PC BETA IS LIVE, open access on the 29th, ends on the 31st. Same content as the console beta, except Control is on a new map and some mechanics balancing has occurred.
>>>NEWSRESET INFOCLANSThe Leviathan Raid Gdoc sign ups
PC BETA IS LIVE, open access on the 29th, ends on the 31st. Same content as the console beta, except Control is on a new map and some mechanics balancing has occurred.
>>>NEWSRESET INFOCLANSThe Leviathan Raid Gdoc sign ups
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What's the max FOV?
thoughts on PC version so far?
Very good.
Titans are cool.
Warlocks are neat.
Huntresses are sweet.
How we doin bois?
>pre order on amazon yesterday
>still no code
>play on console
>perfect experience
>play on pc
>get banned
Sony wins again, baby
PVP is actually really good
guys give me a key.
it took about 1 hour before everyone started running hand cannons haha, literally 2-3 shot with pinpoint accuracy.
beta is so lacking in content.
will pc players get access to the farm at all?
t. Weedmaster420-69
anyone have a spare key?
ty based bungo for bringing this to the PC
Can you niggas asking for a key wait until tomorrow when it goes public?
>spawn effects on the ships
Keep us posted.
Ships having shaders is such a nice improvement over D1
Xenosilver is best
>Uninstall discord, nvidia expirance, all anti virus
>start pc with all processes and in safe mode
>still instantly crash and get BEX 64 error
lol nice game bungo
no. cause I want to download it today so i can play tomorrow. i don't want to wait till tomorrow just to wait more as I download. I am a entitled PCfag
>Blame bungie when your shit setup can't run a game that can work on a toaster.
PC users, everyone.
internet is slow, won't even be able to play tomorrow
t. Postmaster Kadi 55-30
Fight over it, puppets
Got it. Cheers mate!
damn you is fast user.
I missed it
What time does Destiny 2 open up to the plebs
I'm literally using a toaster and it looks fine.
It's a weird feeling being able to actually pvp competitively now that I have it on PC
>Minigun sounds
Yeah, no joke. It's what I named my Diablo 2 necro seventeen years ago, just kept it since then.
Pls start unpacking the .pck files guys.
no way that works
Anyone find themselves not even using ADS? Fukin handcannons are sweet with KBM controls
Just gotta wait till the chinese get their hands on it.
I couldn't believe it myself but does.
Anyone want to play on PC?
PVP or the Strike I don't care throw me a FR.
it plays so well on PC, it's gonna be gruelling waiting for full PC release, but i think i'll skip the console version
Sent friend request.
HCs and SRs look like they have a ring that spread doesn't get past
someone pls confirm
>melee is binded to C
Holy shit Bungie, why are you so stupid?
everyone is using smg
sort of a stupid question, but rockstar let players transfer their characters to the PC version, once it was released. is it possible bungie might do the same? because i"m tempted to just play on console until PC release, then transfer(if that's an option)
Does anyone know if you can keep the beta installed and have all your settings and existing data carry over?
first thing I did is rebound like half the shit. glad they gave us the option to
it's like i'm really playing the division(smg was broken for so long, it might as well have been the only weapon type available)
Didn't get it.
Behold my impeccable aim
runs great, looks great, has all the options I wanted (able to change keybindings, FOV, the works). they've done a good job with it.
Do i need to make a bungie account and link it to play destiny 2?
Sent again.
I never wrote on these forums before, even back when I was in the Xbox 360 Beta and actually played for a bit on the 360, before getting rid of Destiny 1. In some ways, I regret getting rid of it, because I lost everything (including my beta items it seems), but I also knew-- or at least was smart enough to know-- That the game was not going to survive on the 360. It was coming up as the "has-been" and Gamers, as many Gamers do, would be moving to the latest and greatest.
However, here we are with D2 coming out for the PC and I have per-ordered this, once again, but this time I know I'll be sticking around, as I tend to be a PC gamer at heart and consoles are to simply fill the void until I can upgrade my PC (or for those rare gem games that will never see a PC release).
Anyways with that TL;DR out of the way!
Hello there and Hi! A gamer shooting back to the SNES-Sega Genesis console wars here, someone who use to take part in Quake 1 Team-matches over Gamespy, old Halo (Bungie style) player (along with far to many other games to list such as EverQuest and Eve Online), and taking care of my handy-capped mother by day and trying to be a comic book artist/streamer at night.
It is a pleasure to meet you all and look forward to joining many of you Guardians out there who are too journeying to the PC world.
PS - I will be streaming today, once I get done with some life stuff, but I am pretty sure so will so many others. If you are interested in watching though, whenever I can get it started, it will be on twitch foxfirestorm
man the game feels so good on pc
i didnt even like pvp on d1 console and im having fun with it now, probably because of the kbm
Fuck off to Reddit, retard
Nice blog
Why Blizzard must ruin everything?
Is it just me or does Voidwalker Warlock feel really shit now? Like they just don't...Do anything.
what FOV are you guys using?
105 or bust
Its not from reddit.
88 PvE
105 PvP
>tfw none of the characters you make look that good
Will this game cut into Overwatch? What I mean is, will Overwatch kids see this as the next big thing, abandon Waifuwatch and start playing Destiny?
No, not enough waifus
Always 105
>If you go into a menu duringa cutscene even the menu is locked to 30fps
Any chance we'll be able to mod that to 144fps as well as not showing my real name in text chat?
I kinda hope so, maybe it'll prevent the game from being dead on PC in 1 month like very other none valve FPS.
Uhh... yeah, we know.
partly, yes; out of OW comp season, loads
You'll be playing the same shitters you always were. Good players will scrim in private matches
I doubt it.
No. Each account is separate.
>mfw I can play it at max settings
any one runin on a 960 want to let me know what settign they are running and on there average frame rates please.
i am at work and dying to know if my rig will be able to reach the magic numbers
Reddit spacing
Btw why ((((they)))) cut steam off?
you can turn off real names as well as the numbers at the end of battletags in the options, might need to logout/login to the game again for it to take effect, though
because why would actiblizz
A) what to share a cut with some thats not part of their team
B) want you to see and remember what other nonblizz games you have in your lib
MSAA hits framerates hard if you didn't know already
Why the fuck are the purple basic items "legendary"?
Because they're not "basic". You have high level gear as standard in the beta, you won't in the actual game.
Because it's a beta? Level 200 isn't basic.
>start up d2 on pc
>all cutscenes and audio at maximum speed
Its not reddit spacing. Reddit spacing would literally be double-spaced you moronic fucks.
can someone please post a code for me, I don't have any friends or money and I work all day tomorrow :(
Oh, that makes more sense
Anyone know how you switch text chat to team instead of fireteam?
Want to talk to pubbies
>Managed to fuck up 3 shots without recoil.
Holy fuck. PC users, everyone.
>alpha team are all on PC
rip worlds first
"Oh, that makes more sense"?!
Did this nigger seriously think you start the game with max level and light with highest rarity gear?! The actual fuck kind of brain damage is this pcuck suffering?
I blame not having played a shooter on pc for over 7 years
how to change language?
I mean, they did originally say your old characters would carry over, so maybe he thought they were trying to simulate that for the beta or something?
I'm surprised the last one hit