/tesog/ - The Elder Scrolls Online General

very slightly cleaned-up edition

>Elder Thread
>Official news

>Latest ESO Live

>Latest patch notes:

>Builds and Guides
docs.google.com/document/d/1WsLK2mOCvIePLUxW_X7CPa7uT072x3FJEzY7yyN1hXA/edit [Recently Started Guide]
pastebin.com/Y9vRAcwm - Alcast/Deltia Guides

>Online lore, map and general info

>UI addons for PC

>Assorted links

>Sales and deals
take a look here: www dot g2 FIRST LETTER OF THE FUCKING ALPHABET dat cam/?search=elder%20scrolls%20online
jesus fucking CHRIST, filter

>Making sales and deals

>/tesog/ Guilds
[PC NA] mail (not whisper) @Foskl or @Zrifalas for invite
[PC EU] mail (not whisper) @Hatebr33d3r for invite
[PS4 NA and EU] message PSN: kibukj for invite
[XB1 NA] message GT: Arick556x45 for invite
Alternatively, write your @username, platform and location in the thread

>Platform poll:


>Is the game worth playing?
sure fuckin' is!

Other urls found in this thread:


seriously, i just realized how rarely i pay attention to links at all. how the fuck should i format the g2a one, in the future?

thanks bb

been playing the destiny 2 open pc beta. never spent more than a couple hours in the original game, game is pretty fun. however ive also been in their general and jesus fuck it is such a huge difference. waifu faggotry, console wars, people just being plain hateful towards each other. reminds me how nice of a place we have here.

god dammit, nevermind, should have done it like the twitch link. next time.

>tfw migrated here from Fallout general
I don't want to talk about it

yeah, we really do. dickery has even died back down from a couple months ago

Its ok, its safe here.


better g2a link for clarity's sake

>tfw i occasionally baited spergs

goddammit user

tfw no guar gf

tesog is the real tes general

i want the fabricant skin so bad

its hard to pass up when they act so spergy.

i would kill to be able to place my own character's as npcs to give life to my house, just as i can place all of my mounts on my property

>have a Lucien Lachance alt
>can't have him hang out in front of the glass window and flip daggers in my super edgy db alcove
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

>hear about the telvanni quests in MW
>how could they fuck this up?
>every quest so far starts off with an interesting premise and ends in "complete this 5 minute dungeon that takes 30 minutes to run to, bring me saint faggot's fingerbone"
>"An Argonian slave wants to join Great House Telvanni? We'll consider it.... if you can get me RELIC_NAME_STRING from DUNGEON_NAME_STRING. Good luck."
>"Yes, I'll free the Argonian... but first you'll have to head to an egg mine that belongs to one of my rivals. Start a worker's rebellion? Bring the whole place crashing down? Nah, get in there, kill the dwemer asspounder and grab his sonic vibrator for me."
>"I'm escaping because the Argonian doesn't love me. Take this letter to the people smugglers who can free me, you'll find them in a cave filled with bandits you'll need to kill."

>literally always been bothered by how Baalgruf in Skyrim was named "the greater" but I couldn't find a Baalgruff the Great that I could compare him to
>make character named Baalgruff the Great, nord nightblade, style him as an ancestor
>end up level 10 vampire
>am now thinking up an entire arc where a Vampire lord uses his family as recruiting stock for his coven whilst maintaining the families status as a premier clan of Whiterun, with Baalgruf being the one to end his reign and most of his family with an epic arc where he's cured of his vampirism and slays the ancestor, being named the new Jarl in the aftermath and taking the ephitet "The Greater"
How autistic am i
How little sense this makes.

Anybody got a spare heavy mino chest and shoulder or set motif I can buy or trade for?

I'm also looking for:
order of the hour heavy helm
ebony medium set
ra gada medium chest and shoulders or set
abahs watch shield


>that fucking OC

it's actually not bad, user. especially getting your own character killed, and not even in a heroic sacrifice kind of way. that's good stuff.

>argonian dk tank build recommends 60 health and 4 stam
ive literally never put a point into red my entire life. is that the norm or good tanks?

yeah, i think i've got everyone's, now that someone posted the "sup nig" story, a thread or two ago. didn't think to screencap it, the first time. i have screencapped some other great posts, though.

I think so as the seen to be what all the enemies aim at so you need to survive big hits. Sometimes I get one shot by a big high lvl boss

I run a nord do that I'm dumping most of my points into stam and then health. Focusing on recovering health through buffs or my ww transformation if health becomes a problem. I'll eventually put more into red and when I hit chp I'll dump points into recovery and bigger pools for health/stam as well as resistance

heck no
I've been running 31 on magicka and 33 on stamina so I could get 20k resources on both
Just wear plague doctor and invest into bastion to get over 50k health

b-but the akavari set looks cooler

so wear that as main gear?
Plague jewelry is cheap enough

post more, bb

It literally depends on your build and the idea behind it and it changes over time. I used to run as a mag tank with 14k stamina so I can switch between dps/tank/healer by simply switching gear but the latest patches have done *something* ending up with me getting wrecked in the DLC dungeons.

would you simply say 20k in mag and stam, and the rest in health?

give me a bit

For the new bbs who haven't gotten around to this.

captcha calle CALLE
okay i get it



I’m a 27 year old dunmer Ada'Soom Dir-Kamalboo (Akavir fan for you n'wahs). I draw dragons and snow demons on my pamphlets, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Akaviri board games (Kick the Ka Po' Tun, Find The Ordained Receptacle)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut trough s'wits because it's folded over a thousand times in a volcano much hotter than Red mountain, and vastly superior to any other weapon on Nirn.

I speak the Akaviri language fluently, both the Kamal and Tsaesci dialect, and write fluently as well. I know everything about the history of the Akaviri Potentate and their code of law, which I follow 100%.

When I get to Akavir, I am moving to the land of Tsaesci where I'll join the local kingdom to learn more about their magnificent fighting styles. I hope I can become a Dragon Knight at their prestigious Fighters Guild (a society founded by the Tsaesci in Tamriel!).

I've collected all the Akaviri motifs from fighting dirty n'wahs in Cyrodiil, which I use on all my crafted armours. I want to be able to wear my military armament in public before I move to Akavir, so I can fit in easier. I make hissing sounds and try to spice my food so it tastes like men as often as I can, but rarely do I find anyone who appreciates my cooking (except bosmers).


captcha shopping calle
getting real tired of your shit, inglip



That's it, that's the last fucking drop, I'm out of here for good. This worthless shit dank hole that is /teso/ isn't worth my fucking time anyway. I did not come here with the intention to shitpost or circlejerk or whatsoever, but it seems people can't fucking deal with an opinion. But who the fuck am I kidding I have not ever seen someone on here who doesn't go full retard or spend all their time shitposting. Every fucking day in the 2 years that I have been here have has every fucking day been repost day, with the occasional memes and trends that effortlessly overthrow the god damn faggotry that has infested that cursed fucking place. You are no better than /xivg/, you are no better than /wowg/ and I bet even /ksg/ laughs at you pieces of shit. Everyone is fucking denying that they're a bunch of circlejerkers, but I am seeing the same fucking pattern, uninterrupted, seamlessly every fucking week without the slightest bit of change. And if there is a god damned baitpost, how about you don't fucking feed the god damn troll, don't play their stupid fucking games. Holy fuck, I am so fucking sick of this fucking thread, all of you, kill your fucking selves. You are intellectually, emotionally and socially incapable to argue over anything, you are a fucking waste of time and space and if I could I would gas you all fucking Hitler style. FUCK YOU AND THIS RETARDED ABYSMAL HELLHOLE.






are veteran trials srs business? i really really just want the skin you get from The Halls of Fabrication.


from the Tale of St. Salzor


another one for your collection

all in good fun, Circum


thanks, user


yeah, i actually haven't been including mine ',:^D














fucking euros pose better than us

second from the left one foot in the air

immersion broken

and speaking of, they should really use this shot in their promotional materials

i mean, they're guys, but maybe they're at least french








What's with the meme dumps.

I don't know, but as a newcomer I like it

Why are consumable writs so much harder to do because
>when I have ingredients, I don't have recipes
>farming alchemy reagents is not as smooth as farming wood or metal
to the point I want to respec out of alchemy or food skills so they aren't wasted, but I know I'll need them on a master crafting character for furnishing needs.



to really answer your question, the vast majority of these are /tesog/ OC and it was requested that they be dumped. that was two hours and 21 minutes ago

plus a few that are just interesting (well, at least the Peryite one, things are starting to run together), and a couple for nostalgia, like the guild pics

What's better output, stamina recovery and or health recovery or the tri-stat recovery armor trait? Trying to figure out what I should put on my end game armor

You can't put recovery glyphs on armor, or can you?

I'm still confused about traits. I already have the traits researched, but I still need stones to craft items with traits?

I could have sworn some armors had it. But I'm for sure wondering about it for jewelry now that I remember that little detail


depends on your class and pve/pvp

okay, an interlude to bring some of you lads back to the surface who've posted during our shenanigans

they sound pretty serious, yeah. how comfortable are you with vet dungeons in general?

do you do something with your plants and ingredients when you don't have an immediate use for them? on a related note, do you have the craft bag?
are you only talking about provisioning, here, or alchemy, too? a lot of us are filthy cheaters and use Potion Maker so we always have all the alchemy "recipes." farming for alchemy is definitely not as smooth. one of the reasons i don't do it. how high are your blacksmithing and woodworking skills? also, your character level. i ask because if you can farm ruby ash and rubedite, you could always sell those and then use the gold to buy your plants. just some thoughts.

you can put stat recovery glyphs on jewelry only, and then armor can be created with the tri-stat recovery, Invigorating, which replaced Prosperous.

>would you simply say 20k in mag and stam, and the rest in health?
i regret to say that i don't know what to tell this lad, though

Just beginning all the skills, enchanting and clothing at 10, wood and metal at 8, alchemy and food at 6. lvl 25 on two charas. No craft bag because poorfag. Guess I'll stick to equipment+enchantment writs and get up to speed with the rest once I have more gold to buy reagents with. Thanks for the advice.



How viable is the tri-stat recovery on the armor? Or should I just go with an all stam or 5/2 stam health set?

Also what is a craft bag. I may have one but I'm not sure atm

by the time i really got into alchemy, i just had a shitton of plants saved up. you can level the skill in... well, the fastest i've actually done it is 18 minutes, 2-50, on the PTS.

this game's economy is really weird in that we're not seeing the kind of inflation one would expect in an MMO. with that in mind, buying plants might be an okay option. daily writs, the ones from the writ boards, are also very helpful in leveling your skills, thanks to all the inspiration they grant when you turn them in... if you can get your materials in the first place.

the Craft Bag is one of the subscription perks. gives you an infinite inventory that's shared across all your characters on one megaserver (i.e. if you're on the NA server, these items will not be shared with any characters you might create on the EU server).

i really don't know about the tri-stat thing. the Horns of the Reach patch notes basically said, at a couple points, that you'll get more stats overall with tri-stat restoration sources, but you'll get more, say, stamina, if you specialize. pretty logical and a common setup. i guess it comes down to what can work for your class and spec in the first place. for instance, last i heard, tanks are still the only ones who can get away with allocating attributes like true hybrids anyway. maybe someone else can add to this.

Warms my heart seeing so much of my crap reposted.