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-Atk Crumb
+Spd Seliph
All I want is a Hector
>tfw got Hector in 30 orbs by trying for a new IV Cherche
Is CYL gonna be another 3% banner where we get spooked by jakob, peri, seliph and hectors?
Fucking hell, my +atk Klein does a lot of work and the only shit he can't one round are usually 30+ def units with 40+ hp. Brave archers not named Cordelia are severely underrated for some reason
>1(One) Tharja Vote
>already 3 defenses
how are people so free to this lmao
anyways post yours
> want to support Ike
> but also want to make sure Lyn wins over Lucina
Wat do
Cause being able to quad like quadsuna automatically raises boners for some reason
Meanwhile i still have to stick alfonse as my bonus unit and miss out on 900 feather defense wins for the 3rd week running
I'm actually quite conflicted, yes Ike or Lyn would be the smart pick (or Ike in my case over Lyn), but there's no guarantee that I'll get a Roy.
Do we know if the free pick is before we can roll or any time we want? I assume it's the former but that's my only hope.
Haha guise, like, how silly can people be to fall for this amirite?
Next week's arena season is going to be nuts.
>tfw Senri Kita's Ike dressed as Greil
Choose your favourite, fuck muh meta pick. They're all really good units anyway.
Who /getting Ike for free and rolling Lyn/ here? I've had great luck with colourless so far
Remember, liking Ike is supporting the most boring lord in the series. There is not a single thing interesting or good about Ike.
Do I dare?
Don't worry mate I'm with you.
>when you fuck up meta so hard you have to give away broken anti-meta units for free
Thanks, bladememes and DC weapons.
He looks good
No homo
>mfw have a stash of 5* Maria, Jakob and Lucius
No more Colourless Hell for me, my heart can't handle more garbage.
/ourboy/ status of the CYL characters
I like him, but he's not /ourboy/
yes /ourboy/
he's an impressivey axey boi, but not quite /ourboy/
Chrom is cool, I guess
not /ourboy/ though
definitely close, but girls can't be /ourboy/
I think Marth is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills draogns and doesnt afraid of anything.
Kids, there's nothing more cool than being hugged by someone you like, but if someone tries to touch you in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's no good!
anime titties are far too big for /ourboy/ status
It's not really because of meta, it's because green and colourless fucking suck and there's red fodder I need. I'll probably still pick Roy but all those Barsts and Berukas are going to leave me empty inside.
He is plain and ugly. Nothing is original or interesting with his design. Just as uninspired as Ike himself. Ike belongs in the trash.
I need one more Defiant Defense 3 and Barst is great flier fodder even at 3* with Reposition and Spur Atk 2 being the perfect setup for a Goad prereq.
Funny how if you change the name from Ike to Roy you perfectly describe him also.
I wish I had more barsts, reposition goes on everything
Ok, what the fuck
>fuck up the meta with free horses
>release free horse to "correct" it
Go away Venomroy
*unzips Nino.*
>got amelia and tana under 15 orbs
>now at 5% pity rate trying to get innes
Should i keep goin or try my luck with hector and cyl?
Most likey your Tana japed some shitter and they rage quit. Teams like yours are annoying, but I make sure to kill you off and then give a free win to a beginner just to spite faggots like you
That title is awful, but if you're not going for points then go for Hector instead.
The current map rotation is garbage once again.
Why are her legs larger than her torso
I got 2 defenses so far, also
I shouldn't complain when I'm running a cheese defense team but come on.
I hate both. Ike is just worse. There is not a single reason to like his gary stu power fantasy character with the personality of a rock.
You can't fuck him, Titania
>picking Ike
I'm not worried since I'm quite comfy with getting 690-696 matchups + I NOPE out of teams with a mage/dancer/horse lead anyway.
Guys im a disgrace, i wasted 18 orbs trying for hector instead of saving them for my waifu banner
>>>>>>Trying to get Hector when a much better axe barabro is coming in less than 48 hours
>mfw realizing arena assault now requires both a lyn counter and a rein counter for 7 straight matches
I thought its RD Ike thats more bara
You dont have enough feathers
A reliable and easy to get green unit with natural WTA against Blue and Colorless would be really convenient now, huh?
>like Lyn
>could use a red cav(Xander never ever)
>could use another green
>Lucina is a great support unit
I'm almost considering to let /feg/ decide which one I get for my 1st pick
Get Lucina. Support goes with everything (Although Lucina is more infantry support). Or get Lyn and save yourself from Mr Grey's Wild Ride
I too have all my fem robins ready to fuck shit up
For what?
Trust in your dick user and let it decide for you.
>promoting without having AT LEAST 40,000 feathers
you're not gonna make it
Leave arena assault to me
Le soft boy XD
Fuck off
I was going to point out how the leg armour stretches out massively to the sides, then I noticed that her legs are still equal to her torso
Reminder that this guy is top tier now
>7 matches
>You think this outfit suits me? Thanks.
>I was having a dream, and in that dream, you saved me...
>You REALLY remind me of another tactician I know.
>You're special to me. That feeling has been building for a long time. It crept up on me.
Hector BTFO
Florina BTFO
Even Mark BTFO
Lyn's true love was (You) all along.
>He doesn't have & Cecilias for this
Get a load of this casual
Dude just kill lyn before she kills you LMAO
She's just a side chick
Respond with F to respect all those players who tried their hardest for Summer Corrin and never getting her all month long.
>Mark BTFO
That part would be strange user...
>literally can't clear this Infernal GHB because my Julia needs 1 (one) attack more to ORKO the green cav mage who for some reason hits her for 15 even with her stellar resistance and she leaves it at 1 hp with her special used
Should I be using my +spd/-atk or +res/-hp Hector?
Get someone to spur her user.
Even with the attack seal?
can I get one for not getting neither delthea nor celica too? All I got was being SABER'D inside
+Res obviously
>Swift sparrow, which is better than Death Blow
>completely unnecessary B skill
>wtf bullshit C skill
I hope IS realizes that they aren't making Reinhardt less common, but making anything other than Reinhardt obsolete.
Catposters need to leave
But (You) are Mark.
>C skill inflicts -7 atk
What the fuck why does it do more than Dark Breath/Threaten/Daggers
What is wrong with IS
Alright, thanks user
0, just like the previous 3 months.
She leaves it at 1 with attack seal, yeah.
I have Eirika but Linde can't kill the panic ploy archer when she goes to kill the red zanbato fag. She just leaves the archer at 15% or so. Also Eirika is too far away killing Narcian at that point and my last unit is Ryoma, whos only role is to bait the mounted archer and leave it low enough to be killed by Julia.
Daggers were a mistake anyway. Thanks Fates.
>which is better than Death Blow
Even on Infernal Narcian is still easy
I do a lot of baiting with Cecilia and Ursula, so I'm fine with using that C skill instead of a cavbuff on Lyn. Still debating whether using Wolf+ or saving up for Blade+ is the better option with those buff removal skills on Lyn and Ike roaming about, while I don't plan on using her against Ike ever she's going to be too fast to double, so if the Wolf+ tome can 1 shot Lyn with Deathblow I may want to run that instead.
Death Blow is better for Brave Bow, but for her weapon, Swift Sparrow is the optimal A-skill
She had interest in Mark when he was (You). She lost interest after that.
I find Berkut way better as a ruler as well as a emperor of Valentia than Alm since Berkut actually had experience in governmence as young noble, especially following closely Rudolf's ideology and his footstep compare to Alm
>actually gets the whole kit shown in the video
Do you have the skill lists for the rest?
Ride the bike!
Dark Breath and Daggers affect two stats. Threaten skills are in a pretty bad place though, especially because of ploy skills.
What's really hard is wtf I'm supposed to do with FIVE wasted slots filled with Narcian
Because those are mixed debuffs(assume that would be an Atk/Spd smoke 2, also the equivalent of a rank 3 C despite being available on 3* weapons, same with Saizo's Def/Res Smoke).
Does Mulagir only applies for Hone like bonuses, or combat bonuses too?
Stop posting this cute Olwen, I have to stop and stare every time. What's it from anyways?