> Modern adaptation of Norman hairstyle used in pseudo-historically ways in a TV series about Vikings (not even Normas btw) --------> It becomes widely trendy and fashionable.
> Manchu hairstyle, which is at least historically accurate --------> "You are some kind of autist" "You know nothing about Manchu opression" "MUH QING DYNASTY"
Personally I think both hairstyles are equally stupid, but why are you SWAG or autistic terrorist nerd when you wear one or another? Really makes you think bros...
Hunter Rivera
>Chinese peasants forced to LARP with mongol hairstyles >Patrician
Nolan Flores
Technically, if the one who was wearing that hairstyle was an ethnic Manchu (Tungusic, not exactly Mongol), he'd been quite Patrician compared to peasants.
Parker Parker
>why does me wearing a hairstyle that was a widely known historical symbol of oppression and subjugation make me look like a fucking LARPer autist while wearing a hairstyle popularized by a TV show make me look trendy Are you actually retarded?
Jeremiah Jenkins
If we are talking about Patrician hairstyles I'd go with the classic period Maya.
Jose Mitchell
Manchu hairstyle was literally a cucking.
Juan Phillips
I don't know. I don't even know what to ask for at the barber.
Jackson Green
I just go for the classic cropped hair. Men have been wearing it for thousands of years.
Elijah Nelson
It's not actually about that. Just think for a moment: if you had worn a pseudo-Norman hairstyle 10 years ago everybody would be wondering what the hell is going on with your hair. Nowadays you are able to get a job with your hair looking like this and you're even able to flirt with women.
Now try it wearing a Manchu queue. Protip: you can't.
My point is that you have here 2 equally idiotic hairstyles and while one is socially accepted, the other one isn't. But in their very deep roots, both are the same LARPing thing.
Asher Brooks
To be honest, this is the true patrician choice
Easton Walker
Asians prefer those han / japan inspired bund
Zachary Turner
William Scott
i cant wait to grow old and try to get one of these beards
Connor Bennett
Op, I was about to spend this post insulting you for your idiotic trolling attempt, but then I realized you actually got me to answer, so I'll just say fuck you.
Josiah Hall
Honestly I can barely stand to let my beard reach 2-3cm, I will never understand how people can bear that kind of beardstyle.
Gabriel Martin
Ok user. You're lovely.
Simply don't wait until growing old. Start now.
Dylan Butler
Imagine middle east guy with curly hairs using that style
Leo Sanders
>queue >not topknot
Queues are pig disgusting Manchu barbarian-wear that only retards who fuck horses could have invented. Some people think China started declining when the Opium Wars started. In reality, China was in decline starting in 1644.
A strong China could have averted the Opium Wars, thus ensuring peace and stability in East Asia. However, the Manchus happened and the world is forever cursed with the Communist Party of China.
Parker Cox
>Be Half-Chink but end up looking more Chink than the European half. >Await puberty so i can have the meme beard stubble so I can look like some Asian thug badass. >No stubble. >Got Fu-Manchu'd instead Put a furry hat on me and bam, rapist of the Steppes.
Xavier Green
China started declining with the end of the Song dynasty desu
Kevin Jackson
>Le Song industrialization meme. Ming was better given that those idiots managed to balance war, diplomacy, and economic competence better than "let's ignore the military & just practice appeasement diplomacy" song.
Aiden Smith
no the style on the left is definitely much more attractive and makes me want to have sex with them, the style on the right looks really stupid and almost alien, it's one of those things that make it hard to think that chinese are really human and conscious in the same sense that westerners are.
Liam Hernandez
>Modern adaptation of Norman hairstyle Just looks like an Asian bun just with the sides shaved.
Cameron Ramirez
>Norman haircut
No one sees that a some sort of historical statement you dumb autist. It's just an undercut tied back. Undercuts happen to be a trendy haircut right now. Blame Timberlake and Bieber
Cameron Rivera
>Not Qin master race
Dylan James
That may be the reason why I got into the barber's a few days ago and every beta male there was chimping about "MUH VIKING STYLE N SHIT"
Carter Hernandez
If that's what they're calling it, it's still just because it's easierer than saying "buzz the sides, leave the top long enough for a to knot, and even it out a bit."
Just like how not everyone, or even most people, who have asked for an HY want to join the SS, not everyone with that style wants to be a Viking.
Mason Adams
John Ward
>tfw you're sikh and just keep your hair clean and in your turban
David Phillips
I am working on my Manchu style. Currently half way down my back.
Benjamin Evans
>there exist people that dont want to be vikings I don't want to live in this world anymore
Carson Sanchez
Tb h the guy on the right looks like he has Down Syndrome.
Gavin Roberts
Seems convenient
Anthony Baker
WE WUZ QINGZ N SHET t. chink zhang
WE WUZ JUSENZ N SHET t. gook kim
Ian White
That's called a bro-tier hairstyle.
Cameron Morris
>"let's ignore the military & just practice appeasement diplomacy" song But that's not true. Song was always economically and militarily more powerful than the Jin and the Mongols had to have a large meme empire before they could have beaten the Song. The Song dynasty just chose to pay off its enemies like the Eastern Romans did because it was cheaper to pay the horsefuckers to fuck off than to launch military expeditions.
Benjamin Sullivan
munbuns were overplayed and pleb tier when vikings came out
Jace Bell
My dream is to be 100kg lean and wear a sick ass Suebian knot.
Unfortunately I have about 25 kilos to go, probably 33 or if you count the need to cut.
Michael Foster
I don't think the popularity of that hairstyle has anything to do with some tv show, OP.
Anyway, are you seriously asking why some things are an style and some aren't? And you think that's not autistic?