/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

work smart, not just hard edition

> Upcoming Mechanoid Jam itch.io/jam/op-mechanoid

> Next Demo Day 16 (11 days left) itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-16

> Play Demo Day 15 itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-15

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
Weekly Recap: recap.agdg.io
AGDG Steam Games: homph.com/steam
Fanart and stuff: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6j4pcv3V-vfb3hKSlhRRzlLbFE
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/JqsQerui
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/jAByvH3V

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How to Webm

Other urls found in this thread:


first for LOVE: love2d.org

second the best

You forgot Source in the OP.

How many of you are making a game for mechanoid jam?

About 10, it's got the counter on the site.

that's how many people registered for the jam. not how many people are actually making a game.

>mechanoid jam
I never know where to look and how to keep track of all the fucking jams

AGDG jams get like 3 entries and 2 are made on the very last day

>I never know where to look
thank the retards aggressively changing the op for no reason for that

>spending too much time on something that shouldn't be causing issue but somehow does
>summer heat is so bad my computer can't cool itself down while I'm trying to make progress
How fares your Dev adventures /agdg/ ? I hope you're doing better than I am.

What the fuck are they doing? Where is doorkickers 2? What is this bullshit?


I spent a good while trying to figure out why I wasn't finding a key in a dictionary only to realize I was saving the value in the wrong dictionary but other than that it was a fairly productive day.

Given this jam's longer duration I am expecting more games

today's shit for progress. i've removed more than i've added in the past few days.

Reminder that you should be learning Blender and C++ for a 3D Game.
If you want to be successful, stop wasting your time on 2D.

Removing bad things is also progress, it's like that saying:
You can tell someone is a good programmer when he has more deletions than additions in a git repository.

is switching between 3d stuff in the background while 2d gameplay is happening in the same scene feasible in unity?

>wanted to use local variables to make functions as self contained as possible
>realized local variables are objectively worse than global variables
>5 stages of grief

3D skill required too much
Must 2D so I can make games while learning 3D

I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but Unity2D is just Unity3D with a fixed camera, so it's probably possible.

of course, just use a separate camera or UI depending on what you mean by 2d gameplay

>trying to come up with a character sprite
>character ends up looking like a crossover between Poputepipikku and Maria-sama ga Miteru

A masterpiece in progress.

post it

I'm looking to make one, but my current project takes priority. Is there an easy way to see what jams you're registered for on itch.io? I didn't find anything on their forums and I'm tired of having to search for jams manually.

Just buy an air conditioner. Seriously your life is too sad.

>want to use functions
>realize that function jumps are objectively worse than having everything in one giant instruction set.
Just fucking end me already people told me programming was eASY

Wow, so you have some ideological opposition to function calls, while simultaneously thinking that you're smarter than every other programmer in the entire world.

*some shit may happen to a here*
if b {
a = true;


*some shit may happen to a here*
a = a || b;


did you miss the joke

reading through some of these posts is like tripping on drugs. thanks for saving me money guys


I haven't written a single function in months. I've forgotten why they even exist, all my code duplication problems have been solved with incrementation and dt

i need a to be true in all cases when b is true but otherwise stay itself because it may have been set to true somewhere before.

after everything if a is true i set a to false

if a and b then c

a = False;

if (b) {
a = True;

I suppose?

a = b;

They are different user. google short circuiting.

holy shit. go back to blueprints or wherever you came from

I'm trying to create some cutscenes for my game. Is this a somewhat passable style or should I try to actually draw something?

what's with short circuiting?
it would matter it it was a = a && b, then b wouldn't be evaluated if a is false. if a is false and it's OR, b can still change the outcome and should be evaluated. b shouldn't be evaluated if a is already true in such case. but it would only matter if i had it like a = a || b(); and wanted b to be executed in all cases but b is just a bool here. how does it impact the final state of a?

use the first one

That looks pretty cool, user, depends on your game's aesthetic though

Is that where you came from in the first place with that stupid ass question of yours?

I'm making my own jam its called the nogame jam. You have to submit something thats playable but it can't be a game

Prepare to have your mind blown
a=!a?b:a; //Fuck

the longer a competition is the more likely people will procrastinate and not do it.

Anyone here familiar with releasing shit on Apple's App Store?
Do you still need a mac to publish shit on there or would an iPhone suffice?

Thank god it's not a competition

>Anyone here familiar with releasing shit

always evaluates as false, so b will always be the result.

He is over complicating it, ant actually wants (a || b)

>i need a to be true in all cases when b
if b is true, a should be disregarded and treated as true
>but otherwise stay itself because it may have been set to true somewhere before.
disregard b, evaluate a.

i.e. a cannot be false if b is true, therefore (a OR b)

Since last thread died, ideas please.

ho\] g

Anyone else ever get this? It pops up every 6 seconds or so and causing noticeable spikes in my game.

>always evaluates as false, so b will always be the result.

Man, just get a pen and paper and sit in a corner for like 2 hours and continually come up with a stream of "Wouldn't it be cool/neat/fun/compelling/weird if..." and then jot down the first fuckin thing that comes to your head and see if you can implement it.

stop being a nuckle head and make a game for android, no one plays games on iphone, people who have iphones are a completely different breed of people who the last game they played was most likely mario or pacman. They don't give a shit about video games, they only care about blogs and the news or indie movies and smell like either weed or cologne or both.

Just like make a fucking game for android so ghetto mexican kids can download it from their mom's phone and will constantly accidentally hit the add or buy your in app purchases without their mom knowing.

>Do you still need a mac to publish shit on there
Yeah, you do. Pick up a used Mac Mini if you can find one.

first of all, the room size is shit, it's twice wide than tall, it's not comfy, make it less wide, secondly change those tiles, they look like shit and inconsistent to the player's sprite.
now for stuff to do, you should add bombs and pots to break, rocks and spike traps, traps that shoot arrows.
for the enemy you can start with a slow moving slug/slime that will follow the player but may loose interest and just walk randomly, second enemy can be a zombie that will follow the player all time and is slow and easy to kill.

Ideas are probably the hardest thing in game dev.

Programming is easy, passable art is easy, there's tons of music you can use for free, but ideas? Ideas are impossible without talent.


I didn't ask for this shitpost, take it back.

>lewd jam 2 soon

who is ready?

>first of all, the room size is shit, it's twice wide than tall, it's not comfy, make it less wide,

That's how it's in Zelda, I can't change that.

That is interesting. I'm in. When is the deadline? Am I allowed to use assets made before the jam?

Best post so far.

For lewd games you need good art and lewd art. Got neither.

This, I've never heard of people who play games touching Apple devices, they all live in California where they are too busy fucking each other in the butt to play a game

I worked a pit on the menu so it looks presentable.

I will be ready next year, maybe, I hope.

Yes good luck drawing that lewd of yours with shit art.

Looks ace

ideas like any other medium require outside experiences. Your not gonna come up with clever idea if all you do is play games, and even games in the same genre.

If you have the money take a trip outside the country or do something completely unrelated to games. If you don't have money read a shit ton of books, not just sci fi and fantasy.

Get into genres and shit you normally wouldn't. The whole idea is to broaden your perspective. Your brain is really good at building patterns so mixing video games with something totally different will help your brain build patterns other people might not see.

and that's not link either, if you gonna clone a design loosely then at least try to improve it

>he can't do text based lewd

What does the design have to do with the room size?

Show us a sample of your text based lewd, user.

My fetishes will instantly disqualify me and smear my name forever.

>when you see your classmate in class is browsing /agdg/
Hey man,
Why is he showing us X-Com? He's got no material for today?

Also McD's and Dollar store later?

>There are 2 retards doing game design at College in this general

Go away

can i go with you pls

How about you suck my dick, nodev
I wish

>McD's and Dollar store
how poor can one get

>i need a to be true in all cases when b is true but otherwise stay itself

if a is false, and b is false, a is now true.

>calls others nodev
>spends time studying games instead of making his own
Post any game you have ever made. Surely you wouldn't spend money on a game design course if you have never made any game of any description?

this is game dev after all

Nigger, you're literally wasting time while I'm making actual video games.

Praying for the Japanese gamedevs right now

why what happened?

ЮA Japanese hotel run almost entirely by robots is expanding to 100 locations


>want to make a lewd game
>have the art to do a lewd game
>all my asphyxiation fetishes are too specific to get anyone's attention

>half of my family has got cancer and/or heart problems
>I'm still fine


How is your nodevitis though?

So how much blender training I need to make something like this?

couple weeks maybe 2.

NK can't nuke Japan harder than they've nuked themselves.

We're training out future generations to be so dumb

____ ___ ___

all those dead people, hotels still running fine.