Shakespeare is shitty Oberon/Titania fanfic edition
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There's nothing wrong with wanting to lovingly impregnate Nezha.
>WTS veiled melee riven 30p
But why.
3rd for Turrents
I remembered someone tried to manipulate prices in warframe market, don't know if someone reported him but his name was taken down a moment later.
>Equip Looter on Carrier
>Expect to run past containers as they explode and easily vacuum the credits and resources
>Carrier takes a second to lock on and fire at each individual container
Fuck, what a waste of Simmaris standing.
>not casually having a million plat
it also goes off in spy vaults
and even if you silence the weapon it still alerts any enemies
>Trinity will never lay eggs inside you
why even live?
I think DE is Intentionally fucking with the Quantity of Traces you are likely to obtain from a Fissure mission when new Primes Release.
I have a 30 day booster.
For the Last 10 days ive been blowing through my collection of useless Relics to upgrade Vaulted Relics. During that 10 day period, similar to other situations when i had a 30day booster, i was regularly getting 20-100+ traces a mission.
I logged on today to get some traces and with my Lucky Cat and Booster still active, i ran 10 fissure missions and in all of them I recieved less than 20 traces. What the fuck is this shit? I think ive experienced the same issue when Banshee and Oberon Prime released.
Im guess DE if fucking with the Quantities to force players to play longer. to make the grind Worse and encourage purchases.
Funny, I noticed I was getting less traces too. A lot of 13-17 traces instead of the usual 25
Buy platinum.
What a cute gynoid!
no i havent sold it yet.
had to update my pc, shit nearly took 2 fuckin hours
didnt have anyone answering to my wts, so the highest bidder is that one user with 200 + rhino prime set
>hydroid prime update drops
>my PC fan dies
something about balls and fluids
You still going for 200+rhino p or 300?
Have you try advertise it on trade chat yet?
a guy just offered 600p
in the trade window we noticed that i dont have enough credits
how do i get 300k credits fast?
Do medium wager 3 times
Should be done in 30 minutes.
Well done you! Try selling those oberon parts you might get some credits from them.
Sell off some duplicate common mods as well.
cant do medium wagers yet, ill do some dark sector things until i can do the cheap one.
can i solo it or should i do multiplayer?
i think ive already sold my millions of harrow and oberon bps
i usually turn them into endo.
Added Nami Skyla Prime and Ballistica Prime to topgun
Solo is better for index
You could sell all your duplicate mods
That tends to give 100k's
>need to sleep, work in 6 hours
>can't, flu killing me
>can't stop grinding for nothing
This game has consumed me and I only have 2 frames
>Been farming Index for credits for the past few hours
>Only increased credit count by 3 million after like 3 hours of farming
>Could be spending this time on Kuva farming, but you need credits to trade valuable shit so kuva rolls would be useless if I can't jew people to begin with
That's what I get for credit farming without a booster, I guess.
Take him back to the drawing board more like.
How hard is it to make a rock/strength themed frame?
>You will never, EVER use a good version of Rumbled in PvE
this would fix atlas after a buff to the gaze ability as far as I'm concerned
I struggle to get 100k credits but I'm still new so eh
Trying to rank up my HEK before I figure out what I need to upgrade it with
That should have just been what his 4 was to begin with, with an augment giving him little minions.
Either that or some boulder dash like rhino charge but gets stronger the more enemies it grabs, like katamari I guess.
Or even a boulder fists like thing that makes his fists into fucking boulders and strengthens his powers and melee damage.
start completing that star chart nigger, don't get complacent with early game dark sectors like I did a few years ago
I just wanna punch shit to death with Boxer Frame, pls DE
Meant for
I am, except I get stuck on the uuh...interception missions I think it is where you gotta capture and hold the areas
Which frame did you start with?
get a fucking booster you fucking mong
40 plat is nothing
I can't remember, it was such a long time ago
It looks like loki
I'm scared
Damn, that was fast man
That's what she said;_;
I have no guarantee that I'll be on frequently enough for that, and besides I'd rather save that plat for resource boosters for kuva farming.
Besides, I almost never buy boosters anymore unless I can get the 30 day ones. It just makes more fiscal sense for how I play this game.
I was asking because if you picked Excalibur you can just build for range + duration and radial blind your way to winning interception missions.
Nah I'm playing Ash at the moment while my Oberon builds
post Grineer-bu frames
>yfw we will never be able to ditch the lotus for uncle Ruk
griniggers begone
name him max
Fuck you.
adarza #37
all my duplicate mods gave like 20k
finally got the credits through index though, pretty easy, except that one fuckin group
How do I build sweeper prime? It's got more status than crit but not enough to reach 100%. Should I just be going for base damage/multishot and fire rate? The most I can get the warframe builder give me is 4k dps.
And is glaive prime actually good? The stats are weird.
>glaive prime
I mean deconstructor prime, I said "glaive" because it's a throwing weapon. The thing helios uses.
building my soma prime, should I go with 2 90% or 2 dual stats?
You build it for status and blast damage. That way it will keep enemies off your back plus help with CO damage multipliers. Don't rely on the Sweeper to do anything past level 50.
>like katamari I guess.
Change his 2 into that. Pressing 2 can still make a wall. Holding 2 at a rock wall turns it into a sticky ball that grows in size and ricochets all over the room, grabbing any enemy. Duration dictates how long it rolls around. he can press 2 again to make the ball explode. Now he's another limbo/frost who can fuck runs for other people haha
forgot pic
always two dual stats, the only time I ever opt to use a 90 is if I already have a couple dual stat mods on and I want to make one stastus more probable than another
75% off plat when?
Do I need to farm more mastery before I am allowed to get it?
even Liver isn't this obnoxious with his taterposting. Give it a rest for a couple generals.
i get 75% discounts almost twice a week
and i never use them because i jew spic trade chat because its easy plat
>mfw forgot to upgrade my incubator and my adarza kavat died
delet fast
booster - CatBuff Y/N -#Traces - Reward
b-y-28-rad N5 Forma
b-y-28-rad N5 Forma
b-n-44-rad N5 Forma
maybe another mesa nerf should happen and maybe those retarded mesafags will run back to lelddit when it happens.
Moldy Chicken
Rate my build:
Oberon Prime, nothing too special yet.
Boar Prime, maxed build except for Primed Point Blank. Radiation and Viral to cash in on some sweet Reckoning (4th ability) bonus damage.
Akstiletto Prime, Blast and Corrosive.
Vaykor Sydon, Gas and Magnetic, primed reach.
Everything combos into my Sydon quick melee and my shotty combos with my 4.
No corrupted mods on Oberon, but have the regular Duration/Power/Range/Efficiency mods.
sometimes I feel like something is missing from this general now, do you ever get that sense? we should make a tearlist of tatoposters
As long as Mesa has shatter shield and shooting Gallery I will always use Mesa.
peacemaker can be replaced with any other weapon.
:3 ill either i shot enemies with peacemaker or one shot them with a vulkar/hek/insert any weapon.
there will always be one mesafag here.
no there are several they are shitting up this general. one just keeps asking the same 2 questions about the frame like every 3-4 threads
Assuming I'm fairly new in terms of progress (3 frames / Ceres / rank 6) and I only want to get one 30 day booster, which one should I get?
At least we don't have the queer of tiers anymore to spout shit about his waifu
Don't get any booster yet.
Get double drops once you have Nekros.
Speaking of TQ, did he finally fuck off? I haven't seen him around in a while.
Are... are we free?
We reached the promised land
>posted twice
>every single thread
what is happening there user
Guys listen. I am unironically enjoying Keystone. I am sorry.
just stop mentioning her and delete your post
8 fucking squads in defection just so I get a chance at harrow.
So goddamn sluggish. Can't find anyone else either gotta solo that shit.
>unironically enjoying kys
Trinitymorph a shit, Nyxomorph the best.
have they added marvin the martian yet?
Ooh I see, thanks user