Shush! Don't wake up NSX-senpai. His naturally aspirated V6 is exhausted from a long day's work :)
Shush! Don't wake up NSX-senpai. His naturally aspirated V6 is exhausted from a long day's work :)
Goomorning! Goomorning! Goomorning!
Ok >:)
Wake up!! slacker
Fuck, the autistically happy younger brother's here
Noooo! Go away guys. I need my sleep.
Its time to sleep so your successor can awaken.
What kind of fat american mutt did NSX-senpai fuck to create this abomination?
This roastie who's literally blind
He fucked the goddess of pure technology and that was her beautiful offspring. Kneel before your Prince senna peasants.
nah looks like shit
But her ass is next level. I would fill it with jelly beans and eat them straight from her ass.
Because she was the lead designer?
Because she's an attractive woman who has done more than any of the virgin autists on this board. They think anyone who doesn't outright hate her is a "white knight" tipping fedoras and shit.
The car isn't unattractive, it's completely in line with other modern cars of its class. People on Veeky Forums have fucking shit taste anyways, you're talking about poorfag losers who drive Miatas and wagons.
>I'm rich as fuck
>it's 1995 and I just bought this car new
>I wear a suit 5 days a week
>so I don't feel guilty relaxing
>I've earned these blue jeans
>completely in line with modern cars of its class
>implying it's remotely as attractive as this
Woman detected.
>or this
It's easily the ugliest supercar you can buy new.
(If we're only considering cars made by manufacturers that are at least 10 years old, none of these shitty popup and fizzle out companies)
Objectively looks very similar.
Or maybe I'm just not a homosexual poorfag like you. There are no women on Veeky Forums anyways, except Frosty.
No one said Porsches weren't nice cars, calm down faggot.
>It's easily the ugliest supercar you can buy new.
OK, but the Huayra was released in 2012 and it's way fucking uglier. Granted they're sold out now, but most of you autistic niglets would consider it a superior design, simply because an old Italian queef is behind it.
>no hideous fucking grille
>no disgusting chinky slit like lights
>all the vents flow naturally into the bodylines rather than looking like someone hacked the front end to pieces
the body silhouette is similar but EVERY single body detail is far better on the 570S.
Oh, did I mention it's faster too?
Did I mention that the 911 is faster as well? As is this? Well here's a friendly reminder anyway.
You can buy a fucking Huracan for the price of that hybrid garbage Honda is selling.
>shitting on wagons
sorry for your terminal taste cancer. The new NSX is trash and you should feel ashamed for liking it.
>benchracing intensifies
Literally no one here gives a shit about your infantile opinions. You couldn't afford the fuckin air filter for an NSX, shut the fuck up already little baby. Accept that other people have different (and better) opinions than you.
well your opinion is in the minority so it's objectively worth even less
No you cannot. also enjoy your mclaren maintenance and hard depreciation.
>well your opinion is in the minority
based on what?
> Unironically white knighting the fucking NSX
everyone else disagrees
who is "everyone else", people on Veeky Forums?
you're here too
My opinion is that the NSX isn't a bad looking car, it looks right in line with modern cars of its class.
I haven't even mentioned anything about performance, and all I see is autistic screeching about Porsches and Lambos.
>m-maybe if I s-shill for Porsche they'll give me a 911!
I wouldn't buy a Huracan, a 911, a 570s or an NSX if I had the money.
I'd buy a fucking Testarossa you tasteless benchracing cumstains.
$5 says the pants make it look better than it really is
LOL the NSX is LITERALLY the benchracer's favourite car. Zero fucking driving feel just like that shitty excuse for a GTR Nissan has been pumping out for the last decade. Boring as shit to drive, and slow as fuck as well. It's the posterchild of nu-age cars that control like video games but at least you can brag to your tree hugging friends about muh hybrid shit.
Hybrid garbage that sounds like a fucking washing machine because honda are eco cucks. Certainly doesn't help with speed or acceleration because they get utterly BTFO by the naturally aspirated 10-12 cylinder glory of its rivals
She has terribad voice fry
This is pounds, not worthless Mutt money.
Maybe we should survey Veeky Forumstist first. people outside of Veeky Forums and even super car reviewers don't seem to dislike its looks.
$5 says I would dump my load in her ass regardless. Pants are largely irrelevant at that point.
>all this sperging out over one guy saying the NSX isn't ugly
Holy shit, you should really evaluate your life and what you're doing with it.
Not interested in what she has to say 2bh pham.
>$5 says I would dump my load in her ass regardless. Pants are largely irrelevant at that point.
I mean I dont doubt it but im just saying, most guys who've fucked a girl at least once know that a large percentage of "nice asses" deflate and go lumpy/saggy once you peel off those tight-ass jeans (or yoga pants, or leggings)
>not impregnating her at the first opportunity
bad taste
But she lifts bro. I'm gonna take your $5 bet and say she has a tight ass even without pants. She's pretty fit.
>child support
>woman doing squats
she's probably shitting herself regularly
>she's probably shitting herself regularly
Stop user my dick can't get any harder.
her being a women has ZERO to do with it.
its because it was designed by a DUMB FUCK AMERICUNT.
thats what ruined it. if a male americunt had done it it'd still be as fucked as it is now. probably worse.
no idea why the japs gave the job of making a new NSX to the americunts. you guys have zero taste, style or innovation in ANYTHING you fucking do. it was doomed as soon as it left japan.
>the most innovative NSX and car honda has undergone has no innovation
>isn't built to his boomer taste so no style
lol at the absolute butthurt of sennacucks
>not marrying her and negging her every day about how ugly the NSX is
>implying filling her with your seed as you collapse on her in a sweaty mess as your dick contorts in her flesh cave isn't worth the child support
Now this is what I call shitposting.
more innovation than the original NSX?
i don't think so tim.
>allowing a woman to sully the car that was precision crafted by golden days Honda and Ayrton senna
>implying technological innovations are worth a drop in driving enjoyment
I bet you'll be one of the first faggots to embrace self driving because "muh technological innovations"
infinity more, and shows the trend all flagship sports cars will follow. the 911 will have a hybrid model, the next GTR will be a hybrid and the vette will likely follow with a hybrid model of its own.
but muh hybrid muh torque vectoring muh 10 year old styling
>i don't personally enjoy this way of driving so no one else does
you think the new NSX is the first super car that is hybrid?
see, you dumb americunts are fucking stupid.
it should have been designed and built in house in japan
>muh car must have manual steering and a gearbox made of wood to be enjoyable
>no windows no radio no AC no ABS no TC no ESC no windows
>if a car has anything more than an engine wheels a transmission and a steering wheel it is objectively shit
>karting is the purest form of motorsport - anything else is just wasteful decadence
Autistic nigger.
You never impregnate a "fit" girl - her body is high in testosterone and an unhealthy place for a child to grow.
Deposit your seed in a feminine woman with child bearing features. The THICCER the better.
Not only that, but it's based on a Pininfarina concept. The same styling house that created the gorgeous Ferraris in the 50s-70s. They've had a hand in some of the prettiest cars ever made.
That same company designed the original.
But the new one? Let's just give it to some diversity hire. American diversity hire. Making a Japanese car. Making the successor to the only supercar Japan has ever produced in any volume (2000GT doesn't count).
They went from the styling house that made pic related to some thot that didn't even go into automotive design til a few years before her placement on the NSX project. What the fuck were they thinking.
No, Its the first mass produced hybrid car that was brought to the masses with the added benefit of Honda reliability and maintenance. if Japan designed it it likely would've been even more progressive than it is. Honda has never been a company of tradition of always looked forward. Guzzle more boomer cum.
>moving the goalposts to a different galaxy
a lightweight v6 manual with double wishbones all around would have sufficed. Heck, slap two snails on it.
>first mass produced hybrid car
first mass produce hybrid super car*
>weebs going absolutely out of their tiny minds because the NSX is a turd
pick likely related
Oh so that's where you're going with this. Should've just said you were gonna start GTposting.
Also, the designer is WAY less fuckable than the NSX designer.
>muh dick
>a lightweight v6 manual with double wishbones all around would have sufficed
That car exist though and its called the Evora. why not buy that and instead of screeching over something that wasn't meant for you?
you're right but the GT needed a boss or a voodoo with twinscrolls
Dude looks like a PT Cruiser.
yes so you agree with me then.
americunts fucked it. it should have been designed and built in japan.
would have actual innovations and would have been better looking.
Nice fallacy you fucking waste of genetic material.
Obviously a lot of technological improvements are worth any minimal losses in "engagement". Things like direct fuel injection, AC and all that shit.
But you obviously get to a point where there's little to no performance and "user friendliness" benefit to whatever dumb tech you're stuffing into the car. Like putting in a hybrid motor despite the fact that it's heavy as fuck so the ONLY performance advantage of a hybrid system which is high acceleration is completely and utterly negated so it's actually slower than a fucking straight 6 911 base model that is almost half the price.
Or putting in a shitty electric steering wheel that delivers zero feedback so you're completely insulated from the road and have no clue what the wheels are doing or how much grip you have.
the evora is fuck ugly + lotus reliability
>going from pininfarina to some american whore
are those nips that thirsty for some average wh*Toid pussy?
this. so close to dubs of truth too
>always looked forward
So that's why the ctr is still fwd. Because muh tradition muh typical layout is looking forward right?
Holy shit maximum triggering right here boys.
Look at all of this "muh purist" sperging from a faggot who probably DD's a fuckin 25 year old Miata.
all of these sluts become obese when they go past 30. they're thicc because of genetically decent fat distribution. that goes away fast.
thinn girls are objectively superior, they actually age gracefully.
the "thicc" meme is just cope from men who can't deal with the fact they can't get physically fit women
>shaming someone for owning a miata
>on Veeky Forums of all places
enlighten us of your chariot, oh vapelord
you are aware that the guy in the picture is Ayrton Senna, 3-time Formula 1 champion
he is considered to be one of the greatest if not the greatest racing driver of all time
>he has no point so resorts to ad hominem
Well I'm outta here folks, job done. Feels good BTFOing and putting brainlets in their place once in a while :)
The T H I C C E R the B E T T E R bro.
So you agree that the new NSX is more innovative than the original could've ever been and the problem you have with the car is that it didn't go far enough with the hybrid stuff and should've been all electric like a Tesla or something? because i don't know what you mean by "actual innovations" i mean Honda is already working on an electric-only NSX as we speak so you may get your wish. as for "better looking" if you think they were ever going back to Pininfarina ever you are deluding yourself if that's what your after.
Its based on a economy car that's souped up and FWD is best for packaging, cabin space and fuel economy all things important in a economy car. Obtuse/10
So now im gay coz i said this woman sucked at car design? Fuck off lady
This is some beta reasoning I've never even seen before. Unbelievable what kind of mental gymnastics virgins will play when they can't get laid.
>thicc is just a meme
>not a biologically hardwired trait to which heterosexual males are attracted
>because it signifies fertility and reproductive success
>fit girls are where it's at
>girls who eat nothing buy kale and shit 5 times a day and have rock hard abs and disgusting shoulders and jawlines like Ron Perlman
Senna was rich as fuck and earned those jeans. What's your point.
>it's 1995 and I just bought this car new
was killed in 1994
>I wear a suit 5 days a week
a racing suit
>I've earned these blue jeans
what, you gonna go to a formula 1 champion and say "it is unproper to wear jeans. it is current decade."?
>he thinks Senna is dead
Ohhh right. Elvis too. And Hitler, I believe he "killed himself".
innovation for the time you fucking moron. the original NSX was different and had new technologies.
the new one is just like the competition, except with a honda badge.
>he thinks "fit" means some gym rat that injects test and lifts heavy every day
fit as in physically able to play sports casually and won't collapse and start heaving just by going up some steps. you can have minimal muscle mass and still be fit. Braphogs are just chubby girls with decent fat distribution. They're still fat fucks.
I want my girl to be able to hike, play tennis and run with me. not some fat hog just because she has a cellulite filled ass.
>not appreciating the feeling of thick thighs being wrapped around your face as you dive into that muff
Thicc is superior, girls can be thicc and in shape.
The New NSX is more innovative for its time than the old one was boomerfuck. there isn't even a single car attempting to do what its doing in production at this point because the only cars it could be compared to in execution were limited edition hyper cars.
>the new one is just like the competition, except with a honda badge.
you are describing the original if anything.
>other car company does something in non mass produced numbers
>honda does it, but mass produces it
>wow look we're so innovative that our innovations made our car SLOWER!
kek, based nuNSXnigger
maybe if VTEC gave the old NSX involuntary engine braking your shitty argument would hold water, because that's the kind of "innovation" the new one has lmao
>no easy access pussy due because no thigh gap
you're missing out
also, 1000 is hardly small numbers.
>Honda releases their long wheelbase MR2
>"wow its the shit because some pasta nigger company designed it"
>wow look we're so innovative that our innovations made our car SLOWER!
the new NSX isn't barely faster than a base vette from a generation ago like the original was though.