Are you too tall for the car of your dreams Veeky Forums?

Are you too tall for the car of your dreams Veeky Forums?
>6'4" user here

5'5. I'm good.

Bump. Please, does anyone else know this feel?

>6' 2"
maybe if i dreamed of an autozam
viper is kinda small but king lanklet dougie DeMeme had one so

whats your dream car op?

>manlets can drive cars easier
>can fit motorcycles more comfortably
>can build muscle faster and lift more
>while still being taller than 90% of women, which is all women really care about anyway
Lanklets are the lellest, the world wasnt built for you, it was built for us. We have to compensate our height for confidence and personality, which you have neither apparently since the LEL MANLET meme has been the hypest meme since fat acceptance. Take your place at the bottom sir lanksalot

i'm 6'6 and would say i'm at the limit for my own car, but i can't get a concise answer on if i'd fit in this comfortably or not :(

I have a yuge hard on for digital dashes and i think an s2000 is the sexiest car concieved with a close second being a 1987 corvette. Sadly though, I know I will fit in neither comfortably or at all.

6'3/6'4 here.

drive an aw11.

want to try an autozam bad.

>mfw 6'4"
>dreamcar was S2K

Hold me. Knees dont fit.

>manlet getting the latest and greatest toys to compensate for low self esteem (and height)
Checks out

Are you me?

>6' 2"
I have may dream cars, a busa swapped cappuccino to name one

No, just too fat.

I'm losing weight and have been lifting though

I'm 6'3 and fit in a c4 just fine

Stupid fucking Americans lmao

i'm 5'7" so it works fine

>want 124

5.4, don't think even the smallest cars couldn't fit me pretty damn comfortably.

Holy fuck is this board populated by lankets and manlets?
Who here 6'-5'9 perfect height?

Can't really find much of a problem with being a manlet actually.
>clothes are cheaper
>need less food to survive
>blend in to a crowd better/draw less attention to yourself
>fit in any car comfortably
>small living spaces feel more comfy and less cramped

I actually sort of envy you guys because you can be so comfortable all the time, totally effortlessly.
I have to fake it.
I've never sat in the car of my dreams but I'm hoping that it will all work out.
t. 6'3"

>TFW no light weight car with great visibility

i'm 5'11"-6', i havent measured my actual height in YEARS. I've never had trouble fitting into a vehicle without a helmet. I fit into miatas, s2k's and other "normal" small cars.
I dont even know what the cut-off for manlets is, there are charts out there but they're retarded saying like 6'6" is the optimal height.

5'10, I think I'm in the clear in pretty much every circumstance

I was just thinking
>what cars do the danish drive
and then I remembered that they have retarded taxes on cars there so I guess they don't

If you're in an airport and you see someone over 6'6" in height or about 2 meters then there's a good chance that they're either danish or dutch.

I didn't know brain damage was a side effect of being a manlet as well

Why are americans so retarded that they still dont know the difference between danish and dutch

All the charts are made by Veeky Forums tards who're memeing or angry lankets. cut off is below 9'7, and if you're taller than 6'5 you're a lanket.

I'd say 6' is overall optimal but I might just be biased.

I am only 5'9 but every car I sit in with a clutch has me ramming my knee into the steering wheel unless I bend it at a wierd angle.

Both are tall.

because there aren't that many in the southern region of California, USA
and you should feel embarrassed if citizens from the most important country in the world don't recognize you on a map, just saying.

unironically this
you can never be an f1 driver if you are tall

> board full of customizers
> can't make a car fit himself

I thought this was my fate as a 6'5 lanklet who wants an nd Miata but I got to sit in one and i actually fit comfortably. Dream is alive.

>crash/hit brakes hard
>head goes rolling off torso

>is too tall but not tall enough to go over top
>forever looking at the windscreeen frame

other than low down seat rails combined with bucket seats, theres no real easy to make a car "tall-person" friendly.

One time I saw this dude that was so fucking tall that literally his entire head was sticking out of the sunroof of his Volvo. Was truly a sight to behold.

It was surprisingly not an issue for me. I could always remove the visors but my HHR is fucking awful so this was an upgrade as is.

m-maybe being short isn't so bad?