>people who sit in their car while filling up gas
People who sit in their car while filling up gas
Fuck you, it's winter and it's cold, and I only fill up when I'm on empty, so it takes a few minutes.
Not OP
>cali fag
>Only reserved for fat sows, gay dudes, and people with dirty cars who are most definitely bad drivers.
It only take two-three minutes to wait for the auto pump to shut off~12 gallons
nigga, i aint standing out in -30c
I'm having a smoke and don't want ashes getting on possible spilled fuel
>leaning against your car under the bright lights of the gas station staring at the dark at 2am
what a glorious feeling
>I need to stand for 7 1/2 minuets to fill a 25 gallon tank so or Veeky Forums wont like me
>only 12 gallons
try 38 gallons at a gas station with shitty pumps
>its the year of 2018
>have 80l (21g) gas tank
>middle of winter at the temperature of negative 25 Celsius before windchill
>fuel station has shit gas pumps that takes 15 minutes to fill
>gas station employees dont want you to leave the fuel station until your vehicle is done refueling
im not standing out in that shit.
>reddit spacing
>pic related
Thank fuck I'm not the only one who loves this feeling.
minutes? is there a hamster in a wheel pumping the petrol there in the jewnited states?
But if you open the door to your car to go inside: won't there be a static discharge that starts a fire?
Some of us drive real vehicles
not as often as you would think, the static discharge also doesnt happen if you leave the door open before putting the pump nozzle into the tank.
You're suppose to touch the side of the car with your finger before you grab the pump, if you're worried about this kind of thing.
I wish busriders didn't post on Veeky Forums
>his stock genitalia can’t compete
t. this guy
>He gets cucked by religion of peace
Fuck standing outside when it's -35F
damn that's one cool looking dude
almost looks like something out of a movie
>go to Family Express
>see coked-out 80s dude
>realize you filled your car up with skim milk instead of unleaded
Based e85
30c, that's it? Cant handle for a few minutes?
Unnecessarily inhaling harmful vapors
Like hell im standing in the cold while my truck chugs away the gas
I wish I could pull off sleazecore
this always makes me laugh so hard
>walk into convenience store for drinks/snacks while gas is pumping
I like being efficient, fight me.