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Visual Novel General #1601

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This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
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Which Eushully titles should be localized?

Q: What are your top 3 favorite eroge?

SCA-DI: That's tough. How about three of my personal favorites, and my objective top 3 eroge ever?
Top 3 eroge:
1. Fate/stay night
2. Dokyuusei

I unironically enjoyed FSN, Dies Irae, Ayakashinito, and Tokyo Babel.

Ayakashibito I should say

of course, it's kamige

That new castle meister game.

Quof here, fuck you.
No but really, my understanding is that Amayui and Ikusa Megami Zero and are probably the best other games Eushully made, yet Zero got machine TL'd so I doubt anyone will want to translate it for real, and Amayui is pretty janky from what I hear. I think the majority of those interested in translating JRPGs would probably look elsewhere, though I'm not really sure what else they'd go after. Uuuh, 扉の伝説? その古城に勇者砲あり?

Not to mention translating RPGs is really really obnoxious. So much technical work and image editing.

I think most people here enjoyed Ayakashibito

I didn't enjoy Ayakashinito

Kei best girl

fuck you quof release sansha mendan

I love childhood friends
especially Sumika!

die quof

Still a good chunk of editing left.

Reminder that Quof is a cuck who would rather translate Ura Kusoge over Mesu Kamige 3.

Fuck you.

Well that escalated quickly.

Do the other routes have more buildup?

Guys, Baldr sky fucking when?

What is this mesu kamige 3?

Its a rape waifu game.

When are you are going to release Sansha Mendan and your secret project? Are you just toying with us?

right after rakuen

That's the japanese name, the english title is Female (insulting) Teacher 3: A school of love

>implying you need to bullshit around when it comes to fucking your blood-related little sister

I guess not, but there better be some more "bullshitting around" in other routes. he literally went "Eyy bb i liek you , lets fuk'

Is SP going to censor it like they did all their games?

what do you think?

I was hoping for a miracle user. Why are you doing this to me?

will a miracle kickstarter count?

SP will localize Arterial and Madou Koukaku. All-Ages of course.

Sansha Mendan has a good chunk editing work left. Should be finished before the year's up.
Secret Project has a dark and troubled behind the scenes past, it may be a secret forever.


What moege has the best H-scenes?


What's that one scene that you keep coming back to fap to?

depends what you are looking for.
From recent releases, I loved the 2nd h scene from Chiho's route in W happiness. That was next level hot. Really the whole VN had a nice variety of soft fetishes and sweet vanilla.

Is it the best? Obviously not, but speaking from a personal perspective Moege H scenes amplified by the quality of the girl and the lead-up to said H scenes.

Nekopara vol1. Scene 3. Chocola's bouncing ass never fails to deliver. Also as of late Noeri's 1st scene from Dal segno. Her VA nails the sensual feeling without sounding off like a howling banshee charge. Its super cute, super hot and doesn't overstay its welcome.

but how do u know if ur making her feel good????????

The scene from Taimanin Yukikaze with the dildo filled with dog cum and the scene where she finally admits to wanting to be a prostitute. There isn't even any sex in the latter one, corruption tipping points are just hot.

The Rance 03 Shizuka scene. Translated video today

because its in her character. It feels realistic. Over the top moaning is annoying.

>Her VA nails the sensual feeling without sounding off like a howling banshee charge
There should be a tag for this.



You can't leave me hanging like this, user. I haven't fapped for a week because reasons, my pecker is about ready to burst. I'll try to hold off but I don't know how much I can take when there's a new Pochi chapter out.

I'm literally editing the script as we speak.

You're doing god's work.

Where are you even gonna post it, pornhub?

Upload it on a mega in Rance general.

I swear it looks cleaner when interrupted words end with a hyphen. To me it is the same idea behind stuttering, really. "L-L-Like you would do that!" compared to "L-... Like you would do that!"

All that work for only 100 people? I don't visit there so I wouldn't even know it ever existed. Sounds dumb, but try to put it on pornhub or something

>not doing it just for your bros

When you do things right, people don't know you've done anything at all.

>caring about people

would emiya have been a saber if there wasn't already one in the war

reddit is that way

But that isn't even an h-scene(I have it stalled around chapter 5 so maybe I'm wrong).
Speaking of those I'm severely disappointed by how non erotic Fia's few scenes were so far. The onsen scene was also pretty short and kinda wasted.
Loving the game though.

The 20-30 regulars on Rance general are my brothers.

>Q: What are your top 3 favorite eroge?
SCA-DI: That's tough. How about three of my personal favorites, and my objective top 3 eroge ever?
Top 3 eroge:
1. Fate/stay night
2. Dokyuusei

F/SN confirmed kamige

Recently, any of Kyou's H-scens in Hatsukoi

i don't even like kyou but her attempts to get the mc to moan are hot as fuck

*starts up Hatsukoi again*

I'm going into Subahibi blind and you can't stop me!

but how are you gonna read it if you're blind

What a fucking funny turn of phrase. Nobody has ever made it before. To call it just a joke would be an insult —— this is a famed jest, a masterwork, moist with the juices of human effort.

It arcs over the heads of lesser beings, unnoticed, seeking its target with pinpoint accuracy. It can never miss. Once this particular chucklebomb is launched, it will land perfectly. It's almost unnatural.

Saber is calling me. She's a woman, so she can wait.

——Anyway, this is hilarious. It's just too funny. I feel as if I'm about to burst into tears just from witnessing the legendary kneeslapper in front of me. I need to go lay down on Tohsaka's anus.



Is Walkure Romanze even a good VN? I remember trying to watch the anime but it was boring as fuck.

Thats an amazing ojousama laugh

Do you guys read the common route again when doing another route

We're only on this Earth for a short while

Nope. It's usually fresh in my mind after every route so there's no need to go through it again.

The jousting shit is kinda hit or miss lol, but it has some fun moments and I liked the girls

>Is Walkure Romanze even a good VN?
But it's cute and is a good wank for your dick and also your heart. Also lots of fandiscs

It's a nukige that tries to pretend it's not.

I mean, it's kind of raunchy for a moege-esque title, but considering you don't fuck like rabbits for at least 10 hours, I wouldn't really call it a nukige. 5 H-scenes per heroine has been the standard for moege for awhile now.

Almost all the heroines are voiced by consistent porno voice actresses.


I'm struggling to think of an eroge that doesn't do that. And that's not really true for every heroine anyway, is voiced by a very mainstream voice-actress that does majority non-porno titles.

That is why I said "almost" -- I chose my words wisely.

too cute.

What game?

I wasn't really a point worth making anyways, VAs get around

Corona Blossom. It's not good but it's pretty cute. It'll frustrate you to no end with how awful some of the story is and the ending is absolutely atrocious.

I see, thanks

What did Scaji mean by this?

Your IQ percentage is too low to understand it.

What vn am i even looking at

What a semen demon

Ikikoi 2: Suckling Mycologists.


I think Dies Irae spoiled me too much in terms of quality, because I went to play this game after it and I couldn't really enjoy it at all.

Looked like shit, resolution options were ass, characters were uninteresting and too cliche for my taste, prose/translation was average, fights were way less dynamic than even the ones from Majikoi (were the sprites at least moved on the screen and shit), barely any CGs and the ones that were in weren't used to their full extend like in FSN for instance, pacing was so fucking bad (and it doesn't help the common route was boring as sin either) and the music wasn't that good either.

Tokyo Babel I couldn't really get into it that much because the artstyle was absolute garbage and the lame ass designs supposedly being angels triggered me to no end, but Ayakashibito was just shit.

Ayakashibito's final battle alone shits on the entirety of Tokyo Babel

You're not speaking about the mecha fight right ?

There is literally nothing with enjoying Ayakashibito and Dies Irae.

nothing wrong*

me too

me and my cats

Even the fights in FSN's Fate route are better than anything Ayakashibito can do though.

Wait, so it's not just a meme that people read things just for the fights?

FSN didn't have xXx_Darks_xXx to prop it up.

There are a lot of underageb& who read VNs while they're still in their chuu2 stage of larval development.