"Wot'th up guyth, Thmee here giving you a thour of the new Ferwawri"

>"Wot'th up guyth, Thmee here giving you a thour of the new Ferwawri"
>"It'th got thickth more horthpower than the previouth verthion, that'th CRAYTHEE guyth"
>*Pans camera to gaudy $300k widebody nu-money nigmobile*
>"Look at thith guyth, they acthually added CARBON FIBRE to the bumperth, abtholutely CRAYTHEE ath you can thee guyth"
>*Turns over the engine, car starts and sounds like just about every other supercar with an aftermarket edgelord exhaust*

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what is his job? seriously, anyone knows?

Entrepreneur of some description. I believe technology related.

I think he's in finance or statistics



Hey I like shmee. He seems like a genuinely nice guy and has a true interest in cars. Unless your a child and would rather be screamed at by TJ Hunt or Adam LZ. Shmee is for the the learned car enthusiast who can wait for shmee to complete a multi part episode about a tour around the south of france, not "HEY GUYS GOT MY NEW CANNON FOR MY 370z SOUNDS SICK!!!!!"

Tech startup in England.

what are you going to gain from knowing his occupation, serious question

That's something I noticed people ask about youtubers that have to do something with cars.

Would you feel better if you found out he was from a middle class or even a low income family and worked his way up? Or would you be ok with hear about he is from an upper middle class family, went to school, got a great job due to family connections?

Will it make you work harder? (probably not)

stop worrying about other people's occupation and worry about your own.

rich dad

so I can properly vet and disregard opinions of coddled brats.

>Unless your a child and would rather be screamed at by TJ Hunt or Adam LZ

I have no idea who either of those people are

LZ is a drifter brah who won superspeedersrob's car challenge with his 600hp 335i, TJ's a teenage american schmee.

its better to disregard opinions of most people on youtube. Especially when it comes to cars. Its not hard to tell who spouts bullshit and who doesn't.

That is unless you're are under 18 and totally unaware.

Rich dad who funded his 'business'. His 'business' was a huge success and he gave it up to be a youtuber.

desu I don't know why everybody doesn't just start a business, look at where it can get you if you just work hard and have a multimillionaire family.

fair enough

>Hey I like shmee. He seems like a genuinely nice guy and has a true interest in cars.
Except he talks mostly about himself in the videos


Mike Jones.

I agree with you but starting a business. Whether you're from a wealthy family or use your own money is better than working for someone else. Also you have a better chance of becoming a Millionaire by starting your own biz over playing the lotto.

Especially if it works out, which there is a huge chance it won't, but its all about taking a risk.

his creepy tongue thing weird me out

we fought the wrong enemy.

starting business has very little luck factor. It's all about who you network with and putting yourself in a position where opportunities frequently enough for you to profit off of them whilst mitigating financial risk.

it also has cuck factor