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Cursemurse edition
Old Thread
Cursemurse edition
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this is now a loloo thread
sona is ugly af btw
tfw WW3 isn't a meme anymore
what's the last champion i should play before getting nuked?
>lost 9 games today
>8 because of botlane
>1 because I was autofilled support, janna and lulu banned and so I picked Sion
>and then top feeds
I just want a single fucking win.
xth for Syndra
Practice ryze, so your apm is ready to take on the norks in cyberwarfare
Hey villain, have you ever heard these words?
best yordle girl around. discuss
>Ryze for APM
Shouldn't I practice Morde for the multitasking?
why was bard moon walking?
>be playing top
>absolutely shit stomp them
>they're 1/11
>enemy botlane is 30/0
>can't hurt them
>that Bard moonwalk backwards
Xth for Lulu, the mos underappreciated girl
Syndra is a slut and her feet smell like dick and cum!
Style points obviously
Xth for Jinx
inb4 triggered Syndrafag
>because that post is okay
once again you are wrong, that would be you not her!
>tfw you have such a good wank that you go for another round right after you finish
league of legends
I'm about to play fiora jungle
I know the feel mang
>Blasting Wand starts to get sore after several sessions
xth for shaco buffs pls
Already locked in.
Ranked too.
You're gonna want to kys soon because you'll realize you can do virtually nothing from the jungle
step 1: acquire gun
step 2: put gun into mouth
step 3: pull trigger
fiora hitting a vital should apply an infinite bleed that keeps going until you die, get a heal, or go back to fountain. imagine one of your vital human organs being eviscerated. you dont just hurt a little afterwards, you would slowly die.
pls revert e changes and make boxes good again
gib ap shaco back n~n
>be jungle
>be a vi player
>haven't played in a couple days
>hover vi
>enemy team bans vi
>hover yi
>last pick on their team picks yi
>i no longer have anything I can play
Wew boy, fun game.
And riposte shouldn't actually stop magic attacks
what the fuck, you'd have to walk all the way back to the fountain
> Get a Zac support in ranked.
> Ask why, says "people this elo are clueless, i just wanna have fun".
> Tell him that seems harmful to teammates that actually wanna win, says "our team doesn't have much CC, clearly clueless".
> Get dumpstered in lane by Vayne/Braum.
> Our Yi gets a Penta, but doesn't matter cause Zac constantly dives 1v5 giving us a 4v5 every fight.
Gee, I wonder why this person is always losing...
xth for looking exactly like Diana!
I love Camille
I wish I looked exactly like Diana because then, I'd actually be able to make money on Twitch/Chaturbate/whatever.
But no, I'm a crippled dude.
Is there a good way a learn the hidden mechanics in league?
>tfw we will never have access to technology capable of turning us into cute anime girls without serious consequences in this lifetime
feels bad man
You can still get ripped and being a camwhore.
But you would not even think about it and continue shitposting
I have a file somewhere about special interactions, let me find it
Why is he so cute, lolgen?
Remember futa dicks and balls aren't gay.
>there are people here who cannot climb out of bronze
I can't exactly do that, considering I'm crippled.
I mean, my arms are pretty ripped anyway but my legs are non-existent.
>not barefoot
>Have to deal with late-game Singed
Autism isn't a disability.
Cause him and skarner are the best
i meant like shit like wave management
back timings
and shit that bronzies wouldn't even think about let alone read
The cutest OTP!
Try calisthenics my ffriend
you replied to the wrong person
you twit
>get placed bronze 3
>climb out of it like a calm summer's sea breeze
>playing with silvers
>these guys are even more useless than the bronzers
>i get fed in lane
>but the enemy team get fed off their tits and can still 100-0 me despite my leads.
>while my 0/40 teammates drool at fountain saying the games over but never actually surrendering
>wasting more time
I want to go back to Bronze.
>there are people here who have been in bronze
fucking disgusting
>tell chat that Singed burned his ghost
>he didn't, it was just his passive and he pops ghost and zooms away
I'll start with 45% cdr and enough move speed you can do two shockblasts thru 1 gate with jayce if u move forward and activate the gate on the first shock blast as late as possible
>Fizz you can cast your ult mid Q
>Maokai can dodge karthus ult with his W You can auto attack after knocking someone away with gragas if you knock them across your body
>You can W-R-Q as alistar. You can ult during leonas zenith blade.
You can cast skills during hecarim ult.
>If you cast aurelion sols ult and flash in another direction, your ult will show 1 thing, but you will do damage where you flashed and your enemy wont be able to see it.
If you time it right and use janna's q and ult, you will knock them up, but your ult will not knock them back.
>Malphite will ult slightly faster with more movespeed. Malz ult will stop dashes.
If you place khalista ghost on top of baron/dragon/herald it will do stupid things but will not die out.
>You can use gragas bodyslam and then flash for damage and can also do the same thing with kassadin ult.
You can knock someone back as jayce and still auto them.
>Kog Maw casts his skills faster when his W is active.
Dont know if all of these are usefull to you, some are outdated these are a year old Ill remove any that I see are outdated
I don't have legs.
Man I just want his old passive/old Q, and old E back.
Actually, I just with Riot would admit the assassin rework was a failure and revert them or at least buff them instead of leaving them gutted.
ADC are running around destroying the game and shredding tanks and the only class that's supposed to counter them can't even deal enough damage to kill them.
It gets better in Gold.
ima post them anyway i think these are interesting
>Cait/Jinx/trist/kog can hit baron/drag from outside of the pit.
Dying as akali fully stacks your ult. (dont know if this is true after the rework
You can flash during lux's ult to redirect it without having the indicator( u can ult backwards and flash it forward so they never see it coming)
>General tip: If you are playing a champ that switches forms like jayce, if you do a range auto then change forms while the auto is mid air it will count as a melee attack (works vs yasuo I believe)
If you use kindreds ult on top of someone with a revive(zilean, ga etc..) they will revive with reduce hp(alot of reduced hp)
>You can move as fast as your Q as aurelion sol with wisp, mobi boots and max rank in E
Tahm can eat or throw his allies over walls
>Illaoi spirit acts as another champion. You can use summoners on it. It also works the same with your masteries so it procs thunderlords, grasp etc.
Stream yourself playing Urgot. Doesn't matter if you're good at him or not, people will throw money at you.
You dont need legs for calisthenics my friend
Stop the excuses and google it atleast
I know its hard, but you wont be a camwhore if you dont try it atleast
I lurk there.
Are there people into gay amputee porn?
>want that riven skin
>dont like paying for digital goods
I will be someones girlfriend(male) for skins, i'll be nice, lewd and teach you your place.
Nah, fuck off. Get a job.
>there are people who STILL post crops without the source in the filename
>these are the same people that complain about getting asked for sauce
league of legends
>coming off of a 6 game losing streak
the CLIMB is back on /lolg/!
>inb4 scripting
the user who posted that is a LIAR and NOT me!
my gameplay is FAR to inexperienced to be using scripts!
to clear up further confusion i am now using a TRIP!
keep CLIMBing anons!
That's kind of sad.
I'd have sex with you out of pity.
stop paying $20 for a skin
I usually post that diana image with the source as the filename.
I did that for like a week while talking about Diana n shit.
The amount of people that said I was shilling "my art" and all that.
Artist for the Diana picture is; ShadowfangzHF
Who else /Honorable/ here?
That's not a trip you retard
But i do have one, I'm just not going to pay for digital goods.
Returning to the jungle. How I can make good work of Lulu jungle and how I can climb with her on that role? Alternatively, who hardcounters both Gragas and J4? Are Kha6 and Kayn still good viable options?
>to clear up further confusion i am now using a TRIP!
Except you're not using a trip you dork, you're so dumb it's cute and makes me wanna bully you and tease you.
I've tried senpai.
I just went with lifting instead. It was much easier and it really helps me get around on my wheelchair.
I'm not a virgin, user. I don't need pity sex.
And in all honesty, I'm not even sad about losing my legs. As a twat that rode a motorcycle and got hit by a drunk driver one night, yeah whatever, I had already said to myself years ago "I'd be ok with losing my legs" and I am.
Just wanna play video games and make money but I'm shit at them lmfao.
i am not SMART!
Everytime i hit s3, I get this shit. It's absurd. How do you even die 17 times, much less while going afk mid game for like 5 mins.
Youtube and guides for each champion. Some people like Phylol, Neace, LS and others have videos on several mechanics. AFAIK reddit also has quite a few subreddits where people discuss this kind of thing but
Check this one out:
The Aurelion Sol thing also works with Cassiopeia and Lux, or at least it used to work last season.
Ban Janna. Take Poppy support.
Just play jungle wu I did that on a smurf and I carried 98% of the games.
>avatar fag becomes a tripfag
kys desu
Also start a blog so the people that are inteested can follow you while you dont shit up threads
But then I have to be in the bot lane, and I hate being there worse than the feeders it spawns
You're actually dumber than me and that's quite the achievement.
I hope you will get ripped and prove it to me one day user
I really believe in you
Best luck and wishes
>Starting to climb by exclusively only playing two champions
Is this actually what it takes
But I'm not a smurf, user.
joe please
>playing bot
>shit stomp them
>they're 1/22
>enemy top jungle and mid are 40/0
>can't do anything
really activates the almonds
yeah it does, they almost removed it with cassio
its very good on cass, moreso that lux probably, but most people know about cass ult, not about lux ult so I felt I had to mention it
it doesn't, you still get silvers or silvers who just made it to gold 5s calling you "bronzie" while they feed out of their ass and spam all chat for the team to report you for not camping their lane.
Have you ever seen a Xayah mid? Someone just picked that into my Syndra.
It felt like I was laning against a more annoying version of Ekko. Not like she had any kill pressure on me, but I couldn't do much other than look for E->W->Q trades before she just ate the wave with two skills
You dont have to be to get out of silver all you need to do is do you buff as wu then invade. After you invade you gank mid or bot dont gank top much.
I wish I was that good at wu. Hes what like masters now?
It doesn't get better. This game doesn't get better with rank. That's a misconception.
Trying to start playing support is like going through the 7 stages of denial. Have fun.