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Dumb faggots
give me a tl;dr
>not getting brave Lucina free and making her your fourth member cavteam buffslut
The chance of rolling each focus unit is exactly the same. In a summoning session you roll units, which just have a coloured stone put over them.
This means more grey than green orbs will appear, since the unit pool of the former is larger than the latter. However, GIVEN THAT YOU SEE A GREEN STONE APPEAR, the chance of obtaining Urvan Ike from that would be larger than obtaining Bow Knight Lyn from a colourless one.
The way this evens out is that when rolling on green you'll be able to roll on other more useful stuff whenever a green stone doesn't appear, while if you're rolling on colourless (with the chances of colourless stones appearing being higher than green stones appearing) you'll be going through much more shitty healers and thieves.
Yes the pity rate will be going up a bit faster and it's a bit more orb-efficient (higher chance of being able to roll multiple grey stones in 1 session rather than multiple green stones), but I'm not sure if that's worth it.
Which would lose in the first round
Educate yourself before you choose your free unit
> First Mounted Archer
>Only 2 atk less than Bridelia but same speed
>Can get Horse buffs
> Shuts down other mages, especially blade tome users with her Prf
> Possibly good candidate for Brave Bow
> Picking her for free ensures you won't have to enter Colorless hell
> Mounted, so usual drawbacks and weaknesses apply
> Depends on buffs to patch up her Atk
>Prf only works on mages
> B Skill will rarely work against anyone squishy
> Defense so low, she'll die from Berkut
> Killer Axe Prf with protection against Brave attacks
> B Skill shuts down Cav and Flier buffs
> Infantry
> Synergizes perfectly with Distant Counter or TA
> Prf's protection extends to Brave melee users, Reinhardt, Bridelia, etc
> Picking him saves you the trouble of actually waiting for green orbs
> Unknown stat spread
>Contrary to the English wording, B Skill only works on Cavs and Fliers
>Infantry, so misses out on specialized buffs
> Possibly won't be as effective against other Armors or non-brave Infantry
> Can still get fucked by brave users, since it only reduces damage by 20%
I can make a list for the other two, if you want.
>Mfw Ike is a buffed up infantry Sheena with no wasted points in speed
>In addition to his broken Urvan effect
Roy, Even, Lyn, and uhhhh shit also even.
Lyn is going to get creamed
So wait, is this banner basically "being more like daddy" the banner?
It's obvious with Roy and Ike, meanwhile because Lyn's dad is a Sacaean chieftain, its likely he's a nomad. Great Lord Lucina is probably the least of these cases but then its already a major part of her character to be like that
Roy, Hector and Lyn sadly
Probably tharja too
>they S T L L haven't told us what Sacred Coins are for
Do it, please
I'm looking to spend cash
If I don't get anything in 140 orbs can I ask for a refund and roll again?
I don't like the idea of spending 75 bucks only to get burned by shitty units
>The Virgin Roy
>dresses up as your father to feel more powerful
>clothes don't even fit right
>Have to steal your fathers sword since your own looks like a toothpick in comparison
>Sword's power itself grows weaker in your child hands
>has to rely on cheep gimmick moves to overpower the enemy
>relies on the power of his teammates to reach full potential
>The Chad Ike
>Dress similar to your father but with a unique twist
>possesses his passed father's Axe as a way to remember him
>through the sheer might of his belief in his country and their blessing in turn the power of fliers and cavalier shatter beneath his might
>doesn't rely on cheap gimmicks to overpower the enemy even when attack
>no need for the buffs of his comrades
>despite a lack of a need for their help he fights for his friends regardless
repostin' because I want a (you)
Go on user, I need more analysis
I actually forgot that Arvis is Seliph's uncle
See TL;DR unit with beyond shit tier art is a top tier sword.
>> Depends on buffs to patch up her Atk
how do you know that
Roy, Chrom, ??? and Camilla
Source image for this?
Do you even know what ''gambling'' means user.
Haha fuck (you)
betting that roy chrom lyn camilla will lose first round, ike will beat hector and lucina beat tharja then lucina beat ike in finals.
why does this girl get me so hard? i want to fuck raul's daughter
Same goes for Cordelia too meanwhile
Though shit art yet being good is often an exception more than the rule
>Tharja vs Camilla
Cancerbowl 2017
>only reduced by 20%
Uhh no? It clearly says by 80%. Unless the translations got it wrong AGAIN.
I got you senpai
Which basically means they have to wait till everyone had accumulated 100 coins.
Reddit will beat Roy, Hector might beat Chrom so hopefully Real Hector can avenge his son is law and defeat Reddit's Hector.
>since it only reduces damage by 20%
only /fag/ could misinterpret "damage from second attack onward reduced by 80%"
t-thanks, (you) too...
Fuck that, who are you supporting this gauntlet? At the very least, this one actually doesn't look so one-sided.
But the trailer said the damage reduction was 80%
You sure about Ike's axe? It says that the damage is reduced by 80%, not to.
Who will you pick as your free CyL unit, /feg/?
Ike is the most handsome fire emblem dudes.
>Robin will be relevant again thanks to Lyn
They seriously need to add better B skills(CYL ones do not apply)
I wish I could say Boey would be relevant but thundercock fucks him over.
Gave me a good chuckle.
Yeah, it is.
I misread it.
Noted for future postings
Hector will pull off the first true skill based victory of a gauntlet due being not only best boy but the best unit in the entire gauntlet.
>against Brave attacks
You mean against any consecutive attacks following the first hit.
We need to make some FE related virgin/chad images.
I have Lucina, Hector and Tharja
Which route will give me the most orbs?
Merric can survive Lyn, discuss
Post THAT image of Lyn
I was going to calculate just how much Ike would take from a DB3 +Atk Reinhardt when I realize...
When does Urvan's effect apply? Before or after triangle disadvantage?
I for one will grabbing the free Lucina just for the fact that I can have 4 Lucinas and I don't have to roll blues anymore especially after Tana and S Corrin.
none. Feathers? Tharja then jump ship to Hector
>delusional Ikefags
If they would allow for that, the most they would do is make it a variation that targets Firesweep users and lets him attack high Spd units first with the order being Ike -> foe -> foe (8% reduced).
Chrom and Roy definitely will lose the first round
Lyn and Lucina will struggle hard, so will Tharja vs Camilla.
Robin will need Bowbreaker to survive Brave Bow memes.
Cecilia would be a better choice since she can be buffed to hell and back
CYL Roy is super cute but I'm not going to pull him
Who gets these pretty girls?
His reign begins.
Just give robin TA
On the QP hit
I'd have an affair with Nino and Rebecca!
Think with your dick, user. If you think he's cute then roll him.
Me on the right.
Lowen's wife and Erk's cum dumpster
is Raven Merric viable?
>> Defense so low, she'll die from Berkut
>only reaches 48 atk with his lance, versus Lyn's 53 bulk
This is Berkut! He has only one (1) more attack than a noodle-armed plains savage. He's very self-conscious about his weakness, so be nice to him!
>B Skill only works on Cavs and Fliers
How is this a bad thing? It's rare and much harder setup to get an infantry with blades going.
>B Skill will rarely work against anyone squishy
I don't understand what you're trying to say here. She's only good against squishy targets? With QP + MB or a quad luna brave build she would be useful against most of the DC units.
Why should I use Cordelia? She's just a flying beat stick. I could use that team slot on Azura to dance, Ephraim to buff, Effie to tank and hit even harder, Camus for DC, Tana for transport and better stats, and new Lucina to fuck Panic Ploy users. Even Valter has an 18 might weapon that can activate bonfire in 1 combat that can still tank with LaD 2/3.
Blue lancers offer so much more than just a really powerful beat stick that there's hardly ever reason to use her.
I want to bully Berkute until he cries
>Only have Ike
Damn sucks to be a newfag
Merric niche was to put a end to The Fliers meta but thanks to lyn he isn't necessary
What is the middle image supposed to be? Waking up on the wrong side of the bed hurts your gains?
Anyways Cant beat Paraolouge CC Lunatic without some one dieing, but a death so early in a CC is kinda bad. How do I survive that map w/o deaths?
Reminder that VenomRoy is actually an Ikefag falseflag trying to turn people against /OurBoy/. Don't let the /v/eddit army win, vote Roy.
Rebecca /ss/'s with Roy
how does it matter in this situation
That was pretty fast.
Ok then so for the second hit, we are looking at...
(50 - 12) * 0.8 * 0.2 = 6 damage
Ike definitely will survive to kill Reinhardt in general I realize
I don't think he realises that being the Symbol of Autism isn't going to help his cause in winning the feathers gauntlet.
How the fuck do I play this game of 4D chess?
I feel like it won't work because everyone will be trying to meme out extra feathers, so I'm just going to ride Hector.
Is there a bonus if I actually use the unit in Voting Gauntlet? I mean if I vote Roy should I use Roy too for bonus point?
Low intelligence people are better off supporting Ike. Roy is for high IQ individuals.
Like the shield specials (Pavise, Cowl, etc.) it applies after WTA. So first Reinhardt's damage is reduced by 20%, then for the second strike the remainder is reduced by 80%.
Note that there's virtually no amount of attack that would allow someone to deal more than 0 damage past defense after being reduced 80%, WTA or no. If reinhardt had 50attack against a green with that skill, his second attack would be reduced to 8 damage just from % reductions alone, before factoring defenses. If Ike has 8 or more res, he'd take 0 damage.
Reinhardt doesn't get 50atk even with full cav buffs, so the actual breakpoint is even lower. Even with QPmoonbow, Reinhardt's tome is essentially negated.
Vote roy
>Grants Atk+5 at start of turn if unit's HP ≤ 50%.
>Blazing Durandal
>Grants Atk+3. If unit's Atk > foe's, unit gains Special cooldown charge +1. (If using other similar skill, only highest value applied.)
why is this allowed
Bottom right meme is real.
Alfonse is ugly