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Post pics of Mae please!


Who are your favorite Wyvern Riders, /feg/?
Mine are Cormag, Jill, and Minerva!

Who are you favorite and least favorite archers /feg/?

>All these losers who, after getting a free lyn, will only have 1 good colorless unit
Feels good to have the best infantry archer in the game. Enjoy your assault challenges, sweeties. ;)

Dori is a-dori-ble!

Fuck off with this autistic shit.

is this the cutest team possible?

Where did they say we'd get to choose a free 5* CYL unit of our choice? Sounds way too good to be true.

Hello, I want to make a flier team, but I donpt know how to start.

This is what I have to work with right now, any suggestion?

My Cherche is atk+ and has Brave Axe+ and Death Blow 3.

Jill, Beruka, and Camilla.

On it!

Wil, Shinon, and Jeorge
Least favorite
Non because I love archers

no snacki is kinda ugly and her forehead is huge

>one of these is not like the others
Why is Delthea the only merged unit?

good falseflag; i hope my fellow cordeliafags denounce you as they should


Miredy, Haar and Jill

they are all my favorites

Favorite: Klein and Shinon
Least favorite: The entire shota archer archetype.

Favorites: Gaggles, Midir, and Leon
Least favorites: Pre-promotion and sniper Neimi, Wil, and Leonardo
Neimi is only good once she's a Ranger


Favourite: Niles, Shinon, Midori.
Least favourite: Wolt, Takumi, Wil.

I'm not seeing loli dragons, so no

Minerva with Jill having a notable mention. I like so few characters from that class.

Useless-chan! Also Jill, Belka, and Minerva.

Fuck off

Only if you replace Julia with CYL Roy later on.


>not sure if I want to guarantee Lucina for free or get Lyn and risk having to pay for Lucina

loli is trash

Favorite: Minerva, Miledy, and Altenna
Least favorite: None. I use to hate Camilla but she grew on me.

>cute forehead
>ugly woman with attitude problem
>cute rapist
>cute autism

Delthea is the odd one out.

Lucina benefits the most from having good IVs. Also Colourless is hell. You should get Lyn for free then roll for Lucina. +Spd -Res would be great on her.

Waifus are always worth priority.

They'll fix her in Shadows of Thracia, right?

Meant for I should get more sleep.

>I just recently grew to like Sanaki.

I need her soon.

I'm in that same boat too man. I'm leaning towards Lyn myself to not deal with colorless orbs.

Best B skill for Best friend?

Lancebreaker if you don't run a super strong green. Swordbreaker if you do.


Which FE boy have the tastiest cum

You could try using Cordelia and Palla. Won't work so well without a Hinoka to give buffs though

Hector, control yourself.

Corrin suffers a lot from being a passive protagonist. He doesn't causes jack shit to happen, he virtually takes no decisions after the split. Stuff happens to Corrin and he mostly goes along with it.

For instance: Robin devised the tactics to invade Valm by kamiza-ing flaming votes, Corrin was told to sail by shit and meet some ninjas.
At the end of his game, it turns out that Robin rusemaned everyone and had the stone for himself and prevented himself from turning into Grima by keeping a dead man alive. At the end of Conquest and Birthright, Corrin is forgiven in a dream sequence which somehow superpowers up his sword.
Robin has the brand of Grima, but he denies his powers to stay with his friends. Corrin mysteriously turns into an almighty dragon, then the Yato literally flies to his hand, he didn't even picked it up.

What do you guys think of dragons?

Well you cant have Tana because she is already married to me!

should I put bowbreaker on a paper mache mage? my thick mages suck ass

Favorite: Innes. I'm pretty fond of almost all of them. Also love pretty much every bow knight.
Least Favorite: Gordin. Horrific archetype and pretty much hate everyone who falls into it (Wil doesn't really count but FUCK Ryan and Rolf).

Favorite: Minerva
Least favorite: Milady. Funny that Milady is basically a clone of the former but is so much worse.

I'm not even false flagging. Stop being so insecure about how your waifu's fanbase is perceived you insecure faggots. Sorry that you can't handle the banter.

post boris

You still have to take a hit from the bow before you get your second hit off, so make sure you don't put it on Doot or someone similarly fragile

Let me see if I get this straight:

We will get one GUARANTEED SUMMON on any of the 4 heroes in the next banner?

Shut the fuck up?

Please tell me they're adding charlotte to the game. A charlotte that I can actually GET

>If Ike had customizable hair, this fanbase would loathe him.
This is honestly the truth. I'm not going to say they're well written or not but that's largely the fact of the matter considering the likes of them really aren't all that different from certain lords

>I'm not even false flagging
So you're not even ironic shitposting, then. Just straight shitposting. Stop that.

Maybe. Her problem is that you get her at the same time as a much better dragon knight so there isn't much reason to use her outside of filer utility. Boosts to her bases and growths would help out a bunch.

Want to use her for AA so Lance breaker it is. Fury 3 is standard along with memebow?

Also does Rienheart NEED Lancebreaker 3? He already has 2 and wasting a 4* Naracian seems like a waste unless its not.

You are quite late for the party.

Underrated. They have high BST and kill anything with the right skills. They're not easy mode like cav memes though


The thing is, Robin is too competent and outshines Chrom himself. It's very similar to the situation with Marth and Chris. Corrin might be a dumb piece of shit but it doesn't feel as much like some masturbatory attempt at making a self-insert.

A lot of people dislikes Mary Sues who are adored by everyone and can do no wrong, which is why they hate Robin and Chris, and some also dislike Ike, Ephraim, and to some extent, Alm, for this same issue.

I fucking hate people like you


>Ike and Corrin
>Alike at all
Madem e tink

You don't have to spoonfeed retards. You can just ignore them or call them retards without spoonfeeding them.

>I'm not pretending to be retarded, I'm just retarded

think of it like this
do you ever, EVER have actual recurring problems with bows fucking you over? On the off chance that the answer is yes, then maybe if your heart really desires it. However, considering that a fuckton of people will be running around with CYL Lyn, I'd advise you pick one ranged unit to build for countering her, since she negates DC. A Boey would probably do very well in that role, but if you don't have him any def tanked ranged will do

>Stop being so insecure about how your waifu's fanbase is perceived
If we're being honest, doing that it a great way to end up like lynfags.

>Ike has people who hate his guts
>Strungles and has to work for his legendary sword and sweet gains in RD
>Everyone Loves Corrin other then the bad guys and a demon possed Taco
>is a fucking little bitch who stands and watching as Hans kills women and children


But he's right user, look:
>both uses swords
>Ike fucks a guy
>Corrin fucks a guy (if you want)

i've been out of the loop, has there been any word on the IVs of the CYL units?

Will the free one be neutral and rolled ones have IVs? Will they all be neutral? Seeing people get fucked by bad IVs would be depressing.

Do you have your sacrifice ready /feg/?

A bit more than half of my 30 five stars are reds and yet I still don't have her or young Tiki. I might be rolling for Roy when the banner goes up, but I wouldn't mind being spooked by them. Especially Tiki since she can easily fuck over Lyn and Ike.

>have a spare 4* Setsuna laying around
>she can give Bowbreaker 3 to someone

Her time is now.

>I hate people like you
>proceeds to spoonfeed him

A tactician is actually good at tactics. Good forbid. Literally 90% of his character is "I read tactical manuals all day" I should sure as fuck hope he's competent.

"Mary Sue" isn't his issue, because his character traits make being good at what he does and intelligent reasonable,you it'st he's boring as fuck. People don't have a problem with Mark despite being a literal Mary Sue self insert, so I doubt that's the issue.

Lancebreaker 2 is fine for both.
Sharena should actually run Luna. The extra defense negation is important to make up for her relatively low attack compared to Ephraim, and her high speed means she doesn't suffer too badly from the higher cooldown

Like you can argue Ike takes too much advise from Titania and Soren, but that only reflects how much of a team member he is rather than a solo player despite being a mercenary.

He's ultimately the one who takes big decisions and the one to says the important things. Nothing Corrin ever did or says compares to calling out Sanaki's condescending shit when they first met in PoR.

My corrin was a malig knight check your privilege sword scum

I've always been very partial to Heath. He's a really cool guy, has a good backstory, wants redemption and has his own set of morals that he refuses to bend on. It sucks how most of his supports end up being very bitter sweet. I wish he could've been traveling outlaws with Legault.

so when the FUCK is charlotte coming back

And Yato stays in your inventory for the stat boosts anyway

Is this a good time to reroll or should I wait for the new broken units?

Ike is not a Mary Sue at all. You can choose to not like him if you want since he's a "traditionally likeable" person, but he ultimately has to earn the respect of those around him, face consequences for his actions and inactions, and deal with people who never will like him.

Comparing him to Robin or Corrin is really showing some comprehension failure.

Wait for the new units tomorrow night sir

Wait. It's just 1 more day.

Need friends for upcoming gauntlet
Ikebros, add me

>nobody talks about Tana less than a week
whoa nice attention span right there nuFE

She's just a worse coddelia

bravebows are the ones that screw me over, more than reinhardt or good armors, guess I should just suck it up and wait till I get a half decent tankmage before doing the heavy investment of skills and sp

IS better give me a +Atk Arthur soon. I want to make All Might.

I wonder if Giving him Wings of Mercy would play towards how fast All Might is.

People don't have any problems with Mark because he doesn't steal the spotlight from Lyn/Eliwood/Hector at any point in the story. Robin pretty much stole the show after the first Emmeryn arc. He's too competent he makes Chrom look bad in comparison. That scene where he faked the stabbing of Chrom is absolutely disgusting.

What is there to talk about? She's a cool unit with a cool Prf weapon and a fun skill in Guidance, but she has a pretty straightforward role as a ferry for infantry/armor with no real use on dedicated flier teams

Added you m8 gonna lead with Linde/Rein/Nino once it starts

Alright makes sense to me thanks user
>Only have 1 more Luna fodder that I dont have to spend feathers for

Does Anne want Luna as well? I like Anne more since enjoy her jewish antics

What else is there to be said? She's the best flier and we already knew that.

>have a very good Ryoma fully SI'd
>I barely ever use him because my sword spot is always taken by Eirika
I still don't get what makes him so good, DC in Raijinto is nice but he's fragile as shit

Cool, will do.