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>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)
>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 8/25/2017*
>New to DR
>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc/Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair:
>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls:
>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)
>Danganronpa Interviews and Articles
>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*
/drg/ - Danganronpa General
Best giri.
٩(- ̮̮̃-̃)۶
Best and cutest girls!
I want to be Ouma's dumb dog!
good girl
Here you go user
This is from the fan pastebin that is being worked on.
aka shsl fangirl
Happy birthday, Mitarai!
Can Kibbo blink?
Whats everyones shsl
Looks like she is going to engage in some mild CBT.
>multiple lids
They make "whirring" noises when they do
What do you think?
His eyelids look weird.
Shouldn't it be a clicking noise?
Apparently there's a honest trailer thing about the series? What's that about?
So cute. I love her makeup!!!!
I wish Junko's nails were more gyaru though...
Okay who is it
Who is who?
After the pics you showed me, you raised the bar for me.
The ultimate unionizer
You could imagine it's like a camera shutter but it wouldn't be mirrored diagonal like that, even a Nikon F4 's shutter unit doesn't look like that
In the OP pic.
lol was that him? i thought it was some weird deflated akane.
By the way ,thank you guys for voting at my polls!:3
They both have nice fluffy hair
That's Sayaka Kanda, she played Junko in the Stage Plays, as well as voiced Kaede. So her makeup is as professional as it could get.
On an less related note, how can anyone like this rapist?
Wow! That's mildly terrifying
I love rapists!
I love this.
But Ayato was a big bitch.
Indeed, I thought she was related by looking at the promo art, before DR2 was out
Can I die too?
weeby vibes
I want Amami to beat up Saihara and Oma so they can kill themselves
V3 x Darkest Dungeon crossover.
R.I.P /dadg/
Welcome back from being banned, SHAT!
I like this picture. It's very comfy.
So, William SHATner is Zeussufag?
She should have adopted him!
And how does this make you feel?
I want Amami to beat up Saihara's and Oma's ass with his hips!
It makes me feel tired since someone posted it already.
>everyone who wants Saihara and Oma to get beaten up has to be the same person
I see Saiharafags/Omafags are as insecure as ever.
Reminder that Miu is a girl that still needs emotional support and care
All the names listed on that pastebin are DR artists that post their work and retweet other peoples works. It contains both English speaking and Japanese artists.
We are still working on it, and it will contain a lot of stuff that will bring some quality of life to people who have problems searching and looking things up.
Miu therapy
In a place as "productive" as this, I don't see how that matters
Is the artstyle of Toko supposed to be mimicking Pokemon or is it the artist's personal style put in a Pokemon context?
The nuclear apocalypse actually happens and the V3 cast is shut into a fully-stocked bunker with all memories of the event fully intact. What happens?
They kill Korekiyo immediately
Korekiyo kills everyone immediately
Whoops. Sorry, you lot type and read exactly the same to me.
Amami would only do that with his sisters. He will just straight up kill both Saihara and Ouma.
this image reminds me of bear grylls
Don't click
Flat as fuck
disgusting whore
>implying i don't have mouse over
Ou no not that guy again-3-
They fuck.
I want to bully Miu REALLY hard
I've got my eye on you
i want to squeeze her hair buns
I don't want to bully Miu
I want Ouma to lick her clit!
I´m against bullying either!
Let´s etablish a group against bullying on /drg/!
I want Ouma to blow air on her clit!
W-wew same
I want to be a founder of such a group too!!
Not even going to finish reading the description
I want Bullykun to return and wreck your shit with the best techniques the French Army has to offer
i want to see him again,he was a good guy :3
i tried
Best catboy