Angel of Justice edition
Angel of Justice edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>Righteous Glory Voli
*sits on your dick*
I need more
holy shit
Sona is the biggest and bestest and bustiest waifu!
Kayle is left handed.
xth for Syndra
Xayah is for aggressive breeding by a dominant human male.
pls gib charity
Enjoy your ban
*helicopters in your general direction*
why is cho such a common ban these days?
Not sure if you noticed but this is the league of legends thread
Because people don't like playing against a 6k health tank that can deal 1k true dmg in a point and click
What would you do if you woke up as Sona?
Gas all fags
All gay posting should be considered off topic and reportable on any board that isn't /y/ or /lgbt/
I'd be pregnant within 24 hours.
Tell your waifu you love her user, and spend some time with her in game.
Do something nice for her, and tell her that you appreciate her.
cock-loving faggots.
take dicks.
Find Soraka and have hug fights
>eu wakes up
>thread quality immediately goes to shit
c l o c k w o r k
pretty, cute, and adorable
Id go to sleep again and hope I wake up as Lulu
I think Sona has the heavier duty hug weaponry
is he really that strong though? Pretty easy to dodge his CC, sure he's got a big nuke but its basically melee range.
What champion can i pick up to completely fuck most any darius i come across? Im tired of banning him, i wanna learn to neat him without having to worry about the stupid bleed
Mundo though you'll probably need some practice before you attain "annhialate Dario's boypussy" mode.
>how do I beat [top lane melee bruiser]
Its literally just darius though, i have no trouble wih anyone else in top lane except him, ever since they changed that bleed with his rework its been a consistent ban when i go top because of the tilting horrors i faced in the past
His massive aoe silence is nothing to laugh at.
Not sure what rank you are but you can play him safely until diamond at least. Just farm up and get big stacks, you'll always delete one person from a fight with glory plus flash and if you arnt dead then your aoe silence and knockups can be really good in a fight
>Knock Sona up
>Her tiddies get bigger
Im amazed that in League of Counterplay a 1k+ true dmg literal oneshot is not only allowed but encouraged by Riot
>Thought I shielded Darius damage.
>Turns out I absorbed it completely, it just did fuckall damage.
Five menstruation stacks. Only a chain vest. Went from 400hp to 50.
Cute :3
Cute twinks are best.
Anyone with mobility really i lost only 1 as shen against darius in lane but that's just me
yeah I was saying teemo works great against him, and is realistically a strong counter pick to any of the melee bruisers
There are other places to post this shit
Do you actually play this game or do you only post mf pictures?
Are you any good at her?
Do you build lethality or crit?
What rank? I'm gold but idk how she works really
Samsung are dumpster juice trash
how come they never replaced anyone? for 2 years
>No Kassadin's daughter, Irelia's brother, or Kog'Maw's dad champions yet
You like to buy glory on him, is it actually that effective?
reminder there is a nsfw version of the thread available
How else do you intend to gapclose people?
Yes and yes
Not really, im only plat
plat 2
Glory is great and necessary, speeding at niggas to chomp them is pretty fun it also allows you to easily hit your Q's so your team can capitalize.
Africa freecs are my niggas
I hope they go to worlds
I prefer not to use q for the initial engage, when people are already fighting they're less likely to juke it I find.
yo was Afreeca straight up drinking piss?
claim you are waifu/husbando/asexual lifeform to proove youre not a gay
debranded green tea, pretty much every lck team has it on their desk
Claiming Xayah as my sex slave.
koreans win worlds because the drink piss u heard it here first
What do you think about death dance on her? I see diamond players with high mastery on her built it occasionally.
Must help with ult channel?
could bear gryllis stand up to top tier korean teams?
Those are some pearly whites Ob1's got there.
Why is sona so biggest?
Niggers how I get free RP without sucking dick?
>Play FotM cancer
>Play special snowflake dumpster champs
>Hard carry
Help me to understand lolgen.
Give out ass
Win a contest for an RP card code or some shit.
I have a great gig going where I turn up and press buttons on a computer all day, then they give me free free money which I spend on riot points
>wage slave
back off to /r9k/ with you
i spend most of the day on reddit anyway, barely different to neet life.
>it's another 1/5 top laner bitches about my build when i'm 8-2 on a team with only 10 kills episode
double the free?
Alright which one of you faggots is this?
flash tibbers were on point last half of the game
quality post
>you are good with snowflake champ
>you are shit with meta champs
Meta doesn't matter in your elo, pick a champ you are good at
reply to this post or a blue build ezreal will visit your team in your next game
Can I get no Ezraeal at all?
Great name
kog'maws dad never
>over 75% winrate with BB Ezreal
>57% with Trinity
I just can't get used to it
jokes on you
i am the ezreal
>queue up for ranked with duo
>pick janna jhin bot
>random garen locks in
>against a gnar
>shrug off dead meme
>you going tank garen?
>jhin audibly keks in disc chat
>spams meme shit
>loading screen
>Garen with Fervor and not even level 4 with no border and ignite
>jhin GGs it
>the game starts
>pretty sure not one minute into laning
>a little suprised he killed a gnar
>few minutes later
>"Demacian man go back for Item of Big Fucking"
>automatically assume "nice he got his phag-
>a fucking B.F sword
>cringe IRL
>double kill Top lane
>talon mid roamed top
>keking now
>Justice busher get Angel of spin-...revival
>the memes are getting to the whole team
>Few more kills
>poor gnar 38 farm to 100+ at 10 or so minutes
>a black cleaver and tank
>hes going into three of the tanks at once on dragon
>sejuani,Shen,and gnar
>holy fuck this nigger is retarded
>he somehow steals the fucking dragon
>team rushes to him hes literally hard carrying us
>Q Sej Dead
>gnar fail flashes to bot garen flash q>e>ult and chases the fucking shen down
>im actually in awe
>The garen Did not break character ONCE
>he dies top
>"demacia has fallen.."
>talon all chats
>i shit you not
>"that is not what noxian women of many daggers was saying last fortnight.."
>everyone loses their fucking minds
>talon: monster..
>we win
>all honor him
>he gives us his main to add him
>hes a gold M7 garen player
Yes im bronze pls no bully
>green textwall
>skip to the end
>"im bronze"
buffing gnar was a mistake
gnar was a mistake.
>end up playing with a guy who RPs as Tryndamere
>has the most beta voice ever
>Never play with him again
The fuck is wrong with these people
Why am i crying and laughing
fervor runestone reveal when
Sometimes Camila "KYA" on autos. Its so cute :3
Already revealed
im sure 60% attackspeed would be great on the likes of warwick/kayn/camille
Dont forget about trynd...olaf..jax
ad is better than attackspeed on olaf though
Dont think it will be good on Renekton, Darius, Camille, Kayn etc
that was the whole point of post user
Spirit another level right now
Africa looking good
I dunno why these shitters keep picking the Taliyah Kassadin match up and not roaming like motherfuckers from lvl 3 onwards