Kledfag is single edition
Kledfag is single edition
Other urls found in this thread:
im not single and my boyfriend could 1v1 yours
i wish i was a girl
Yes you are single
Is Dragonpussy or Dolphinpussy tighter?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on euw results haha woops :P
Another lobby is up!
who knew cancer and aids would look so cute together
xth for Syndra
No shit sometimes there isn't a right play. You're already presuming a situation where Maokai is very strong. I can also ask you what is the counterplay to Morgana is the enemy team has a fed Yi. That doesn't mean Morgana doesn't have counterplay. I could give you more concrete advice if you told me what position you play.
What's in it for me?
>only level 4 and they're pushed into tower
>gank because it's not pushed
>get summoner spell
>I have bami's cinder and boots
>lose 19 to 3 while getting shit talked the whole time by a 1200 game mid plat support player
Nice promos match.
No riot I really love playing with based retards when I'm trying to rank up please more of this
kled is real and my boyfriend actually...
Xth for sharing waifus!
Kled isn't real
And you are single
>playing darius
>enemy team is all in range
>holy shit this is my moment
>i've got the stacks
>the reset potential
>this is the perfect team fight
>everything is perfectly aligned
>our janna presses R
>knocks everyone away
>more importantly
>knocks my target out of my R range
>I'm flabberghasted
>the dude waits for the stacks to drop
>meanwhile, I'm getting blasted by the now, safe distanced enemy adc.
you mean getting the fuck out and leaving me and Syndra alone
i wish every snowbally shitter-stomper champ was banned in low elo
meant for
in case he missed it
post pics and prove it
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW 5 slots left
password is vidya
Pain beyond anything you can imagine
Why bully Kledfag for being single of all things? That's relatable.
xth for triggering Syndrafag
>jungler turbofarms the entire game while the enemy jungler gets off multiple ganks
>"jungle i know you wanna farm but you need to put out some pressure in the lanes"
Nope! I mean being happy and sharing my loving Syndra wife with you user. We are quite happy with our relationship! So please do join us!
when will you guys learn lol
yes he is!! why are you so adamant on calling me single anyway... are you jealous of Kled? d-do you wanna be my Kled user?
Why would I want that?
>gnar and elise nerfs
>both perfectly fair and balanced champions
>not a single word about maokai, cho gath, gragas, janna, soraka, twitch or orianna
>fiora buffs
>not a single word about ezreal, ornn or karma
It's nice they're buffing azir since he has been in the gutter for so long, but i'm starting to think that riot's balance team is laughing at us
>play pantheon
>easiest champion I've ever played
>i'm fighting a darius
>he can't even scratch me
>somebody on the enemy team says im playing an easy champion
>of course, I don't give them satisfaction of agreeing
>I say "and you have a Darius."
>surprisingly, the Darius didn't say a word
>just the enemy Tristana and Janna going apeshit
you're all sick individuals
and i love you all
no she isn't your waifu, she would be disgusted by what you are typing right now and would shove spheres down your throat until you choke. Get the fuck out and leave us alone.
also (You) because it appear to be all you want nowdays you fucking slut, jump off my dick
kill yourself
i wanna look EXACTLY like shyvana!
Gnar deserves shit, nobody missed laning against him.
>You're already presuming a situation where Maokai is very strong
Maokai can be 1/5 and righteous glory in and have that happen. Like I said you can replace mao with any braindead tank with a hard engage and it will work similarly. Sure my team could draft a disengage to deal with this but it's solo que even in diamond people just pick what they feel like.
reporting once again about the climb.
also gp players are pussies
Kled isn't real
And you are single
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW 1 slot left
password is vidya
Why wouldn't you :3c
I won my promos!
>draven isn't banned
gg he's going to get fed as always
Jesus...only minutes into a new thread and already syndraretard is getting triggered like a brat. This guy is becoming more childish than the fucking luluposters.
Man I really like Varus, do other people like Varus? Hes fun as hell, and even if he's a little lacking in the voice line department his character is great.
xth for Leviticus 20 13
>play game
>our jungler picks Xin/Yi/farmer
>doesn't farm
>keeps trying to gank
>dives level 3 at mid
>gives doubles to katarina who uses this to push and roam
>tell yi to focus on his farming.
>tells me to get fucked and afks
Convince me not to buy Blood Moon Jhin on sale right now
>that rack
I love tiddymonsters, but Syndra isn't that well endowed.
infact I'm about to be done here
I love Lissandra!
I legit got an S on my first game with him, killed top a bunch of times, ulted bot, moved to mid and they surrendered.
um explain THIS then...???
i can't bleed i am too strong for this and with each (You)s i am growing stronger
Man why did they make this skin look so godawful ingame
I play Pantheon when I'm really fucking mad because being an auto-win lane is satisfying.
hes not really an issue because even if he gets fan us bronze retards dont know how to play teamfight draven and end up getting jumped on in team fights
I can't be Kled, I'm too tall and buff
You are single
Kled isn't real
I'm not talking about a situation which is Maokai is strong, I'm talking about a scenario in which Maokai's kit is very useful. And if you're not going to allow for draft to be a variable then of course you're going to have games that are unwinnable. But my experience is you can at least convince one person on your team to coordinate with you in draft.
kled can be a big guy too
i'm gonna be a girl
He's just so easy to trigger.
The best part is Syndra would find his behavior just as autistic and retarded - she doesn't need someone to defend her and would hate the idea of him acting that way.
This is beyond pathetic. I sincerely hope your just trying to farm (you's)
>People hate caitlyn
>Nerf her
>Twitch and tristana become meta
>People hate those
What adcs would you be happy with then
You don't get the cycle do you?
/lolg/ can never be happy. Not even when every champion is accordingly balanced will /lolg/ ever be happy.
Someone will want something gutted.
me too one day or at least i hope so
>But my experience is you can at least convince one person on your team to coordinate with you in draft.
In my experience 80% of teams literally don't understand why 5 squishes with 2 hard cc's between them is a bad comp
i still play urgot
fuck u i like doing 25% max hp damage then malphite + gragas ulting their whole team
I love Twitch and Tristana, have a ton of fun playing them.
Tbh gnar is only good because riot overbuffed tanks so much that divers like irelia or camille aren't played anymore so gnar gets a free lane everytime. Nerfing him just makes it impossible to pick anything other than tanks top.
Jhin Varus Ashe Meta,where are you? I miss you so much.
I dont hate Twitch and Tristana.
But Jhin getting a buff would be nice.
i was banning twitch before they nerfed caitlyn
Ashe, Sivir, Jhin, Varus
Cait would be fine if her traps weren't retarded.
Listen to this man
wasn't it the meta where adc were so fucking bad people were playing Ziggs instead?
Can Lucian move from mid to bot again. pls.
varus was the funniest shit with lethality
Whatever you say lulu2.0
If I had a choice I would rather be a girl
fuck lucian mid
Yeah it was sorta cool, diversity in the botlane instead of Kog and freewinrat. I mean they did suck ass tho, I just wish they would nerf ardents,
The reason I want him in a dumpster and him staying there is because of the new runes
> Hextech Freezeray
> Your first attack on a champion slows them for 1.5 seconds (8-3 second per-unit cooldown).
> Ranged attacks slow by 25% - 40%
> Melee attacks slow by 35% - 50%
> Additionally, your active item slows create an icy zone around their target for 5 seconds, slowing all units inside by 70%
Just imagine the cancer.
that's because you're a beta
I do not make multiple meme posts, I do not make early threads, I just post once or twice at best every thread unless some retards decide to reply to me with the only goal of farming (You)s. But hey hate me because you decided so, I really do not care honestly.
i miss when ardent was just free attack speed and not free damages+heals
ardent will never be balanced as long as it gives lifesteal
I don't know why he acts that like. I'm willingly offering to share my Syndra waifu with him gets he retorts only to insulting. It almost seems like he despises her and wishes for my Syndra to never be happy. Syndra user I just want to spread my waifu's happiness to you.
CODY SUN DID 65% of his teams damage on one game. I want him to be that op again.
I'm more scared of Vayne honestly.
Her kit was not designed around being able to slow someone.
It's because he's a bratty sub who secretly likes the attention, that simple. If he didn't like it he wouldn't do it.
God damn Syndra is fucking hot as hell though
What makes the Sniper so charming, but Cait so god damn insufferable.
>responds to every user that even remotely says the word Syndra
>claims to not make multiple posts
>posts initerally every thread
>gets angry at the sight of seeing Syndra being spoken about
>claims to not care
Nice damage control syndrafag.....yet again.
Probably but idc
Same, i wanna be qt
>hextech freezeray
>not malletman's decree
Missed opportunity
I can see vayne going berserk tho. She already has good enough kiting, but that 60% AS(if i recall correctly) is insane in any adc
>implying this manlet is a alpha
>unless some retards decide to reply to me with the only goal of farming (You)s
This shit all started because people would make independent lewd posts not replying to you about Syndra, like they do for every champ, and you would splerg out on them. once people realized how easy it is to trigger you they started targeting you specifically. Don't try to change history, you reap what you sow nigga.