/pdg/ -Payday:The Heist, Payday 2 and Raid WW2 General

Sydney is literally perfect edition.

Previous 4 stores heist with Stone Cold 2017: >Extremely Autistic Guide on the Mechanics of PAYDAY 2:

>Workshop Manual

>Upcoming Payday 2 Tournaments:

>Skill/Weapon Stat Calculator:

>Breakpoint calculator

>Old Skilltree Guide:

>Perk Deck Guide (slightly out of date):

>Stat Ranking and Breakpoints:

>Weapon/Armor/Damage/Pickup Spreadsheets (not up to date):

>Weapon Skin Checklist (totally up to date):

>Big Oil Engine Calculators:


>Latest Updates Here:

>Worst steam Group on earth:

>Mods and Lua:

>Weapon Skin Previews

>Reddit Daily Dose

Other urls found in this thread:


First for so close yet so far


was he right ?

>using shitter skills like swan song ever
Of course not

So, update today i guess?

Who's ready fro some Raid shilling

Except I don't? I have yet to find someone cheating in a high/semi-high crime spree.

>update today,
>when the devs kept updating on the thursday for the last 4 years


thats sad , would have been nice to have new little heists from that movie

not that i care where my heist come from i just want more heists to do

hope you are ready to play august the rigged winner of the contest


Just hope the devs even give any kind of new info today

Friendly reminder that Sydney is literal trash.


Daily reminder that Jewelry store OD in loud is the hardest experience of the game.


this update better be good or I'm playing vermintide that I got for pennies from humble bundle

Does overkill still hand out jacket pack codes for australians? I emailed them for one over a year ago now

Vermintide has, like, no replayability or lasting appeal.

Got PRGA7 and Z28QC, thanks

Good thing it cost me almost nothing and maybe will last for a few hours of fun until Raid heist comes out

I see, do you need anything?


That's kawaii as fuck fampai.

someone post all their wolfs


it's actually bomb:forest


Given that the Payday gang ran away from the National Guard in GO Bank, no.

in term of firepower and equipement the Zeal team is National Guard tier no ?

discussing what cannon abilities they have is pretty fucking pointless in a game like this

why do you turbo autists gotta be like this? just play the game and enjoy it

So it's the update day. Where is the ""update"" and the new character?

should be any minute now really

They usually do "major" updates around when the steam store updates (~1pm EST) right?

There are no cannons in this game


I was Infamy VII just 3 days ago. Crime Spree rebalancing when?

And didn't instant cash reset on becoming infamous?

Once you hit Infamy V, you don't burn cash anymore.

t. cheater

How the fuck you went from "VII" to XXV without knowing

t. shitter

>How the fuck you went from "VII" to XXV without knowing
I just didn't know if it was a bug or intended, I actually noticed when I went from V to VI, but never asked.

What's good, heisters? New side jobs are out!

Today's new Daily Side Jobs are:
- Longing For Attention (elephant_4_jobs)
- Mass Murderer (any_300_kills)

And today's Safehouse Daily is:
- Total Shogun (daily_heirloom)
Brought to you by Clover.

Keep those helmets flying! ;)

t. 2016-2017 newfriend jackets

Why are these always a day late anyway


What's good, heisters? New side jobs are out!

Today's Daily Side Jobs are:
- Longing For Attention (elephant_4_jobs)
- Yeah He's A Gold Digger (yeah_hes_a_gold_digger)

And today's Safehouse Daily is:
- Drill-O-Phobia (daily_phobia)
Brought to you by Chains.

Keep those helmets flying! ;)

>he's stepping up
God help us all.

How high is the chance of this update finally fixing the two-bullet-per-shot akimbo bullshit?

Low, untill then use mods

Are there any actually viable weapons for OD other than the Chivalry weapons and grenade launchers?

shotguns and snipers, low damage weapon with crits. probably can make akimbo work if gave OD any fucks

did every OD solo with dmr car4, dragon breath judge and crits

How exactly do you get armor skins from the spree? Is it just RNG?

I seemed to get one around every 100 levels

Weed skins when ? I want to feel cool when playing santa's workshop.

>playing santa's workshop

>play OK for 200 hours because I tell myself I'm too scrubby for anything harder
>try to finally play some DW/MH heists
>fuck everything up instantly

Back to Overkill it is then

nah man it's piss easy just give it another go

the trick is to not take it too seriously

I wish it would be. But now I can't even survive on Overkill anymore. Just need to git gud.

OVK just teaches the bad habit of not taking cover. You think you can tank everything but the damage jump and hp jump is massive between ovk and else.

Spree would actually be a good way to learn. Adjust your weapons/loadout as it gets harder and try to stick with that at lower difficulties.

Still can't make carpet.

>overkill in charge of respecting scheluded dates

>crime spree 478
>Biker heist
>take the bike and go
>stuck it in between some shit
>I can perfectly see that the bike is not touching any surface but the collision is way too big
>can't take it out
>failed crime spree

Are you fucking kidding me?

they're actually reskinned forklifts

The back wheel is stuck in the ground now.
What the fuck.

>Picking the biker heist

Did they ever fix the whole thing with Dragan's Breath not counting towards Robbedacop?

It still crashes some clients, what do you think?

How do we fix the Peacemaker?

It still doesn't add up to your kill count at the end of the heist, so I'm guessing Overkill didn't do shit

Is Crime Spree being good to grind levels a meme? Or do you get multipliers later on?

Because how is it better to do 20 minutes of one heist and get 240k than to do literally any other heist and get more in way less time.

The manga? It turned to shit after the timeskip bo.

It is. Just from a 60-80 CS, you can get to level 70+ if you go infamous.

It's better if you just follow a host with a very high level. The ketchup bonus usually is worth getting your ass kicked during that heist rather than do the normal grind legit. If you happen to be ecm rushing stealth heists, than it gets even better.

thank you for the UE code

Video update

it's happening

It's 31 and still no update


17 seconds in and my anticipation-boner has retracted

>It's just more Raid shilling

>literally a reskin of payday 2

>payday 2-lite beta tomorrow

>WW2 weapon pack
>how to unlock
Let me guess, pre-purchase fucking Raid?

There is exactly one thing that could get me really hype for Raid WW2:

A Danger 5 content pack

i'd assume that if you try the beta you get the weapon pack
well at least the button placement seems to indicate so
also are we going to talk about how you start the fucking game from inside payday 2

haven't been keeping up with the news, who the fuck are Ethan and someone else Almir was talking about in the beginning?

Wait what.
I turned off the video once i realised it was just more raid shilling.
Are they for fucking real? It was already a very obvious reskin, but that's just going overboard.

Finally a character for the guy who starts out really good at a game but as it goes on he starts losing his touch and gets involved in needless drama and his boring girlfriend joins him and kills the game for everyone

One of the h3h3 guys and his wife or something.

They announced them as heister as an April's Fool joke but some turboautists actually liked the idea so now they are gonna be the last paid DLC characters.

Oh, and the money you pay for that pack is gonna go straight into the pocket of the two for a lawsuit that they already won

>they are gonna be the last paid DLC characters.
Then who is the new heister that is going to be free before raid?

>half the video is literally fucking nothing

Jesus fuck, there is still SOME update coming tho, right?

I'm pretty sure that button just takes you to the store page or something like that

Probably a Raid promotional character of some sort?


Some dude with a connection to the Raid game that won a vote that was rigged according to this general

And when it's that coming. They said 30 but it's 31.

This is so fucking stupid.

its two things

1. a turboaustist liked the idea
2.h3h3 got caught up in a lawsuit (they won anyway) and so almir and crew decided : HOLY SHIT WE NOW HAVE A REASON TO PUT THEM IN !

How can you not know Ehtan and Hilla and H3H3.
Are they new to the internet?.

Time to warm up the kick button.


Remember to play only on Death Wish or higher and when you are about to finish the heist, kick them.