PC BETA IS LIVE, open access on the 29th, ends on the 31st. Same content as the console beta, except Control is on a new map and some mechanics balancing has occurred.
>>>NEWSRESET INFOCLANSThe Leviathan Raid Gdoc sign ups
PC BETA IS LIVE, open access on the 29th, ends on the 31st. Same content as the console beta, except Control is on a new map and some mechanics balancing has occurred.
>>>NEWSRESET INFOCLANSThe Leviathan Raid Gdoc sign ups
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first for pc is the best
Which platform would be what class?
Titan = PC?
revolvers nerfed when
Stop trying to falseflag, its pathetic.
Xth for PC is pretty fucking rad all around.
Stop feeding the retard (You)s
1st for titans lead the way
As per near tradition at this point, here's the editable by anyone Gdoc. Maybe this year will be the year where it's seriously filled in, who knows!
PC was a mistake.
you were a mistake
2D is super inferior when it comes to athletic women user
>not appreciating both
PCucks were a mistake. This general will be more dead than the PC version if we continue to allow them to run wild.
>Literal pieces of cargo tied to your armor
You know I mained Titan in Destiny 1 but Bungie is really making me dislike them
OwO, where's this?
Destiny would be dead if it wasn't for pcbros for falling for the Destiny 2 meme, show some fucking respect
>began 百倍 shitposting when PC version revealed
>even my confession will be regarded as false flagging
Stop feeding the retard (You)s
The ball launcher on Gary's ship
End of D2 we board Ghaul's supernova device and prevent him from blowing up the sun.
The FPS display in MSI Afterburner doesn't work anymore apparently? I installed it and it says rivatuner statistics doesn't work on my version of windows.
I dunno man, multiple trailers have had the sun exploding and guardians sitting on a bunch of floating rocks gazing at what looks like an eclipse.
Maybe the sun does blow up but it's in some weird pocket dimension
So if you don't preorder you can't preload on PC?
nope, gotta download it tomorrow
new pc player, am i missing something or is the multi just bare bones 2000 style fps with people one shotting each other with supers. it feels really stale
or is this game mostly meant for the PVE content?
I'm going to bed.
Good night, /dg/.
how do i click on this?
>getting mad at facts
when even alpha team move to PC you know console is dead
face it and accept it, PC is the hot new place to be
I've always used the nvidia shadowplay overlay one, works fine for me in destiny and everything else
>face it and accept it, PC is the hot new place to be
Not for two more months.
Then for two months.
Then it's back to pubg/lol/hearthstone
i7 860 good enough for this game?
more than enough
Stop feeding the retard (You)s
Has anyone spotted any screenshots featuring this set in game yet?
It's the one I like the most so far and I really hope it's not a rare one.
wtf is up with those feet?
i think the armor in the subclasses is just concept art, some of the others have armor thats in the game but looks different
peecee beta comes out and reddit spacing intensifies. hmmm.
I dunno but they look lovely.
But the Sentinel has the PS exclusive set as background art.
The next time you mention consoles don't do it. Consoles are dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy.
nah, we're here to stay bitch
get out of our thread bitch
Taken King designers taking over for the Titan armor?
Bulky shit with huge shoulders.
But I fucking love consoles.
consider this mercy.
who pc with me tomorrow
>formatting your posts correctly means your reddit
My reddit what
Has anyone here figured out a fix to this shit? It's been like 9 hours and this hasn't been resolved by Bungie. I swear I've tried everything on this damn computer I can try.
its why i'm playing warlock just like destiny 1. have to say, i'm really liking the set we get from the EDZ engrams
Put your trip back on Zippy
this, overwatch general is >>>/owg/ that way
Not a fan of that scaffolding on the helmet but otherwise pretty solid.
Wonder if the camouflage pattern will get replaced when you apply a shader.
wrong, my boy
This is proof alpha team have moved to PC
Holy shit console babbies on suicide watch
still wrong.
Aipha Team*
>finally, I have achieved my Destiny™
Had to drop the game at this point
we're not though
>formatting your posts correctly means your reddit
>formatting your posts correctly means your
>formatting your posts correctly means
>formatting your posts correctly
These default keys for abilities/melee is one of the worst for newer games. Unwieldy weird keybinds that do not feel natural at all. Did they not internally test this?
At least they let the player change the keys.
>status effect grenade launcher
I like it
Why the FUCK does shaxx have MY sword
Never liked the warlock gear in Destiny but in D2 the warlock looks better than the Titan.
You know what formatting is, right? Are you underage?
Why the fuck is every Hunter using Sunshot now? It wasn't this bad on the console beta.
i kinda like the cage on the visor, the set itself is a reskin of pic related with some stuff added on
>non alpha team trying to speak for alpha team
sonyponys are pathetic
Warlocks looks like a weird version of Red Hood.
now THAT looks good, much better without the cargo crate shoulders
>Geforce has drivers for the destiny 2 beta
>can't use the optimization feature with the destiny 2 beta
That coat is fucking awesome.
I actually like all the vanguard sets. Hunters look like chubby tacticool retard. Warlocks have that super comfy stuffed coat. And even the vanguard titan gear looks cool to me with its boxy shoulders.
Have you dumb fucks ever considered discussing the game over shitposting about PC vs Console?
Cause last I checked you invested in one over the other for different reasons and comparing them is literally the stupidest bullshit and just makes both sides look like complete fucktards.
If you want to go bullshit about PC or consoles being better go make a thread of /v/ where it belongs you absolute cockmonglers.
Yep I noticed.
I'm really happy with Warlock gear this time around. Destiny 1 only had like two sets I liked.
its better then this shit
all of you retards are arguing about irrelevant shit instead of the game holy shit and I'm a pcfag
It's literally 1 person shitposting about "PCucks"
Stop feeding the retard doing it (You)s
Hey it's better than getting triggered over the word fuck.
>1 person
>doesn't reply to anyone
>is giving people (you)s
That's the best I could do with the limited gear, the other 2 chest pieces were awful.
just hit enter, like literally any other game
I honestly see no issue.
Splitting posts up into single lines for each sentence or key point is reddit, usually out of unconscious habit due to its formatting parser.
Splitting posts up for deliberate emphasis is not.
alright I have to admit this game is pretty fun
i know, i like the thick trench coat style warlock chests the most. i glad that alot of them are like that in destiny 2 with only a few being the "robe" type, and i really like the exotic that warlocks get early, its pic related
we tried to tell you for 2 years now
Minuet-42 is love Minuet-42 is life.
What's there to discuss?
PC has better potential performance as expected. Wait times on everything tweaked. People don't ADS nearly as much because they can actually aim now and don't need the magnetism from aim assist, with a side effect of generally making players move faster. Recoil is reduced perhaps excessively. Doing flippy jump shit to confuse people is simultaneously harder and easier on both parties due to the above.
Pew pew game / 10 breddy gud I guess?
Kyaa Zippy-sama
it wasn't on pc so I couldn't play it
pretty satisfied from what I'm seeing from the beta so far though
if I can't invoke a Mercy rule during the open beta tomorrow I'm gonna delete my life.
Fuck off Zippy
The first year it was PS4 vs xbone shitposting now that PC has entered there's just no point in shitposting now, PC is just factually a better experience, thanks or beta testing the game for us PS4BROS I'd say thanks to xbros but they don't exist anymore with their failed console.
Minuet-42 is shit
>Invoked one within five games after starting the beta for the first time on console
You can do it, zippy
PS4 still gets exclusive content which I'm honestly jealous of not to mention having to wait a month