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What teams did you use for this Narcian "Infernal" difficulty ?
I need to cum in Celica.
>robin m can't kill reds with atk and spd buffs
Pretty much did exactly what you did actually.
I used yours
>Finally beat Echoes
>Alm was MVP for only a single map while Tobin and Gray did better
Well, that feels kinda weird. Anyways, how do I get a cute girl like Mae to love me?
>right at 750
>links are proper
You the real mvp OP.
From the looks of the yt CYL skill overview, only the banner seems limited but not units themselves, or did I miss something?
>Stats are inflated in the video they won't give her 149 BST retard
>Swift Sparrow isn't in her default kit she already has two new A and B skills no space for third faggot
What happened to these people?
Will attempt it later with a flier team featuring
>brave cherche
>goad palla
I got both normal and hard on my first try so it shouldn't be that hard.
Be a qt tan fuccboi that's bullyable.
The same I used the first time on hard minus buffbot Sharena
Alright what's the play here anons. None of the enemy will move as long as none of my guys move, otherwise it looks like narcian aggros on Julia for some reason
Lobsters unite!
Beep the sheep.
How good is that C skill?
merely false flags my dude
Why make a unit this broken? I really don't get it. She's basically going to define the meta, and 70% of people are getting her for free. Powercreep is fucking real.
Why do people always click and drag? Why not just tap the hero and tap the target? Much easier to maneuver if there's multiple paths, too.
Back in their sheds.
>>Swift Sparrow isn't in her default kit she already has two new A and B skills no space for third faggot
I said it was unlikely you double baka. I didn't expect them to give her boosted BST and an exclusive skill, AND five skills at base.
>Atk Smoke
Jesus fuck! I hadn't actually looked at the descriptions. That's insane.
This is fucking disgusting. With brave bow, it's pretty much free quad.
Pretty fucking busted, especially against the mage meta in combination with her weapon.
Lucina kills the blue mage, dance her out of harms way if need be
it was way too easy to slowly bait in enemies into horsecocks. map needed more fliers to rush you down over the mountains instead of getting choke'd on
>Swift Sparrow isn't in her default kit she already has two new A and B skills no space for third faggot
I can at least see this point, though this is the first a unit's actually have a full skill-set. Wonder if they'll ever do more afterwards.
It's pretty fitting, both Cecilia and Narcian hail from the same game after all.
Good night /feg/
>Do you hate the Cav and Flier meta so much you want a unit to counter it?
Choose Ike
>Do you like the Cav meta so much and want a superior Bridelia on a horse?
Choose Lyn
>Do you want a busted buffer with a blue Lance and her buffs hit high as fuck numbers to close range units?
Choose lucina
>Do you want a Xander with built in Heavy blade and Galeforce?
Choose Roy
Who are you gonna pick /feg/?
Remember to pick your favorite.
You don't need to false flag, Lyncucks can earn the worst fanbase award for the 15th time without you.
Nino, MRobin, Ninian, and Henry.
Good ol armored.
pounding Lyn while her horse watches
I didn't even screenshot it like I usually do because it was so simple. Olivia, Reinhardt, Nino, and Ryoma beat it first try.
Ride the bike!
Don't respond to shitposting dudeski
watching Lyn's horse pound her
Yes dear everyone that dislikes your waifu is one of the evul Lynfags. Shhh.
I have the last part down. And it hurts, I wish people would stop.
Nobody was saying this you dumb shitposter.
>Lyn would make the most sense since I have no good Archers
>but Ike has glorious Kita artwork and is best Lord
Conflicted as fuck.
>She comes with swift sparrow
>She only needs bb+ to be broken
Brave +dancer shitter combo here
tagging the horse in when you're finished
>Lynfag victim complex again.
>When most of the autism and shitposting comes from them.
nobody cared about clarisse bow
Post flolina
>tfw you will never be eskimo bros with a horse
It's a mixed feel
prtty much used the same except hinoka for cordelia. Had to play with aggro a bit, but got it first try.
Who did this to my wife?
Honestly I think they sincerely didn't expect any more babying for IS's precious. And probably just wanted the shitposting Lynfags to be wrong. But we ended up in the bad timeline, they probably hopped in a time machine and went to the good one.
Way to prove him correct.
says one of the most prolific samefagging shitposters around
yes they did you nigger go in the archives
i bet you think nobody said amelia wouldnt have boosted trainee bst
What IVs on that Florina?
Wait until CYL is released. If we can, roll for both, get one hopefully, and then snag the other for free.
It's the first time I see a Reinhardt as a bait for an Armor Emblem team
Whatever you say Raul.
Not worth loosing the Broken Bows.
>Reinhardt is the bait
For what purpose?
they made lyn too strong. The new reinhardt.
a daring synthesis
Also, R Tomebreaker on Reinhardt? What the fuck?
I guess we were wrong all this time when we kept saying that Lucina was IS' favorite. Brave Lucina is Odin compared to this monstrosity.
Xander, Reinhardt, Titania and Camus. Pretty simple to be honest.
>Brave Lucina is Odin compared to this monstrosity.
So which characters has the Lyncancer not targeted yet? Most characters, obviously, but which prominent ones? Are we about to see "wow reinhardtfags are shitposters they kept saying lyn wouldn't be able to kill zephiel"
Haven't done much with her yet, she's -hp +spd. There could be some meme builds with other IVs but I lack florinas.
Nazis (germans) did.
People expect Reinhardt, and can easily counter him. They may have more trouble with armor memes though.
Adventures of Luthier game when? I want to know what made ruffians come to Valentia just to get him.
I don't know, but I'm ok with this
Well if you have julia or sonya (or really any green, I like T adept Cecilia with moonbow personally), rein is an easy kill. Most teams that have him are build around buffing him, maybe with a dancer, so once he's dead the team just falls apart.
Plus since he became so popular, every team should have a rein counter, so he's pretty free unless you haven't build based general.
attack smoke or horse buff for lyn in cav teams?
even the horse is smug
Lyn isn't nowhere near as good.
>Reinhardt has a brave prf.
>Lyn needs to use a weaker brave bow.
>Reinhardt hits the weaker defensive stat.
>Lyn is easier to counter.
I think I'll pick Lucy and roll for Ike/Roy
Already have a perfectly built Bridelia so Lyn seems redundant to me
although the esportkek in me is telling me to pick Lyn
doesn't even matter just faceroll with your lightning wannabe
Did we have a serious discussion about lucina yet ? she might be able to give +3 atk +6 spd but 2 range seems awkward.
Dont see the point in overkilling close range units when its already so easy to deal with them. The usefulness seems to come from being able to bait better with DC users but said unit would have to be able to survive at least 1 hit in the first place so armored units and RES tanks immediately comes in mind.
Don't see much more practical uses for her.
I guess it makes more sense when I think about it.
>Panzer Spear
We Valkyria Chronicles boys!
all me
Will (You) keep an alt account to get any of the other CYL units?
Lyn is too good, but I want Ike and green is too rare to make sniping worth it. I'd rather snipe blue in my main account for the tiny chance of landing tinyhands.
It's 1 or 2 range, like Drive skills
Valkyria ChroniclesxFire Emblem when?
Why are you linking to your posts Raul?
>lyn coming in and obliterating the need for any other archers and dagger users
thanks isis
After Advance wars collab I hope.
Can you have Sword Ike and the new Brave Ike on the same team?
Can I have Ike support Ike?
Mechanist Kaze will powercreep her.
Ready to stop Ike.
On another topic, what do you think of Brave Lucina+Eirika combo ?