/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2047

Stay comfy while farming, everyone.

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>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for August:
7/31 - 8/8 - Poacher's Day
8/9 - 8/15 - Five Flowers of Fate
8/16 - 8/23 - Guild War (Earth favored)
8/24 - 8/30 - Xeno Sagittarius Clash
8/31 - ??? - Lonesome Dragoness
8/28 - 9/3 - Legfest
>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

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I main wind

>maining wind

I'm so sorry, I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone

>Wind got the best LB as compensation



It's not that bad, I started the game playing magna fire. Playing wind compared to that is like a paradise, and I have way more fun.



Reddit already updated their tierlist after being bullied

It's fresh one.

Stop bullying wind.

Is Rosettas new passive any good? 1 stack every 7 turns seems kinda bad

Didn't check the reply count. Water gao is pretty fun for memes.

I main magna fire.

I just checked it and it's still garbage


Not like gamewiths is any better

well its mostly just one guy who does it anyway,

what should we bully instead?

In which order should I uncap them? I've already started to uncap Varuna so I think of doing it like this,Varuna>Agni>>>>>>>>>Zeus>>>>>>>>>Zephy

people using wind outside of gw/ xeno vohu

Varuna > Zeus > Agni save the rest

>Tells you to stop cargposting

How is it with the sticks low atk?

When Zephy is a meme, Zeus just shit.


*casts Nine-Realm's Security*
*casts Crack shot III*
*triple attacks for 1.5m + 750k echo*
*steals your mvp*

Nothin personnel... kid....

What are some characters, summons and ways I can use to troll the fuck out of raids?

Fake phalanx stickers and paralyzing bahamut at 99% HP is the best feeling ever, everyone gives me attention and (you) achoos, it's just the best.

>needing to bask in the glory of one multiboxer because your element is so bad you can never dream of MVPing anything
Are all windroaches this sad?



RQ 3dfc46d8
@1 sage

>3x 1.5m + 750k echo*
You realize that's not much damage, right?

You only get MVP because the honors system goes bonkers when you do that and rewards you with way more honors than you deserve


Seriously Nio's S4 is a fucking joke.

You forgot the *ask the raid to give you 10 turns for your Nio's 4th*

It surely isn't because he has a winner combination of Gizoku, Siete, Nio and JK, nope. Has to be because he's a multiboxing cheater.

Pretty good desu. The characters are fun.

What a coinky dink, so do I.

Use a non-MLB buncle when you hit the Skyfall trigger in Baha HL.


Hello where are the egg sacks?

>winner combination of Gizoku, Siete, Nio and JK
Two of the worst GW 5*s only beaten by Funf, and a crutch buffer who shines more in solo than raids

>Has to be because he's a multiboxing cheater.
Lmao, sub or fresh HL shitter


JK is literally useless in Baha HL, Ubaha and UBaha HL
He just uses her because she is his waifu

>SL15 Sticks only have 2290 ATK

>Level 150 sticks only have 20 more attack than Level 100 Yugu Swords
Holy shit I didn't know it was that bad

>SSR trial will actually switch to spear
>its rowen

Can't use Ech Sechs when you play Fire off element.

When Chev drops my very first Chev Sword, I'll then start farming Flam=Glass to farm an on element fire pool.


How the fuck do I beat Okto's skill fate?


git gud.
Honestly: pray for good RNG rolls against Nio.

You literally have to pray to RNGsus. Nio is 100% random chance.

That said, everything after Nio is cake

offer nio food

Thanks user, looks like warlock and CR are the more universal classes since GW daggers are just that good.

>When Chev drops my very first Chev Sword
So, in 2018?

I'm not a fire expert but twigs should be better in baka hl too thanks to prom stick.

>roll on my alt
>complete trash rolls

Yeah probably. Light does suck. Feel like I'm going to reach Rank 160 before ever seeing my first Chev Sword.

Stop bullying light Chen. This is the last warning.

You don't really need to rush with CR because DF just werks.

Rq 3dfc46d8
@3 1 sage 1 CR and 1 zerker

CR is a lot better since you dont have to waste a slot on delay

Light SUCKS and it should never have stolen Clarisse and Heles.


Stolen because you bullied it.
Talk shit get hit, you brought this upon yourself.
Play nice and they might get the next fire 5*.

This is what the face of a luckshitter looks like.

>Used a chev sword as skill fodder for my main grid when I was new

You still have to bring delay dude.

whats the third ssr


Summer Heles

You're lying right?

S. Bea/ S. Sieg/ S. Heles



We /vyrnfuckers/ now?

Atleast his not some dude showing his boobs and whoring out on cam.

>play for a year
>tfw never rolled more than 2 SSR in single roll
>my only limited is Apollonia
Should I just quit?

>he rolled cock too

He rolled lucio as well. He's a fucking luckshitting faggot and has the audacity to deny it.


I fucking wish. I was throwing shit left and right into my tia bolts

I'm about to do 4 rolls, give me your energy anons.

>try to watch this dude
>constantly fake loud laughing
How do you guys watch someone like this? it literally triggers me

>used a Chev Sword to skill up Tia Guns

You can do it!

Thanks. My one mistake is i hold the skill 1 from the start because i'm thinking it's for healing. I forgot it also give her the DATA she needs.
>tfw almost fail at Nio because the data didn't proc at all

What team can I make with this that's actually optimal?


Stop bullying wind.

Fire is 20x worse than wind.
Water is 15x worse than wind.
Light is 10x worse than wind.
Dark is on par with wind.
Primal water and earth are only a teeny weeny stronger than wind.


>windniggers actually believe this

Pick anyone, finish your grid, win

Only magna fire and magna water are weaker than wind, and only barely. What the hell have you been smoking

Why don't you want to figure it out yourself?
Altair idols cow for solo
Altair idols whatever for raids.

>Light is 10x worse than wind
I get you're shitposting but my shitty light grid can do about 200K so unless each of your characters hits for 2 million you're full of shit.