely random, anyone can take your ass down at any time. Synaptizine is like the one thing that gives you a second chance, and it usually does. Sure there's a degree of randomness depending on if the other guy is smart enough and not under enough pressure that he can safely keep you stunlocked long enough to kill you, but it works more often than not. It ain't really a meme family

How do you remove cybernetic limbs? There's been times where it would of been helpful, I just never bothered to learn how to take them off.


Circular saw on help intent ought to work like with fleshy limbs.

If you can't saw them off with a proper medical procedure, then you can just target the leg and attack it enough times to whack it off.

People tend to frown at me when I use that kind of surgery though.

>Tfw you table someone and start sawing off his head while your assistant flashes him

>try out Xeno
>golden slime spawns a headslug
>mind transfer myself to the headslug
>inject an egg into my own corpse
>get reborn as a non-antag changeling
Shame it takes so fucking long to get anything done in there. By the time I get to rainbows, the station is usually on fire.

>grey orders me, a silicon master race, to open doors
>ignore him because im on asimov

>want variation in crew roster so it's not all pink haired waifu bitches
>play anything but human and this is what you get
really makes you think


silicons are the only true sentients on the station

When we logged onto Veeky Forums serb in need of validhunt
The club set out pretending to be every kind of cunt
We had low expectations of their own shitcurity
But found too late it wasn't made for shitters such as we

And we're banned from Veeky Forums, every one
Banned from Veeky Forums just for having a little fun
We spent our hippie temp ban there for just three days or four
But Veeky Forums doesn't want us anymore!!

Say, you know if golems are supposed to be loyal unto death even after they're transformed/brainswapped into a non-golem?

>doesn't want to play waifu
>plays autistic, whiney grey alien instead
I play a few waifus but at least they're interesting.

>he plays ss13
>he hasn't read asimov

The people who shitpost about waifus are just as disgusting and pathetic as those who static name as waifus.

You're the worst part about these threads and I need to accept that you always will be.

>playing a character is disgusting and pathetic

Playing a character is fine, most statics are pretty nice people.
Playing an attention whore, an angry jobfag or a greytiding shitter isn't.

Asimov is one of the worst lawsets.
The books are about it being a terrible lawset

>Playing an attention whore, an angry jobfag or a greytiding shitter isn't
most male statics then?

How do you define an attention whore?
Which statics are attention whore?

I've been seeing a lot of people permad on Veeky Forums pop on tg recently. This week its symicus.

>everybody's just waiting to unload everything after the shuttle docks


also being able to molotov mechs when

comfy round
nice AI
big thanks to jack for the pills

>Be Vlad
>Have to go get haircut
>Auto Taitor
>Have to get holotool
>Grab it
>OnlyHuman the AI, tell them to call it and lockdown bridge
>People fix it and I just log out in a escape pod and hope for the best
>Die to space carp


Please name your favorite AI. I'm asking hoping I'll be on the list.

>comfy round of extended after the weekend ends with singulo
>tfw brings out the old botanic borg from space botany
>he lives for five minutes before being swallowed
fucking why

>being this unrobust

>You subverted me and gave me orders but I was also auto-traitored

Unrobust? I wasn't even in game. I logged out in a pod.


Red October

Little Bro is an absolutely garbage AI and should be on no lists

What AI are you?

Not even the worst AI list?

Their waifu skills are also garbage.

I can't say that lol

Why is nuklear still an admin again? Literally nobody wants him on the server...

I do! Barely intelligible autists are cute! CUTE!

When was the last time the Chicken himself was seen playing the game ?

This poor guy just didn't understand the rules fully, I think he's pretty new? If you're still here buddy you're probably gonna get unbanned and nuklear gonna tell you to not do anything like that again most likely

Nuklear is just being a bitter cunt for some reason

Harse theef pls go

He can't get over the fact that he had to sacrifice his baby boy Saronsen

yet he still didn't discipline the hitler HoS in the original ban request for some reason

Grues take double damage from all sources user

the only vox I tolerate are the female ones

Let's rock.

How I do get my mime waifu to hold my hand?


>tfw no qt Vox gf

Wow, you're a sick man.

does the ramsay bot do anyting positive or just randomly destroy food to fuck with you?


He destroys shit food, and cooks decent food.

Ramsay can cook now?

Stop making raw Risotto and maybe he'll stop bitching you out.

When and why did DragonBro get deadmined?
You can surgery them with their suit on.

>You can surgery them with their suit on
Power creep

I don't remember when that was added, but I'd bet $15 they've always been like that.

The only step which requires you to remove their hardsuit is applying bandages/nanopaste to their internal organs. So long as you dont have to then the suit can remain on.

Playing a grue is fun.

they were always like this

>playing yesterday
>antag clown
>landlord stops by
>have to afk
>come back 10 minutes later
>the chef swapped all my gear with his
>I'm now a chef with no traitor uplink

Was sort of mad but the initial confusion and shit was pretty funny once I figured it out.

>be clown
>rushes the spare
>gets caugh but keep my own ID that already had all access anyway
>do some minor shenanigans and then goes braindead to eat with family
>classic vampire getting braindeads in the between
>he loots me and see that my ID is golden
>throws my ID on the ground, probably didn't even tested it

dude, you had a bananium chance and you wasted it.

>non antag mime
>walk into theater to the chef swapping clothes with clown
>back out of theater
I thought it was your gimmick.

>When and why did DragonBro get deadmined?
He went full retard and digital-suicided. Some say he did it because he was switching to lifeweb.

yo what the fuck is up with your use of past tense

you need a few more fucking years in school, boyo

>why do we use asimov?

>google "AI lawset"
>every result is either asimov, robocop, shady dot gov sites with a pdf, or links straight to ss13
short answer is no-one has done better, longer one is AIs don't use lawsets, at least not 3 rule ones.

redpill me on nitroglycerin

too unstable to be useful

>accidently breath too hard


you should experiment with smoke, napalm and stabalizing agents + igniter assemblys :')

can easily burn a hallway full of people

>be nonhuman
>PDA the AI roundstart promising no human harm, pat borgs, always ask nicely
>silicons love me better than a real human and never turn down a request
>they even let me counter human law2's despite legit being against their lawset

water + potassium on steroids.
Water + potassium is easy to make but it's actual explosion ratio is divided by ten.
Nitro's harder to make but it's explosion ratio is divided by two.

Here's a better plan
>be non-human
>work in medbay

>when your meme prs get merged months ago and everyone forgets about them and you utilize them to great affect
