Will we ever get an Arizona meetup?
Will we ever get an Arizona meetup?
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If arizona didnt have those gay assed checkpoints it would be a perfect state.
underrated post
border patrol checkpoints?
I miss Arizona, but those were creepy as hell
We have a discord senpai
>posting pics of socal meets
you will never catch up
Already have some my lad, we're all mostly in the discord server because the threads die too quick
Z/o/na meets are so comfy
When it isnt 130 degrees Fahrenheit
Fun times
What types of meets do you do? Any weekend drives?
Im not a fan if meeting and standing in parking lots, especially when every one is in smaller groups and won't mix with others.
We've had some parking lot meets, they're fun but we've also been trying to do more meets with some driving. Did one a couple weeks ago up the 89A through Jerome
We're mostly a smaller group and we all get along mane. We do Pavs neets pretty regularly but we're kinda new so we've only done a drive or two
May I respectfully inquire as to which year/model Lexus that is, Arizanon?
You may not, old chap.
thats my 03 is300 sportcross my guy
Manual? Auto?
the sportcross only came in an auto, but it has manual shifting paddles
> get out of car
> too hot
> get back in car and turn on a/c
> clear coat gets sun damage
>living anywhere under the sun
Kekkkk how will this cuck recover
Post moar fairlady
ask your mom
Sounds good. I'll try to make it to the next one