/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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>[Mega Pastebin]

>[News, Events & Campaigns]
Crunchyroll panel confirms Okeanos and Kintoki coming soon, plus some new NP animations. Nothing else is confirmed.

>"Moon Goddess Event Pickup Summon Period"
Period: August 17, 2017 (Thu) 8:00 ~ August 31, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
5* Orion
4*s Stheno and Marie Antoinette
3*s Ushiwakamaru and Jing Ke

fgosimulator.webcrow.jp/ - Mats, EXP & AP sims for game-planning
- Chaldea Gate: Daily Quests - fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
- Drop rates (click on the NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
- Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread
- If cirnopedia is down, use other alternatives like the fgowikia, kazemai or the in-game announcements
>[Miscellaneous stuff]
- Master Mission - Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
- Rate ups in JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1499/27/1499273270406.jpg (embed)
- Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
- Add yourself to the list: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

Gas all Transexuals


Husbando thread!
Good luck! I welcome death!

How come Cu only has one spear? did he lose one?


>another week of nothing
>FEH gives me a FREE top tier ssr and i havent even played the fucking game or any game in the franchise yet

why play a dead game ruined by sea monkeys

He broke the other one to heal Saber, remember?

Just had a funny thought that all the events FGO has to tie in with future Fate adaptations will be two years late here.

And by funny I mean infuriating.

>want to watch Zero on Netflix
>Not available in EU
>In fact, it's not available for (legal) streaming ANYWHERE in EU
not fair

Okita and Nobu!


Nah just okita

I'm actually a plant to destroy the fanbase for NA and remove all EOPs
I love Bedivere!

Hahaha new thread time to image spamming without content

Isn't FEH even more repetitive than FGO?

This is FE's sumanai
Say something nice!

>/v/ thread laughing

This game is so fucked I don't know why I'm still playing but it's pretty funny watching it go down

Fuck off asshole. Stop avatarfagging. You're being as annoying as THAT Alterafag. Fuck off.

brother may i have some swords

The only reason I'm not playing FEH is because I've never played through a FE game before so I feel like I'd be missing all the references and stuff. At least here I recognize characters.

Doesn't /v/ laugh at everything?

He looks like a fag and is going to step on a nail


>Ruining a rival game's threads by wasting image posts
I-is this the power of FEH?

This game is dead, isn't it?

FE is a shit tier SRPG series anyways.
>Advance Wars died for this.

Good. Fuck Advance Wars.

>wasting image posts
That's what you're doing. Fuck off.

nigga thats a hood way to get acquainted.

lll never waste money on nintendo vomit but this one might be alright cause its free.


Alright user, I'll take a break from posting my husband! Sorry!

>/fgog/ is laughing at us again
>/feh/ is laughing at us again
>all of Veeky Forums is laughing at us again
>the entirety of Veeky Forums is laughing at us again

I don't give a shit about if it's legal if I can find it anywhere else at the same quality.
I could not.

Learn to pirate, fag

Never fear, Jannu is here.

Why the fuck would you stream it and not download the BDrips like normal people?


You're welcome!
are they fucking really though jesus
maybe im taking it a bit far



Is this you? Did you change the file name?

jack every thread until she can be adopted
>dumb homo poster, making new thread before it even hit bump limit

>watching Apocrypha
>everything is shit
>Siegfried knocks his master unconscious
>rips out his own heart
>gives it to a pussy of a homonculous
>dies like a bitch

Holy shit I'm burning his ass if I ever get spooked by him.

There arent too many references you'd miss and every character has a short summary you can read that tell you who they are and what game they are from. Also if you like getting good units from gacha pulls FEH is relatively generous with both percentages and free currency

No way someone that likes Fire Emblen is laughing at us for not getting an event in a waifu simulator due to localization problems when they are being blueballed by Nintendo treehouse

>dangit ronpaul 3
>warhammer 2
>extella sequel
>all free or pirate

septembers a fuckin good month brahs, i wont even notice this game being dead ill juat log in and waste bandwidth

No, you fucking retard.

Tonight will be Kintoki gacha announcement for Thursday. Okeanos next week Thursday.
Guda guda summaries along with event will come the week of the 25th.

I'd rather be thrown off a building than be a lolifag!

Nope. I remember that dumb sperg posted a thumbnail.

Don't forget the homunculus is the real protagonist.

I want to corrupt this zealot.

educate yourself dumb SEAmonkey

Aniplex is laughing at us

>not posting the Original Seibah.

Stupid free draw, drew Mozart and some loser berserker I instantly fed to Cat

Of course they are. Laughing all the way to the bank with our money that is.

I'm not gonna download something, watch it once, then delete it again. Streaming is just easier.
I don't care about (usually) minor quality upgrades. As long as it's not 240p and/or a stuttering mess, I don't care.


>If we get an anime adaption of Strange Fake, it's going to be by A-1 like Apocrypha

Mamui is cute! Cuter than Femui! A better cocksleeve too!

I just want to fuck Bedivere. Is that so much to ask?

Nice dude, you seem like a man of culture
i want you on my friends list 388,315,744

Reminder that the moon goddess banner is still up and there's no news about any content or banners other than "soon"

whens the next release

i just finished the last one, aside from pacing this shit is too fucking good

And I want to fuck Semiramis.

Fuck thou off. Enjoy thy leprosy.

This is exactly what JP went through.
Reminder that F/GO did not take off until four months past launch.

>mfw the whole board is laughing at us

Can anyone figure out why my supports are generating more FP than usual.
Before Dango I was getting around 300 every six hours, for the past few days I've been making around 3000-5000 every six hours, I'm baffled to why it's spiking.
Vlad's attracting most of the attention.

>are a female
Nothing wrong with that.
>are a male
Kill yourself, fag.

Why didn't A1 pour some kind of budget into Apocrypha?

It's so bad.

>deleting things after watching them once
fucking why, user?
Who are the other servants who's google results are like this? I know Astolfo is, and I'm pretty sure Diarmuid is

How bad is the animation?

Is there room for a 6/3/3 Jannu with Grails?


Content drought means people would rather just rent a zerker to kill whatever faster.

good thing I'm a mutant freak with both then!

>Only Servant with a decent level
What a surprise. I really wonder why people are using him. Fuck off and level your shit retard.

Like the Extella event they'll likely be moved up

Sent. Herc in my all slot.

Please put a trip so I can filter you. Thanks.

Fuck yeah

A-1 wouldn't have the balls to try to adapt a Narita-autism story. For starters, SF would need at least 50 episodes. Something like Madhouse would be far more fitting.

You know, you can just filter his filenames.

>two of my legit, not shitposting posts

>moved up
>when we won't have half the characters for them most likely

What animation?

Gilko on the front page!

She's mine tho

Please, can you stop shitting this general up? It may not be the best but it's home. Don't make it any shittier than it is.

I like Jets.
You like Jets?

You best back the FUCK up.

Okay that one's a fucking surprise actually, I didn't even search Gil cause I didnt expect it from him. Sasuga, I guess
I've been here a while user, I'm just posting my husband recently. Been here since the separation off and on.

I spy Final Fantasy Gilgamesh.

Can I die after fucking Bedivere?

>he censored the empty space between bond levels
Shit, I'll get your account next time jetsfag.


pls b my gf

You are avatarfagging. Only 250 images can be posted in the thread. You spamming your shit makes me hate you and Bedi.

Please ignore the shitposters.
Do not quote the shitposters, do not reply to the shitposters, do not acknowledge the shitposters.

I've already slowed it down, user. I'll try to limit it to one in 4 posts.