Try to be a little less gay guys edition
Try to be a little less gay guys edition
i wish i was a girl
No you don't
I wish user was a girl.
new BARA champ when??
ornn doesn't count!
Do you ever feel it, /lolg/?
Do you ever feel that unquenchable thirst?
Tell me I'm not alone in this
Because sometimes you just get all the kills in lane and you have to do it
Why are they so cute together?
>get autofilled
>person who has your role feeds, spams surrender then disconnects
god damnit
Why do people hate smurfs? I dislike having to grind through shitty elo with braindead people as much as you hate me making games unfair.
can traps please gtfo and stop derailing the entire thread
nobody cares about your ugly deformed body except those baiting you to laugh at it
I read that its 3 weeks between patches instead of the regular 2 this time. Bummer. Not that big of a patch imo
Is for breeding!
Breeding by a human male.
It's okay user, we're all gonna make it.
bronze player in challenger game = unbalanced and a negative experience
challenger player in bronze game = same story
I like traps. I would like to play League of Legends with one, one day
Who doesn't want to be a girl?
I'd rather fuck one 2bh.
talon has this dance
Bustiest waifu
Beautifulest waifu
Bestest waifu!
It's ruining the game for other people till you get to your true elo
Doesn't make a difference to you because you can climb easily unlike people stuck here having to deal with smurfs on the other team as well
i hope so
I un ironically want to see this dance make it into LoL just for the sheer amount of butthurt it would generate from people who cant handle normie memes
no he has the smooth criminal. not every dance with a crotch grab is smooth criminal you dingus
>Smurf in my game on the enemy team
>Have to bend over and take the dicking for the next 20 minutes and lose LP because I was matched against a player I never had any chance of defeating
Gee I wonder.
It was a fun thread, faggot.
Girls can fuck girls too
Indeed they can
Only if they're girl (male)
faggot stuff is for lgtb
>I don't like thing
>Lemme just selectively enforce standards on the second-worst board on Veeky Forums
I don't see you crying when someone posts a picture not related to League's gameplay.
Girls (male) have an easier time fucking girls as a matter of fact.
They can't impregnate them though.
I really miss this dance and the Tryndamere backstreet boys one.
Hopefully Riot will one day bring it back.
I hate having to play through low elo to get back to decent elo more than you hate playing against smurfs I promise you that. Sure I will have an 75% win rate until high plat but in those games I lose I am the best player in the game and some braindead bastard lost the game for me. I wish they would jsut give me diamond accounts to play on when I get tilted on my main.
>The state of /lolg/
This thread is off to a great start.
>I hate having to play through low elo to get back to decent elo more than you hate playing against smurfs I
No you don't Get fucked you piece of shit. Neck yourself
then why dont you just play in your elo
>some braindead bastard lost the game for me
that's what people in low elo have to deal with every day. now add people smurfing on top of that and it isn't a fun time
imagine having a bronze in your games every other match in plat how much would you hate that, just outright losing because someone from another elo is in your game
who do i play if i love regeneration
>Muffled HP/5 noises
Health/Mana regen soraka.
Enjoy never having to leave lane.
Reminder that the best mundo build is five HoGs for maximum health, armor, and gp10.
Hang yourself low elo brainlet you're useless in LoL and in real life.
I do mostly but if i go on a loss streak on my main I'm going to get tilted and continue to lose so I like to switch accounts.
Xth for gas the degenerates making shit threads worse
>Forgetting Leviathan
>Hang yourself low elo brainlet you're useless in LoL and in real life.
At least I'm not a shitter who needs to smurf to feel good about himself
You seem upset.
I literally said I hate climbing through your elo you brainlet and trust me if you complain about smurfs you are a shitter.
Of course, you eventually get leviathan, force of nature, three warmogs, and an atma's implier.
Please do not scare off the cute traps. They're the only good things about these generals
Destruction man and Mundo.
any tank with warmogs
So you'd be ok with bronze players randomly showing up in your games? You wouldn't be upset or complain your ranked games are getting ruined? Maybe you're just full of shit
You want traps? Go to /lgbt/, /soc/ and /b/. This is for Lego Legends, not mental illness. They're attention whores for you beta orbiters
What does this have to do with what I said brainlet? I have to climb through your shitty elo to get another account to diamond. I have to start at gold and climb back up it's not like bronze players start high elo and work there way down. I fucking hate climbing through retard elo.
>FoN was removed
>and ever since, there's literally never been enough MR items in the game to properly build against an AP comp
>and they just keep removing them
The point is if you wouldn't like bronze players randomly showing up in your games and losing you matches then why is it any different for diamond players randomly showing up in lower elos and ruining games down there? It's not that hard to understand, you're just being retarded
>zhonya's ring
I miss 5 archangel's staff + zhonya's ring on shen
Except bronze players make new accounts and they will start in bronze again after placements. The best I can get out of placements is plat 5 and I usually lose 1 or 2 games. So I have to climb through gold and plat so I'm forced to play in low elo games.
Are you legit retarded or just baiting, I can't even tell
I remember that back in the day when I was main toplane I climbed to gold using Shyvana with DoublePen and HP5 runes.
That was a weird time. I think I even used to get gp5 runes on several champions because it was a great investment if you were going to just give up laning phase to farming passively anyway.
I remember I bitched hard when they changed Catalyst, PD and a few other items, but holy shit they were fucking awful now that I'm used to the new ones
Sorry I should've known arguing with a low elo low iq player would end this way.
Baiting then, good job, you got me.
>Naut Jungle
>Move to cover Mid where 3/4's Syndra is working on our Tower
>I move in behind her, she keeps AFK attacking the Tower
>I walk up to melee distance, she keeps AFK attacking the Tower
>As I ready my auto, she flashes Mastery
I love this "Naut does no damage" meme.
Don't understand what you're having trouble with
He says the only reason he's in these low elo games is because that's where he gets placed.
And he's ruining games for 9 other people. Smurfs should be banned, period.
>someone on /lolg/ legitimatly doesn't understand why people don't take kindly to smurfing
>someone on /lolg/ really doesn't get it that a college d1 baseball star running into a litle league game would make for an unfun game
>a human that posts on /lolg/ seriously doesn't compute that people don't like it when a team mate is on an account that they don't care about, ie: they can int/rage/afk with no repercussions
kys smurfing faggot
Get over it low elo brainlet.
Smurfs are something literally every single high elo player has.
You're a faggot and I say this as a Masters player
Why you do this
Maybe you'll be able to afford a smurf one day retard.
So what's the take on Ornn? I was thinking about saving up and buying him just because of how satisfying that ult sounds
Wow I made a new account and I'm forced into low elo games. It's as if they are forcing me to ruin these games fucking brainlet.
>>someone on /lolg/ really doesn't get it that a college d1 baseball star running into a litle league game would make for an unfun game
Wow do d1 baseball stars get force to play in little league often? Because everytime I make a new account I'm forced to play in low elo. God damn low elo players really are there because they lack a brain.
A master tier player than doesn't smurf? How does it feel to be a Janna one trick?
What if instead of buying overpriced shitty items with Ornn's passive, they just let you slap a non-legendary item into another item to get a little extra edge, like an executioner's calling or a revolver
The solution is obvious. Ban smurfs. Then you don't need to feel like you have to ruin games by making new accounts, because you can't Easy.
you know there's a simple way to avoid playing in low elo
stop smurfing you fucking faggot
>no champion that gets to purchase items on sale
Yes ban smurfs when half of all league players have smurfs. Ban smurfs when every high elo streamer relies on smurfing so they can actually play games on stream without being in que for an hour between games.
the only way to do that in the item system is to make every single item combination into a separate item
that would exceed the number of items they can fit in the shop, probably by something like a factor of 1000
There is a simple way to stop being so mad about smurfs
stop being a low elo shitter
>makes a new account
>has to grind it to 30
>has to grind it all the way to diamond
>will complain about playing in low elo even thought he is doing this completely of his own will
>is confused why people don't like getting their games ruined by smurfs
neck yourself
>every high elo streamer relies on smurfing
Fake new
neck yourself again
jokes on you im such a shitter i don't ever see smurfs
3 times for good measure
Trannyanon, you were right. I didn't get a kiss on the lips.
The even worse feel is the fact you never will
>d2 main that i only play on when i'm playing well
>smurf that i tilted on is now d5 and i don't want to play on it
>buy new account
>has to play 150 games to get it back to diamond
>complains that all my fucking teammates have downsyndrome because they do
Hang yourself brainlet
Name me one high elo streamer that doesn't smurf I'll wait take your time.
It makes sense that a bronze 5 retard would complain about smurfs when he never sees any.
No, I will. I know I will! I'm going to meet the cutest girl, kiss her on her cute lips and marry her then have lots of children!
>Name me one high elo streamer that doesn't smurf I'll wait take your time.
both his accounts are master/challenger
I used to have that optimism back when I was 24
>Enemy team has a twitch
>has so little of a life that he has the time and energy to grind three (3) accounts to diamond
>both his accounts
So he has a second account that he had to climb through low elo at one point in time to get to high elo on.
I'm even younger than that, but I'll meet a girl and stay with her forever and play league with her too. You'll see!
Yeah nigger this is Veeky Forums what you think I have a life? kek