Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

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>Call of Kel'thuzad Event
>Join the Scourge in undying servitude with a new hero, new skins, and a bone-chilling challenge
>September 5th - 25th.

>Kel'thuzad; The Lich Lord of The Plaguelands, Commander of The Dread Necropolis, Master of the Cold Dark, Founder of the Cult of The Damned, Former Member of the Council of Six, Creator of the Abominations, Betrayer of Humanity, Summoner of Archimonde, Archlich of Naxxramas, Majordomo to The Lich King, and Hearthstone enthusiast; Now on PTR!

>For New Players
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>Tier lists are effective guidance tools, but should never be blindly followed

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>Current PTR Patch Notes

>Where can I find fellow players to group up with and discuss the game?
"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat

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Shh, she's sleeping

wake up and stop camping top you sleepy cunt

join the fucking team fights

Why is every Garrosh player such a bastard

They're roleplaying.

Autists relate to being useless

I worry that Kel'Thuzad is going to have only one build. Q build feels just flat inferior to the combo burst build.

Glacial Spike honestly seems just way too good not to take, and if you're taking Glacial Spike, you may as well just take talents that synergize with it better like Shadow Fissure and Hungering Cold. At the end the only Q-related talents you'll have will be the shade at 20 and the level 1 Q talent, which you may just replace with Barbed Chains.

No doubt he'd have more talent diversity if Glacial Spike were in his base kit, but that probably would have been too strong.

There's a few "im learning or bad" builds and a few "im a mlg pro at the game and life" builds, and quite a few situational talents in the midst

He will be fine

So what's the best talent build for combo cucking?


>Play melee
>"Focus Chromie"
>Do so
>"wtf why die"
>Hit frontline instead
>"wtf why attack tank"
No winning.

As far as numbers go I think the correct build is:
>1 - Barbed Chains
>4 - Whatever
>7 -Glacial Spike
>10 - Shadow Fissure
>13 - Whatever
>16 - Hungering Cold
>20 - The Damned Return

At level 20 I managed to get 8,316 damage off the full combo with EVERYTHING landing, plus two auto attacks (which you will probably want to weave in for those Hungering Cold procs).

The combo is: Damned Return > Spike > E spike > W near spike > E enemy > R > Q

You can also E the enemy before using the spike, which is more reliable and probably what you should be doing instead, but it lowers your effective range.

Why did you die?

When you move a character far enough into the backline so they're in melee range they tend to be farther from their team and closer to the enemy team making it much easier for the enemy team to kill them and much harder to their team to peel and heal the character. By doing this my character's health went from a full bar to an empty one due to the attacks of the enemy player, causing it to die.

get garrosh now or wait KT ?

If you buy Garrosh you'll get him in your next legendary drop.



Thoughts about his interactions and poke lines?

>If it isn't the traitor, Kel'Thuzad
>Ah, Antonidas's lapdog, how is he by the way, still dead?

Dreadlord Jaina poker lines



I just lost a match against 3 tanks.
I should uninstall now before it gets worse

>Losing to an team with 3 mages and no support
Some people should just be ashamed of their actions

Now we hhave KT, who is next?

Talandar? (Honestly instead of the real fenix they will get him).

>16 - Hungering Cold

Seems like
Power of Icecrown is the best, particularly if you take Chains of Ice at 13.

I think the rez at 4 is probably the best, unless you're against shields maybe. Spell Vamp is super good, and you don't have to rez, unlike diablo. It's basically a level 20 talent except it requires 10 orbs and its at 4 instead.

The reset for R also seems absurd at 20. Just toss it on tanks, zero risk.

now we ask for deathwing obv but firebat would be good too and mephisto

>he didn't even lose against 4 supports yet

And if we get Talandar, we can have SC1 Fenix skins.

where are the hot pictures of tyrande?

I would probably uninstall the whole battle.net launcher if that happened

haha, wp

why was britcunt ever added to this game?

>Not losing against a meme team of chogall, abathur, lost vikings, and murky

I'm in silver, that team would probably steamroll my team without even reaching lvl 20

>feel physical pain watching diamonds play, they are that bad
>there are people that are silver
>there are people that are bronze

>tfw I just climbed out of silver into gold 5

is it really that bad?

What rank are you?
I'm diamond currently, working to master, but I can agree that even watching pros play is fucking horrifying. The stupid plays they do, sometiems the fucking builds they do, just why on all levels.
>he just climbed to gold
>he just entered the worst ELO/MMR/RANKING that exist in any moba or rankign game
Buddy you are about to commit suicide, gold is the actual worst. Gold is above average normally so everyone thinks they are the best player which leads them to stupid strategies that are all in or some kind of other mega carry they think they can do which causes more losses than wins.

Gold is the worst rank, have fun in hell.

don't give up user.
the prereq for diamond seems to be actually using abilities on cooldown, and even then they sometimes forget to use ults.
it's depressing. it's not that noticable in quick match, but in HL or TL true diamonds just get massacred.
I'm so glad they're changing the ranking so you can now go into 1k master.

I'm GM top 10 every season.
Honestly, most pro play is super solid. I don't watch NA, though. I know everyone, they're all mid tier GM.
EU is well done. KR/C aren't bad. I notice most things people call mistakes are really just alternates that people are forced into as a gamble, and when it works out no one says anything.

The fact that a /hotsg/ user did this makes it all the sweeter.

〉jaina has a 90% pickrate in silver gold with a 0% winrate
>now it's gonna get even worse
thanks bullzard

what is this ?
those women are obnoxious

>0%win rate
How is that even possible?
Someone must have won with her just by accident

>first pick jaina
>last pick jaina into genji
>never get proper talents
that's the average jaina pickers, like I haven't won a single game with a jaina on my team since she became irrelevant, and yet she's the hero that I have someone on my team pick at least 50% of the time, even when I politely ask them not to.

>braxis holdout
>ask team to let me rexxar
>they tell me its a shit map for him
>have huge winrate as him on map and naw I got this
>win the fuck out of lane, win all of early game
>team feeds harder than the EU takes in refugees
>see told you rexxar was bad
I had double xp of the next closest, multiple kills, and minion camps. What the fuck more do you want from me.

Didn't mean to quote

>>win the fuck out of lane, win all of early game
How did point-securing and lategame work out? I'm wondering because you conveniently leave that out of your little blog

We never lost a single zerg rush, in fact only once did we get slightly fucked over which was them reaching 20% on a zerg.
I ended again with most xp by twice the amount and second highest dmg despite all of those fuck being in a 4v4 lane which should have been easily dmg farmable. Also was died for least deaths at 3 while the others had 7 or more.

This is at gold 1 mind you, elo decayed from diamond, so people are complete dog shit but still this is just depressing. Not only do people think rexxar is bad at literally one of his best maps, they also don't know how to make basic plays and not over extend.

Is Tracer viable at the pro level?

I wreck shit in quickmatch and normally get MVP (at least half the time).

Tracer has been picked a few times at HGC so yes 100% viable.

dont listen to your retard team
you should only focus backline if you've got 1-2 buddies diving alongside you

or if you're tracer/genji and you're invincible because the enemy team has no cc

hungering cold deals the bonus damage from every tick of decay
you can do half an assassin's hp with just WQ and nothing else

icecrown is the participation trophy for shitters who cant hit their root

hello im gold 3 and i have a 30% winrate on alarak because i miss more telekinesises than i hit

I'm surprised Tracer hasn't gotten the QM treatment yet although it might be because she sucks without enablers against certain comps.

with the tassadar meme combo, sure
in general genji is more popular because he is stronger and fills the same "unkillable asshole murdering your backline and acting as a finisher when enemy runs from fights" role

>pick raynor
>tracer dies

It's because ranged AA is enough to fuck her up.
Ever played against Zul/Valla/Gmane/Luna/Raynor/Hamham without a support? Or against two of them? It's like playing Pyroblast Kael against Medivh/Varian/Genji/Tychus/Uther.


or a good hero like greymane
bonus points: he has more burst damage than raynor too so he can just eq when she's half hp and blow her up

>Pick Zuljin
>Tracer gets the axe and dies

person you replied to. You probably made a shitton of mistakes, didn't secure kills, didn't peel, so on, so forth.
Can't say more without seeing the replay.
If you lose a game under diamond, 95%+ chance you fucked up somehow and lost it. In diamond people actually have half a clue, you can't guarantee a win every time just based on skill.

>didn't peel
It's not Rexxars job to peel, that's the tanks job.

Raynor has more range to zone tracer out

But Zuljin has more damage and attack speed to get rid of her faster

You are an off tank. You also have two bodies.

You're a busier, your job is to deal damage and stay in a lane as long as possible.

I just bought Murky and he alone makes QM fun again. I don't have to care for Nova or Valeera ganking me because it doesn't matter.

I liked pre-rework murky better, his new talents are fucked up in the shitty sense and pufferfish is basically useless now

I remember the period after the rework where Murky was considered busted, but I'm not sure why.

because ebin level 20 talent that people were not expecting and meme of the murlocs
sometimes I feel blizztard doesn't know that the fuck they're doing

As Rexxar yes

but the best Tank Misha is also controlled by you, and she rocks at peeling.

Stay Bronze League.

>It's like playing Pyroblast Kael against Medivh/Varian/Genji/Tychus/Uther

>illdan and sylvanas feeding their asses off
>try to blame it all on our morales
>morales proceeds to glue herself to my tyrael ass because i'm the only halfway productive person
>still lose big time

>being a bruiser means you can't peel

and that is why you don't pick pyroblast if you dont know what the enemy heroes do

legit didn't know he has this

>furnace butcher
why is this a thing

because sometimes you disconnect and the bot picks the shit ult

muh damage

Shitters who don't finish their meat quest who are desperate for damage pick it thinking it'll be worth it.

nah mayne I've played with and against a bunch of butcharoos today and then all went furnerino

at what fucking mmr do people not take lambs in like 90% of games

high silver low gold

playing against an enemy team that is both competent enough to usually cleanse lamb and immobile enough for you to reliably hit 2+ with explosion


mada mada

>bought a 30 days stimpack in late July
>had emergency a couple days later
>just came back home
>missed out on 99% of it

Fuck off, Genji.
Let me smash your buildings in peace.

>f2p player sitting around wishing I could spent wow gold on hots
>2.0 thing happens and I get everything I want for free
like at this point I can't even begin to imagine spending $ on the game

>clear dailies in bot games
>open up chest
>3 day stim
>can't be on for a few days
ughhh wish they let you pick when to toggle/consume it

>clear dailies in bot games
>not just playing ranked

>team doesn't once get cannons
>3 of them give up after repeatedly diving entire enemy team 3 levels down 3v5 and dying
>'lol we can't win this why try'

oh I was staying somewhere and using some laptop without a mouse
normally prefer to avoid queuing anything other than ranked

minus perhaps a warmup in try mode or something

I think you can alt + f4 instead of accepting the chest and reopen it later when you can use the stimpack.

>dreadlord jaina
>"scream for me"

If you'd get a stimpack out of a chest, just crash your game. Box contents including stimpack are preserved if you do this so you can open it when you can make use of it.

segregated servers per language when

Easier, you can just log out from the bottom right corner.

>be high rank
>suddenly no ESL
git gud user

Please tell me how Sonya, Chen, Zarya or Tyrael are supposed to peel.

>be medium rank
>can't progress because stuck with brits, russians, spics and frogs

>enemy team has same morons

>sonya distractions and murders their assassin
>chen has massive slow on their backline
>zarya has a shield
>tyrael has a shield, speed, and sanct