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I love Severa, and so do you!
Cum inside Cumilla!
Who should I 5* to take on Lyn, my +atk robin or my +spd Cecilia?
This thread was NOT made by raul, unlike the nino one
>leveling Oboro and Selena for seal quests
Man why didn't anyone tell me they were such qts?
>also in the team a Leon I just rolled
This team is cute CUTE
Robin has the bulk to do it solo, Cecilia NEEDS buffs or she'll still hurt from Lyn even with TA
I pulled a 5 star Chrom last night, but I really don't like Chrom.
Does anyone in particular benefit a lot from Aether?
>Tfw lyn outclasses cordelia
No wait, she doesn't because im not a fucking retard who thinks horseback is better than 2 more attack
>Inherit a brave bow
>get Life and death 3
>blow niggers the fuck out with my 2 extra attack
>Dont have to waste that point for worthless horse
hahahah "B-but sacae's blessing!!"
>Have to waste a b slot
>cant use the whore with desperation
>only affects shitty melee users ((lol)
>is cuter
>is smarter
>more lovely
hahahahah i am literally fucking dying at how retarded you fucks are, lyncucks are pathetic
gtfo thot
Technically everyone, to boost arena scores.
>Can carry his game by himself
>Fights for his friends
>Isn't a racist
>Helps a princess reclaim her kingdom because it was the right thing to do
>Gives up his god killing weapon to someone who he knows he can trust
>Doesn't let pussy distract him from his duty.
>Worst Lord in the series
>Fights because it's his job and his daddy told him to
>Hates dragons
>Lets Hector die
>Steals a bunch of sacred weapons and keeps them for himself
>Degenerate who leads on a bunch of women in the middle of war
Soon the arena shall be my hunting grounds. And all of you will be my prey.
At least until Brave Lyn comes out and ruins flier teams forever.
Who cares about Lyn. All I want is an archer unit.
"Sup /v/ros, just here to make sure you're supporting based Ike"
Meant for
ironic that the cordeliafag calls someone else a cuck
How come no one mentioning Lucina?
Cordelia fags already en full panic mode and lyn is not even out yet
Yeah, but I was wondering if anyone in particular gets a better benefit out of it than others. Maybe Celica? She does really well with Draconic Aura though.
What did fliers do to deserve being a part of the 'get fucked' meta?
Armor and Dragon is unharmed, but what did fliers do to be lumped in with horse?
Who else here /teamlucina/?
Who here is gearing up for the best gauntlet battle? Hector vs Chrom. The most comfy gauntlet battle. Friendly banter, should be a tight battle full of back and forth and good nature om both sides.
That's a funny way of spelling "Hector"
>60 orbs into Hector banner
>still fucking nothing
>running out of F2P orbs
This is gay.
Cordeliafags, Lucinafags and Tyler will defend this
units with special -1 effects on them benefit the most since a 5 charge special takes quite a long time, to the point where you could complete a good chuck of situations in maps without ever triggering it.
for memes you could give Heavy Blade to Michalis and along with Hautclere and Quick Riposte, he could charge Aether in 1 round of combat. but that's just an extreme high investment example.
So what color/type are we missing now?
Red/Colorless Flier, Mage Armor units and Colorless Dragon?
Poor FGO Alter. I just feel sad for them.
Cuck memes are so funny (lol
Chrom bros ww@?
m-maybe we can pull a Gaius and meme our way up
>Goes into the past to make sure the future isn't shit
>Fucks her father's best friend
>Has shit taste in clothes
>Gave up an entire kingdom and all of it's responsibility so she could run around in some grass
>someone actually spent the time to draw that piece of shit image
Don't think Celica does that good with it. I think if anyone does get a good mileage of 5 turn specials, it's Heavy Blade users with high atk.
What is your opinion on this cute farmer?
Remember to build your Boeys in preperation for the looming Lyn menace.
so will the cyl versions be limited? I assume they will but that sucks.
>the actual state of Lucinafags
Is it gay when your husband looks like a beautiful woman?
hey man it's some nice grass
Green/Colourless Dancer
Don't you have an Ostian bull to be prepping?
How does Boey counter Lyn?
Still don't get why Cordelia is mentioned whenever Lyn comes up.
They're fucking different, deal with it already.
Who will be harder to counter: CYLyn, or Reinhardt?
I actually do have an extra Ike from Hero Fest, but I don't want to take Iote's Shield away from Michalis. Maybe if I ever pull a Minerva she could do some work with this, but at that point I should probably just try for Galeforce.
What about CYL Roy? He seems like he could do well with this. I'll have to wait and see how he turns out
Subhumans are probably going to be the melee physical unit that colorless needs. And there better be a ton of decent ones if they want to make rolling colorless anything other than hell.
What about both?
>No CCC or Gudaguda because they aren't localized.
>The rest of TM crossovers are mostly likely never come because licensing.
On top of everything they are being hit with a dry season.
So will the Lyn vs Lucina battle finally settle the question of who the most popular girl is, or will waifu fags make excuses?
Ninian's brother is probably gonna be green dancer.
Reinhardt gets walled by plenty of things and can be exploited very easily
Lyn only fears TA Raven tomes with the bulk to tank her, and even they get fucked by the odd Cancel Affinity Lyn's that will be here and there
>Can carry his game by himself
What's the point in playing the game then?
>for the first time I'm actually going to have a gauntlet unit for the gauntlet
>have every female unit but not a single one of the male ones
I can finally get all those bonus points but now I can't decide who to side with.
CYL already happened, user
Reinhardt because anything with defense can survive Lyn
>The answer to CYL Lyn is M.Robin
>The answer to M.Robin is Nino
>The answer to Nino is CYL Lyn
I did it lads.
I'm a Lucinafag and it's obvious there was never a question there
Lyn, obviously.
How do we know she can learn CA?
I bet the next GHB will be full of units with skills that counter these CYL units.
>highest defense mage, doesn't even need TA with Gronnraven to shrug off her attacks, meaning no Cancel Affinity bullshit
>doesn't rely on straight buffs so Mulagir's effect doesn't matter to him
>can use Quick Riposte to guarantee a Bonfire proc and kill her 100% of the time
lol wait till he hits his 30s
Many people are sleeping on her
>Blade tomes in Panic Ploy: the map
>this is what 50$ worth of orbs gets you
Well, that's a meme build if I ever saw one. Still, should do nice if you buff her atk occasionally.
>CYL Roy
Wait, what? He already has a built-in, non-stackable HB in his weapon, so that will definitely not work. I think CYL Ike might do well with it, but we should see his stats first.
This game always was RPS
Now it's just a little more complex.
I support her but I don't touch Heroes as it's not to my tastes.
Why the hell would you want to give up anti-distant counter?
So Priscilla's description says she has a "jealous streak" and she has a thing for her brother
Is she a closet bitch?
Nino did her best!!!
I was actually surprised how useful Boey was in that Tobin TT. He acted like a wall. Maybe I should upgrade one of my Boeys to 5*
It won't be as concrete as the poll, due to things like;
>structuring it to be tournament-like
>people metagaming it for feathers
There will be shitposting no matter what, though.
Just wait till they see Ike's resistance and speed
Do you think Lyn squats to shit on that grass?
Stop rolling for Hector. Roll for Barte.
Anyone got some good miracle meme builds. Seems like a waste on doot but maybe there are actually viable other offensive users
O-oh, did Lyn stay and take care of her kingdom then?
Why doesn't Lyn wear panties?
I wouldn't be trying to stack Heavy Blade. The idea is that he already has HB so I don't have to sacrifice an Ike to make Aether work on him.
Only because the God Lords Alm and Sigurd aren't selectable.
No why would it?
Sorry, I absolutely forgot about your initial question. Yeah, I think with his atk, Roy can be a good candidate.
She needs to get fucked instantly wherever she is, and panties get in the way
I just realized I didn't need to 5* Valter at all, since next arena season everyone will have a free CYL for it.
High def mages are really for neat for stuff like that, but the total lack of archers in the meta until just recently kind of kept them from being really useful more than just walling.
I'm actually pretty excited for Lyn just to see how many more things become potentially useful to counter her.
The more I think about Ike and Lyn the more I realize that their skills are not really that great (too situational) and that Roy and Lucina are the real stars of the show here desu.
Because she's a savage