Fighting Games General /fgg/
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OP is a fag.
Play this faggot
I want Menat to sit on my face.
How do I get ready for Menat?
By Bastet's tail!
jack off to brown anime girls
Menat will save brown fighting game girls.
Seriously guys haha she's gonna suck so much don't buy her don't buy her costumes and don't play her haha
Menat a SHIT
>each orb corresponds to each normal command
>changes if in air or cr
Is this going to be way too fucking complex?
Say something marvelous about morrigan's partner.
That's the worst Nitocris art I've ever seen.
Complexity is what SFV needs. I just want to feel challenged in a Street Fighter game again.
i've seen worse desu
>each orb is tied to a normal button
>when jumping and crouching the orbs have different trajectory
Aka she has anti air fireball and air fireball in v-trigger. Also I wonder if she'll have combo xx v-trigger, 6 orbs taunt finisher. I hope she does.
>she's a polite and serious girl
Her Ed story appearance sure disagrees
Waiting on Mike Evans character introduction video now.
We will probably get to watch Menat at WSO a couple of hours before the servers come back up
Wow, what a unique and interesting character.
what's a good jive?
Whats WSO
I wish there was just a normal fucking ken costume in V
like a normal one
not this shitty alpha ken
this is what everybody wants in jive character and defensive options
Moonstone is better
>walk people into the corner just by them not wanting to have orb behind them
mite b cool
too bad. next time you get cowboy ken again.
notes have been taken
3 days left
Are you ready for the ACTUAL character of the month?
did anyone say orbs
his default is good though
she wont be dressed like that on espn, sir
>banana hair
Building the pyramids is harrowing work for a lowly slave such as myself. Every day I toil as the blistering sun beats down on my back, and every night I await the soft embrace of sleep, the only respite I have from the lingering pain of my lashes.
Menat, my slavemaster, is the single force in this world that gives me the strength to continue. None of us slaves would dare admit it, but the sting of her whip caused us as much pleasure as it did pain. I would not accept all the camels in this land, or every gem within the Pharoah's palace, if it meant giving up an opportunity to introduce my seed to her fertile womb or have her shove all 6 of her orbs into my rectal cavity.
I can no longer contain myself. As soon as I see that her back is turned, I drop the stone I am carrying and rush her, sniffing her curvaceous rump and dissolving into pure bliss. Alas, she is too powerful for me, and as soon as she breaks my back under her soft, brown soles, I know that my journey on this Earth is nearing an end. Knowing that nothing can save me, I bury my face into her crotch, sweaty from the desert heat, and take as big of a whiff as I can before being seized between her legs. The last image I see before death is the inside of her thighs as they crush the air out of my throat.
Suddenly everything is dark. I feel myself spiraling downward into death, the warmth of Menat's body giving way into an endless sea of nil. But I do not fear. I see a light in the distance and make my way towards it, arriving at the gates of paradise.
Anubis weighed my heart on his scales and found it to be lighter than a feather--the intensity of my love for Menat has caused my heart to grow pure. He advises me to step through the gates into my personal heaven. I have earned it.
I enter the light and find myself shrunk down to the size of an ant, wedged in between Menat's beautiful, slender toes. This is my paradise. Finally, I am at peace. O, Menat! My master, my queen, my goddess!
menat confirmed for high iq like abigail
She is Marvel's premier fat piece of furniture
i mean aside from his shitty face and hair
I don't really care as long as it ends up in the game someway.
menat looks interesting and strong unlike kolin who was just interesting but too strong
damn, I want to see Abigail do his backthrow on her
my dik
Menat is the foot QUEEN
Literally worse then Jubeifags.
>complexity is good
Yes, just go ahead and exclude paying costumers with artificial difficulty.
They need more female characters that are straight forward, can take a beating, and a good reversal option.
>want to play Dizzy in GG and Menat in SFV but they're both too complex
Why are cute fighting game girls so confusing to play with? It's not fair, bros.
if they are a true waifu, you will do it for her
she has two moves lmao.
If they don't want to learn vtrigger setups just mash normals to combo
She's 950/950, that's not too bad on the beating department
Just assume it's 2.
You already have Laura and Mika for low IQ throwing characters.
>mash normals to combo
This isn't Tekken, friend.
I'm so bored of R.Mika and I can't bother to learn anyone else, no one is interesting
if I don't like Zeku I dunno what I'm gonna do
What's the story mode for s2 going to be about
Is strifehomo the worst trip ever or what?
dank and lucifer had the excuse of being mentally ill
brick's adventure to america
slim, also what happened to lucifer I left for a few months but that faggot was so goddamn obnoxious
Remember when you could just do the irish whip move and throw the opponent to the wall for shenanigans?
Only those willing to dedicate the time and effort are deserving enough to play the waifu characters.
Honestly, you dont deserve to touch Menat if you arent willing to commit.
Does se look like some thot like Cammy or Laura that you get to pick up and play easly?
I wish I was good enough to BM someone who BMs me
Instead I Just have to sit there and take the teabags ;_;
Why the fuck did everyone start teabagging instead of taunting
She looks fat.
du and punk started it
I've been teabagging since 08 faggot.
i dont even know how to taunt
Whats wrong with his asymmetrical moustache
>falling for the execution meme
>irish whip
>dash backwards
>they "hit the wall"
all 6 buttons
All 6 buttons
Incidentally Jive (IV wasn't much better) uses way the fuck too many button combinations for a 6 button game.
Besides Xian
Which pro player do you wish to pick up Menat the most?
Balrog, Menat and Anigail trying to stop Ed's gang.
Winner Stays On with Rob Livingstone
since Capcom pro talk was canceled, they're the only ones showcasing the new characters
wisdom of thot looks sick and creative tbhhhh lads
Daigo would be hilarious
Menat isn't a member of Ed's squad?
Lobby's open now
CFN is SuperWavy
CS is on
Pass is 1111
Literally dhalsim with balls.
I hope she suits infiltration. he just doesn't have a strong character that he can play in his obnoxious style.
>Akuma's jank ass hitbox after super
if you get a hit confirm its literally like aegis shield, anything will combo
Thats my fuck around alt account where I play new/different characters. I am not a silver scrub tbtqhf.
Menat is too high IQ for Daigo.
zeku in september or what?
his super in general pushes you back too far
october, september is marvel release
Will Menat's colors be good?
His hurtbox is dislocated backwards after as well.
It has shit invincibility relative to what you'd expect to be fair. I got caught dashing up into chip today with Rashid and ex mixer which is the invincible move with the least invincible frames as far as i know actually went through much to my surprise.
JIN, where are you located? Our connections are terrible bruv :(
Lobby's open now
CFN is SuperWavy
CS is on
Pass is 1111
Considering you can't bait it by jumping over like normal reversals that's deserved
I almost bought jive today. How is your day going?
It is a little rough for me too, but not that bad
yeah :( I'm just outside of Buffalo NY